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【政治】温家宝:中国不会放松房地产调控 Wen crackdown hits Chinese stocks 2012-03-15 | |
Chinese stocks had their worst day of 2012 after Premier Wen Jiabao said the government would maintain its crackdown on property speculation because house prices were still too high.
昨日,中国股市迎来了进入2012年之后最糟糕的一天。中国总理温家宝昨日表示,由于房价仍然很高,政府将继续打击房地产投机活动。 | |
【经济】伊朗石油产量跌至10年低点 Iranian oil output forced to decade-low 2012-03-15 | |
Iran’s oil production has fallen to a 10-year low and could drop to levels last seen during the Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s as sanctions over its nuclear programme disrupt an industry already suffering from years of under-investment.
伊朗石油产量已降至10年来低点,有可能进一步跌至上世纪80年代两伊战争时期的水平。对于已遭受多年投资不足困扰的伊朗石油行业而言,西方针对该国核计划实施的制裁将再一次对之予以重创。 | |
【经济】高盛离职员工公开谴责其“有毒”文化 Goldman accused of ‘toxic’ culture by departing banker 2012-03-15 | |
Goldman Sachs yesterday suffered a rare public attack from within its ranks after a departing vice-president depicted a “toxic” culture at the Wall Street bank where executives referred to clients as “muppets”.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)昨天遭到了来自其内部成员的罕见公开批评——一位离职的副总裁描述了在这家华尔街银行内部、高管们把客户称为“傻瓜”的一种“有毒”文化。 | |
【综合】人手一架无人机 The end of mystery: why we all need a drone of our own 2012-03-15 | |
For the past couple of months, I’ve been building myself a surveillance drone. My craft consists of a remotely-controlled quadcopter – a small helicopter with four rotor blades that looks like a flying X – with an onboard video camera that sends a live feed back to my laptop base station. It also transmits telemetry data about its altitude, speed, bearing and location from its onboard global positioning system receiver. In future, I plan to equip the aircraft with an autopilot system that will allow it to fly from one GPS-specified location to another without my having to pilot it.
过去数月,我一直在为自己组装一架无人侦察机。我的无人机由一台远程遥控的四轴飞行器构成。四轴飞行器是一种小型直升机,上面有四个旋翼叶片,看起来像个飞起来的X符号。这架无人侦察机上配有机载摄像机,可以向我的笔记本电脑基站发回实时反馈信息。通过机载全球定位系统接收器,无人机还可以把飞行高度、速度、方位和位置的遥感数据传输回来。未来,我计划给无人机装配上自动驾驶系统,这样,即使我不遥控它,它也可以按照全球定位系统的命令,从一个地方飞到另一个地方。 | |
【政治】中国环境损失大幅上升 The cost of China’s pollution 2012-03-15 | |
China’s surging economy has made it the world’s biggest energy consumer and by some measures its biggest polluter. Now a former senior official has put a price tag on the cost of that pollution: between 5 and 6 per cent of GDP last year, equal to some Rmb2.6tr – or $410bn, an eighth of the country’s gargantuan currency reserves.
随着经济的蓬勃发展,中国已成为全球最大的能源消费国和——以某些指标衡量——污染来源。现在,原国家环保总局副局长王玉庆给污染造成的损失贴上了价签:去年,环境损失占中国国内生产总值(GDP)的比重可能达到5%至6%,大致相当于2.6万亿元人民币(合4100亿美元),相当于中国庞大外汇储备的八分之一。 | |
【综合】温家宝:警惕“文革”悲剧重演 Wen warns that China faces another Cultural Revolution 2012-03-15 | |
Chinese premier Wen Jiabao fired a parting shot at conservative officials in the ruling Communist party, warning that China could face another Cultural Revolution unless it undertook urgent political reforms.
中国总理温家宝在离任前尖锐地批评执政的中国共产党的保守官员,他警告称,如果中国不进行政治改革,“文革”会再次上演。 | |
【军事】Clinton: US Will Remain Asian Power 克林顿:美国将维持在亚太实力 2012-03-15 | |
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says the U.S. strategic outreach to the Asia Pacific region will be a top priority as Washington transitions away from a decade of military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿说,在美国逐渐脱离持续十年的伊拉克和阿富汗军事行动之际,美国向亚太地区的战略扩展将成为首要任务。 | |
【政治】克林顿承诺继续支持人权组织 Clinton Promises Continued US Support for Rights Groups 2012-03-15 | |
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reminded U.S. diplomats of the need for support of civil society and human-rights organizations that have come under fire by governments in the Middle East and North Africa.
美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿提醒美国外交官支持公民社会和人权组织的必要性。公民社会和人权组织遭到在中东和北非地区政府的打击。 | |
【政治】欧洲邮轮业或到中国寻觅“外援” Cruise shipyards likely to seek Chinese partners 2012-03-15 | |
Europe’s shipyards are likely to form joint ventures with Chinese yards to construct cruise ships tailored to the local market, the chairman of the world’s largest cruise ship builder has predicted as the sector faces growing Asian competition.
随着来自亚洲的竞争变得日益激烈,世界最大邮轮生产商Fincantieri的主席预计,欧洲造船厂可能会更多与中国船厂设立合资公司,按照当地的市场需求建造邮轮。 | |
【政治】FT社评:中国站在十字路口 Leader_Talking about a cultural revolution 2012-03-15 | |
A political leader who is stepping down after presiding over a decade-long economic boom might be excused a little self-congratulation. But the parting message delivered by Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, is bleak and alarming.
一位政治领袖在领导了十年的快速经济增长之后,即将卸任之际若有一点自得情绪,也不为过。但是,中国总理温家宝发表的“告别宣言”,却既严峻又令人不安。 | |
【医疗】儿童、老年人睡眠问题上的新发现 New Findings on Sleep in Children, Older Adults 2012-03-14 | |
"Sleep-disordered breathing" is a term for a group of conditions that can interfere with normal breathing while people sleep. These include snoring, mouth-breathing and sleep apnea. Sleep-disordered breathing can do more than just leave people feeling tired the next day. It can also affect people's health. In children the effects can include behavioral and emotional problems.
“睡眠呼吸紊乱”是一个术语,描述了一组干扰人们睡觉时正常呼吸的状况。其中包括打鼾、用嘴呼吸和睡眠呼吸暂停。睡眠呼吸紊乱不仅仅会导致人们第二天感觉疲倦,还会影响人们的健康。对儿童的影响还包括行为和情绪问题。 | |
【综合】办公室八卦不能少 Office tittle-tattle makes having a job a pleasure 2012-03-14 | |
It’s been a jolly bad week for that most traditional of office pastimes – gossiping. First came a survey saying that Americans are exchanging 21 per cent less gossip around the watercooler than they were four years ago.
办公室里最传统的消遣莫过于八卦。不过,这周对于八卦而言,可真是糟糕透顶。先是有一项调查显示,美国人在饮水机旁八卦闲谈的时间比四年前少了21%。 | |
【政治】分析:汇丰的亚洲战略 Tough challenge for HSBC in Asia 2012-03-14 | |
Peter Wong, chief executive of HSBC’s Asian businesses, has been showing staff his appreciation. He launched his efforts on Valentine’s day.
汇丰(HSBC)亚洲行政总裁王冬胜(Peter Wong)近来一直在向手下的员工表达他的重视。他从情人节那天就开始这么做。 | |
【政治】指责中国不解决问题 Welcome to the new China-bashing 2012-03-14 | |
China-bashing was surely one reason why Mitt Romney was able to scrape a cliffhanger victory in Ohio last week and thus retain his frontrunner status. It is a line to which he will probably resort again and again. Just as deindustrialised Ohio will once more prove a pivotal swing state in the US election, so China will feature increasingly as a bone of contention in the build-up to November. “China steals our designs and our patents and our knowhow,” Mr Romney told Ohioans. “They have walked all over him [Barack Obama]. If I am president that is going to end.”
抨击中国肯定是米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)上周在俄亥俄州取得险胜,从而得以继续保持“领先候选人”地位的原因之一。罗姆尼很可能会反复使用这种策略。正如“去工业化”的俄亥俄州将再次证明是美国大选中的关键“摇摆州”一样,中国也将随着11月美国大选的临近而成为争论的焦点。罗姆尼向俄亥俄州选民表示:“中国偷走我们的设计、我们的专利和我们的技术。他们不把他(奥巴马)当回事,如果我当选总统,将会结束这种情况。” | |
【金融】美联储声明维持当前政策不变 Fed offers upbeat outlook on US 2012-03-14 | |
The US Federal Reserve kept policy on hold and gave a more optimistic outlook for the economy, in a statement that gave no hint that further monetary easing was on its way.
美联储(Fed)在一份声明中表示将保持当前政策不变,并表达了对经济前景更加乐观的展望,但未流露出将进一步放松货币政策之意。 | |
【政治】美欧日将中国稀土出口控制诉诸WTO China faces rare earth case 2012-03-14 | |
The US, European Union and Japan have joined forces to launch a World Trade Organisation case aiming to break China’s control over the global supply of rare earth minerals essential to much high-technology manufacturing.
美国、欧盟(EU)和日本已联手向世界贸易组织(WTO)提起诉讼,希望打破中国对全球稀土供应的控制。稀土是多种高技术加工中必不可少的矿物质。 | |
【法律】国际组织:中国新刑诉法对在华外籍人不利 Foreigners warned of China detention threat 2012-03-14 | |
Dissidents and foreign businesspeople will be far more likely to be secretly detained in China if new provisions in criminal procedure law are adopted as expected, human rights groups warned yesterday.
人权组织昨日警告称,如果中国如人们预料地通过刑事诉讼法修正案草案,异见人士和外国商人在中国遭秘密拘捕的可能性将大大提升。 | |
【政治】欧盟针对电信行业展开反垄断调查 Brussels probes possible collusion in ‘E5’ meetings of telecoms chiefs 2012-03-14 | |
Europe’s top competition watchdog is scrutinising potential collusion in the telecoms industry, focusing on meetings between the chief executives of Europe’s biggest groups.
欧洲最高反垄断监管机构正在调查电信行业可能存在的共谋现象,重点放在欧洲几大电信巨头的首席执行官之间召开的会议上。 | |
【政治】分析:中国高铁遭遇路基沉降 Track collapse triggers Chinese rail concerns 2012-03-14 | |
China’s high-speed rail ambitions are under fresh scrutiny after a newly built track collapsed in heavy rains.
在中国一段新建的铁轨在暴雨中塌陷之后,其修建高铁的雄心受到新一轮的审视。 | |
【政治】FT社评:中国控制稀土的合理性 Leader_The overstated 2012-03-14 | |
The US, the EU and Japan are justified in bringing a case against Beijing’s rare earths export controls to the World Trade Organisation. But they need not crow quite so much about it. Geostrategic panic about China’s dominance in rare earths is exaggerated.
美国、欧盟和日本就中国限制稀土出口向世界贸易组织(WTO)提起诉讼,他们有理由这么做。但他们实在不必制造出这么大的动静。中国占据稀土供应主导地位所引起的地缘战略恐慌,被过分夸大了。 | |
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