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【金融】西班牙债务警报已响 Alarm sounds over Spain’s rising public debt 2012-03-16 | |
In the years of economic crisis since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, Spanish leaders have always been able to boast to nervous investors that Spain’s public debt burden – however bad its annual budget deficits – is smaller than Germany’s and well below the European Union average.
在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)2008年倒闭后的经济危机期间,面对紧张的投资者,西班牙领导人总是能够自夸:西班牙的公共债务负担——不管它的年度预算赤字是何等庞大——不及德国,且远低于欧盟(EU)的平均水平。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:花旗不及格? Lex_Citi and stress tests 2012-03-16 | |
What a waste of everybody’s time. The day after the Federal Reserve was forced to release the results of its latest stress tests, the US bank index finished flat. (All of Wall Street was talking about the sore South African ping-pong pensioner anyway.) Shares in JPMorgan, which on top of “passing” the stress test announced a mega buyback and dividend hike, were also flat. And the highest profile bank to “fail”, Citigroup, was down just 3 per cent.
真是浪费所有人的时间。在美联储(Fed)被迫公布最新银行业压力测试结果的次日,美国银行股指数收平——不管怎样,整个华尔街都在谈论那位从高盛(Goldman Sachs)离职的令人头疼的南非乒乓球“退役运动员”。摩根大通(JPMorgan)的股价也收平。摩根大通在“通过”压力测试之后,宣布了巨额的股票回购计划并将提高派息。最引人瞩目的“未通过”压力测试的花旗集团(Citigroup),股价仅下跌了3%。 | |
【政治】无神论者:美国的“异己分子” Atheism in America 2012-03-16 | |
Point, Texas (pop. 792) is not the easiest place for a single lesbian to raise her child. But neither her sexuality nor her unwed parenthood are enough to make Renee Johnson an American conservative’s worst nightmare. As she explained to me when I met her at Rains County Library, “I’d rather have a big ‘L’ or ‘lesbian’ written across my shirt than a big ‘A’ or ‘atheist’, because people are going to handle it better.”
美国德克萨斯州小镇Point(人口792人)不是单亲同性恋者勒妮•约翰逊(Renee Johnson)抚养孩子最惬意的地方,但是,无论是性取向还是未婚生子,都不足以让她成为美国保守派的最大梦魇。我与她在雷恩斯县图书馆(Rains County Library)见面时,她对我这样解释道,“我宁可自己衬衣上绣一个大大的字母‘L’,即‘女同性恋’,而不是字母‘A’,即‘无神论者’,因为那样一来大家会更心平气和地看待我。” | |
【政治】中国不能再“哭穷” China has to stop pretending it’s a poor country 2012-03-16 | |
To fly from New York to Beijing, as I did this week, is to enter a looking-glass world. Eight o’clock in the morning becomes the same time in the evening. One transfers from a country aggrieved at China to one aggrieved at the US.
从纽约飞往北京,正如我上周所经历的,就像是进入了镜子里的世界。早上八点钟变成了晚上八点钟,从一个怨恨中国的国家,转移到了一个怨恨美国的国家。 | |
【金融】交通银行通过定向增发筹资90亿美元 BoComm beefs up capital by $9bn 2012-03-16 | |
Bank of Communications, China’s fifth-largest lender, has raised $9bn to replenish its capital buffers in the biggest share sale in nearly a year.
中国第五大银行交通银行(Bank of Communications)已融资90亿美元,用以补充其缓冲资本金,这是近一年内规模最大的一起售股行动。 | |
【政治】中国移动副总经理鲁向东辞职 China Mobile executive quits 2012-03-16 | |
One of the most senior executives at China Mobile has resigned after he became involved in a police inquiry over “financial-related issues”, the latest in the fallout from a bribery investigation where a former deputy chairman was handed a suspended death sentence last year.
在因涉嫌“经济问题”而接受警方调查之后,中国移动(China Mobile)一名顶层高管辞职。这是此前一项腐败调查的最新余震,在该调查中,中国移动一名前副总经理于去年被判死缓。 | |
【政治】渣打银行一职员在中国被拘留 StanChart banker detained in China 2012-03-16 | |
A Standard Chartered banker has been detained by police in China as part of an investigation into a wealthy client who allegedly stole money from a state-owned bank.
一位渣打银行(Standard Chartered)的富豪客户涉嫌从中国某国有银行窃取资金,作为警方对此案调查的一部分,一名渣打员工已被中国警方拘留。 | |
【政治】外国投资者增持美国国债 China and Japan increase their holdings of US sovereign bonds 2012-03-16 | |
Foreign investors were strong buyers of US Treasuries at the start of the year, according to official data released yesterday.
昨日公布的官方数据显示,今年年初外国投资者成为美国国债的大买家。 | |
【军事】卡尔扎伊:美军应撤出阿富汗村庄 Karzai Calls For U.S. Troops to Pull Back From Villages 2012-03-16 | |
Afghan President Hamid Karzai has called for U.S. troops to pull back from Afghan villages and relocate to their bases following the killing of 16 civilians in southern Afghanistan earlier this week, allegedly by a U.S. soldier.
阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊呼吁美军从阿富汗乡村撤退,迁到他们的基地去。本周早些时候,据称一名美军在阿富汗南部开枪击毙了16名平民。 | |
【教育】帮助孩子们学习写作 These Pirates Help Children Learn to Write 2012-03-16 | |
A group called Story Pirates goes into schools and performs shows for children. But these shows are based on stories written by the children themselves. The grown-ups are there to help them become better writers.
一家名为Story Pirates的组织走进校园为儿童表演节目,但这些节目都是基于儿童自己编写的故事。而这些成年人在中间帮助儿童们成为更好的作家。 | |
【经济】稀土限制使得中国陷入贸易纠纷 Limits on Rare Earth Exports Get China in Trade Dispute 2012-03-16 | |
The United States, European Union and Japan have called for talks with China under the dispute settlement system of the World Trade Organization. They want to discuss China's export limits on rare earth metals and two other minerals, tungsten and molybdenum. WTO rules give talks sixty days to work. If they do not settle the dispute, a WTO panel can then be requested to help reach a settlement.
美国、欧盟和日本已经提出根据世界贸易组织争端解决机制与中国磋商。他们希望商讨中国在稀土金属以及其它两种矿物质钨、钼上的出口限制。世贸组织的规则为磋商解决提供了60天时间。如果他们未能解决争端,就可以要求一个世贸组织专家小组帮助达成协议。 | |
【金融】德勤审计师辞职致博士蛙股价大跌 Deloitte exit spells trouble for maker of Harry Potter clothing 2012-03-16 | |
Deloitte has resigned as auditor of Boshiwa International, a Chinese maker of children’s apparel that has licences for brands including Harry Potter and Manchester United, over corporate governance concerns.
德勤(Deloitte)已辞去博士蛙国际控股有限公司(Boshiwa International)的审计师职务,原因是担心博士蛙在公司治理方面存在问题。博士蛙是中国内地童装生产商,拥有哈利•波特(Harry Potter)和曼联(Manchester United)等品牌的授权。 | |
【经济】港交所拟推人民币计价衍生产品 HKEx to launch commodity derivatives 2012-03-16 | |
Hong Kong’s main exchange plans to capitalise on what it believes will be demand for commodity risk management coming from China with the launch of metals, agriculture and other commodity derivatives denominated in the renminbi.
香港主要的交易所——香港交易及结算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing,简称港交所)计划推出人民币计价的金属、农产品及其他大宗商品衍生产品,以利用中国内地对大宗商品风险管理的需求。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:腾讯的游戏战略 Lex_Tencent 2012-03-16 | |
Chinese teenagers have a lot of time on their hands. Or so it would seem – their obsession with online games has made Tencent China’s biggest internet company by market value ($50bn). Idle youths also helped Tencent report earnings over one quarter higher last year at Rmb10bn. That pushed up its shares by 4 per cent on Thursday. Not bad for a company which has quadrupled in value in the last three years.
中国的青少年有大把时间,至少看上去如此。他们沉迷于网络游戏,腾讯(Tencent)因此成为中国市值最高的互联网企业(500亿美元)。多亏那些无所事事的年轻人,腾讯去年的盈利增长了逾四分之一,达到100亿元人民币。本周四,该消息推动腾讯股价上涨了4%。对于一家在过去三年中市值增长了3倍的企业而言,这样的表现相当不错。 | |
【政治】Lex专栏:中国楼市冷与热 Lex_China property: boom or bust? 2012-03-15 | |
A BMW is hardly a sign of that times are tough. But in China, one Wenzhou property developer offered a free German-made car to would-be buyers to boost sales. China’s property boom and bust is one of the most debated topics in the world. Most observers agree that a slowdown, led by a government determined to stop the market getting out of control, is under way. Yet the stocks and bonds of many of the companies exposed are booming.
我们很难把宝马(BMW)车与不景气联系在一起。但在中国,温州一家房地产开发商却推出了“买房送宝马”的促销活动。中国房地产市场是将继续繁荣还是将走向萧条,这是世人议论最多的话题之一。多数观察人士都认为,在中国政府防止市场失控的决心的驱动下,房地产市场的增长正在减速。然而,许多房地产企业的股票和债券都涨势良好。 | |
【综合】默克尔为何挺萨科齐? Well done Merkel on campaigning for Sarko 2012-03-15 | |
Angela Merkel is helping Nicolas Sarkozy in his bid to win the French presidential elections. Her party, the Christian Democratic Union, is in campaigning mode as though it was fighting a state election back home in Germany. Should we condemn this as undue interference in the French electoral process? Absolutely not.
德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)正在帮助尼古拉•萨科齐(Nicolas Sarkozy)竞选法国总统。默克尔领导的基督教民主联盟(CDU)目前处于竞选模式,看起来像是在备战德国国内的一场州选举。我们应该把这种做法视为对法国选举过程的不当干预而予以谴责吗?绝对不应该。 | |
【政治】印度政治新动向 The slow lingering death of Delhi’s dynasty 2012-03-15 | |
He came, he saw, he failed to conquer. Rahul Gandhi, the great hope for the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty, has spent two years in Uttar Pradesh rallying support for the Congress party. But the voters of India’s largest state were not exactly bowled over by all the attention. Congress won a paltry 28 seats in the 403-seat legislative assembly. Mr Gandhi has been humbled.
他来了,他看见了,但他却没能征服。身为尼赫鲁-甘地(Rahul Gandhi)王朝最大希望的拉胡尔•甘地(Rahul Gandhi),花了两年时间在北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)为国大党(Congress party)造势拉票。但面对这种特别的重视,印度最大邦的选民们却并非全都为之所动。在北方邦议会选举中,国大党只赢得403个议会席位中的区区28席。拉胡尔铩羽而归。 | |
【体育】我为伦敦奥运设计花园 I designed a garden in the Olympic Park 2012-03-15 | |
Even though I had always thought I’d be an artist, when I graduated in fine art from Nottingham Trent University, I was very disillusioned with the idea of working within the confines of a gallery space. I realised I was more excited by walking and landscape and thought I could connect the two. I also needed money, so I applied for a job at Hampton Court gardens as an under-gardener.
虽然我一直认为自己会当艺术家,但刚从诺丁汉特伦特大学(Nottingham Trent University)美术专业毕业时,我对憋在画廊里的室内工作完全丧失了憧憬。我意识到,自己更喜欢到处走动、喜欢户外的景色。我觉得自己可以找到一份同时满足这两点的工作。我当时也缺钱,因此申请了汉普顿宫(Hampton Court)园艺师的工作。 | |
【政治】当心美国游说集团 Down with lobbyists! Or not? 2012-03-15 | |
The Occupy Wall Street movement has been a lightning rod for Americans who feel angry about the status quo. But if Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman is correct, it is not just Wall Street that deserves placards. He quips there should also be an “Occupy K Street” camp to protest the power of lobbyists who work in Washington, along its (in)famous K Street.
“占领华尔街”(Occupy Wall Street)运动已成为对现状感到愤怒的美国人的泄愤渠道。但如果美联储(Fed)前主席保罗•沃尔克(Paul Volcker)说的没错的话,那么活该被声讨的就不仅仅是华尔街。他打趣说,还应该出现一个“占领K街”(Occupy K Street)阵营,以抗议在华盛顿著名(或是说臭名昭著)的K街上工作的游说者的权力。 | |
【政治】中国放松银根不利转型 China needs a new growth model, not a stimulus 2012-03-15 | |
China is slowing down. After growing by more than 10 per cent a year for more than a decade, its economy is decelerating. Dreams of double-digit growth are over, as premier Wen Jiabao admitted last week to the Chinese leadership. Many analysts have therefore concluded that China needs monetary easing. They are wrong.
中国正在放慢脚步。在10多年来每年增长超过10%之后,中国经济正在减速。两位数增长的美梦已经结束。国务院总理温家宝上周就向中国领导层表达出了这种意思。因此很多分析师得出结论:中国需要放松货币政策。他们错了。 | |
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