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【军事】朝鲜逞军事实力,韩国谴责其导弹计划  North Korea Flexes Military Muscle; South Denounces Missile Plan   2012-03-20
  Tensions rose Monday on the Korean peninsula, with Pyongyang releasing video of a major military exercise and Seoul accusing the North of using a planned satellite launch as a pretext for testing a nuclear weapon delivery system.

【法律】卡尔扎伊就屠杀事件的调查抨击美国  Afghan President Slams US on Probe into Massacre   2012-03-20
  Afghan President Hamid Karzai is accusing the United States of failing to cooperate in the probe of a massacre of 16 Afghan villagers, allegedly by a U.S. soldier.

【农业】仿肉食品的挑战  For Meat Lovers, the Challenge of Faking It   2012-03-20
  Some people in the Netherlands are spending three hundred thirty thousand dollars on a hamburger. The people are scientists at the University of Maastricht. They want to prove that they can make a hamburger that tastes good and does not require an animal to be killed.

【综合】福岛核事故的教训  My findings in the existential fallout from Fukushima   2012-03-19
  In retrospect I cannot but marvel at the extent of my naivety and ignorance then. But such was the mindset of almost everyone in my country in those fateful two weeks, after Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant was plunged into “station blackout” by the impact of the tsunami of March 11 last year.
  回首过去,我无法不对自己当时表现出的幼稚和无知程度感到惊讶。但在受去年3•11海啸影响,东京电力公司(Tokyo Electric Power Company)下属福岛第一核电站陷入“全厂断电”状态之后的两周中——这两周对我们的命运产生了重大影响——在我的国家,几乎每一个人都是这种心态。

【经济】高盛的“巾帼圆梦”计划  Entrepreneurs are taught the lessons of management   2012-03-19
  Earlier this year a group of entrepreneurs held an indoor market at the Arizona campus of the Thunderbird School of Global Management. The 28 entrepreneurs, all women from emerging economies, were selling goods ranging from jewellery and clothing to products for post-natal care.
  今年早些时候,一批企业家在雷鸟国际工商管理学院(Thunderbird School of Global Management)亚利桑那州校区举办了一个室内市场。这28名企业家都是来自新兴市场的女性,她们出售的商品种类繁多,从珠宝到服装,还有用于产后护理的产品。

【政治】科技:美国大选中被忽视的问题  Inequality may lead to rage against the machines   2012-03-19
  Citigroup just hired a brilliant consultant called Watson to build out its digital banking. This very same Watson also advises healthcare companies such as WellPoint and, in his time off, took the top prize last year on Jeopardy!, the television quiz show. According to his friends, Watson has other corporate gigs that he is coy about, and will soon earn more than $1bn annually. His astronomical income puts him in the top 1 per cent of the top 1 per cent of all American workers. Or rather, it would if he were human. He is a machine.

【经济】希腊总理:希腊将实现正增长  Greek PM firm on eurozone   2012-03-19
  Greece’s caretaker prime minister has insisted that a “large, silent majority” is willing to do whatever necessary to remain within the eurozone, in spite of near-daily anti-austerity demonstrations by protesters hit by deep salary and pension cuts.
  希腊临时总理卢卡斯•帕帕季莫斯(Lucas Papademos)坚称,希腊“沉默的大多数民众”愿意采取一切必要措施使自己的国家留在欧元区,尽管几乎每天都有抗议者在进行反对紧缩政策的示威游行——他们因薪水和养老金大幅削减而遭受了沉重的打击。

【经济】美企2012年一季度利润预计将下滑  Wall Street braced for hit to soaring markets   2012-03-19
  US corporations’ quarterly earnings are set to register their first decline in more than two years, in what will be a challenge to the stock market’s stellar start to 2012.

【经济】高盛瞄准单一险种业务  Goldman eyes monoline cover   2012-03-19
  Goldman Sachs is considering offering so-called “monoline” insurance, as it explores new business areas ahead of incoming financial regulation expected to hit its lucrative trading operations.
  高盛(Goldman Sachs)正在考虑提供所谓的“单一险种”(monoline)保险业务。高盛正努力在新的金融监管措施冲击其利润丰厚的交易之前开拓新的业务领域。

【政治】阿富汗推出新举措阻止大规模资金外流  Kabul curbs capital flight after $4.6bn is taken abroad in a year   2012-03-19
  Afghanistan has taken new steps to combat rampant capital flight after the central bank revealed the amount of dollars flown out of Kabul airport doubled to $4.6bn last year.

【政治】中国2月份房价继续下跌  China house prices decline further as curbs take effect   2012-03-19
  Home prices in nearly two-thirds of China’s big cities fell in February from the previous month, as measures taken to tame the property market continue to have an impact.

【经济】俄罗斯将批准私营公司开采北极油气资源  Russia ‘to let private oil groups in Arctic’   2012-03-19
  Private resources companies will soon be allowed access to Russia’s vast Arctic oil and gasfields and the country’s tax system will be changed to promote growth in the sector, according to the chief executive of Lukoil.
  卢克石油公司(Lukoil)首席执行官瓦吉特•亚历克佩罗夫(Vagit Alekperov)表示,私营资源性公司不久以后将获准开发俄罗斯北极地区丰富的油气储备,同时俄罗斯将对税收制度进行改革,以促进石油天然气行业的增长。

【政治】正视中国的历史  China’s past needs to be rewritten   2012-03-19
  How would a Chinese superpower treat the rest of the world? Anyone wanting to peer into the future could start by looking back at the past – or, at least, at the official version of China’s past. The message is not reassuring. China’s schoolchildren are being taught a version of history that is strongly nationalist. The official narrative is that their country was once ruthlessly exploited by rapacious foreigners. Only a strong China can correct these historic wrongs.

【政治】皇家加勒比邮轮集团为大船辩护  Bigger is better and safer, says Caribbean cruise chief   2012-03-19
  The chief executive of Royal Caribbean Cruises has defended the use of big ships, claiming they are safer and more popular with holidaymakers than older, smaller vessels.
  皇家加勒比邮轮集团(Royal Caribbean Cruises)首席执行官理查德•费恩(Richard Fain)为使用大船进行了辩护。他声称,与较老的小船相比,大船更安全、更受度假者欢迎。

【金融】五家银行推出新对冲工具  Five banks launch hedging tool to reduce risk of market sell-offs   2012-03-19
  Five banks have joined forces to create a hedging tool designed to strengthen their balance sheets and protect them against market sell-offs as international regulations force institutions to increase the quality of their assets.

【经济】五矿资源CEO米歇尔莫尔的雄心  Ambitious chief leads the Chinese metals pack   2012-03-19
  Andrew Michelmore has a big job on his hands.
  安德鲁•米歇尔莫尔(Andrew Michelmore)肩负重任。

【科技】科尼2012成为史上最热门视频  Kony 2012 Becomes Most Viral Video in History   2012-03-19
  Have you heard of Joseph Kony? Chances are you have. An American group placed a video about him on the YouTube website in early March. Since then, people around the world have watched the video more than eighty million times.
  你听说过约瑟夫·科尼(Joseph Kony)吗?机会有了。一家美国组织在YouTube网站上发布了一个有关科尼的视频。此后世界各地人们已经观看该视频超过8000万次。

【军事】南苏丹政府军承诺释放儿童兵  South Sudan's Army Promises to Free Child Soldiers   2012-03-17
  This week, the army of South Sudan signed a deal with the United Nations to release all remaining child soldiers. That means the world's newest nation could be removed from a list of countries that use children in the military.

【政治】淘宝如何在中国战胜eBay  Case study: How Taobao bested Ebay in China   2012-03-16
  The story. Taobao.com was founded in 2003 by Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce company, as a defensive move against its US rival Ebay, which had set up in China the previous year.

【综合】给快乐打分  Sex, shopping and the statistics of happiness   2012-03-16
  How satisfied are you with your life these days?

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