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【政治】朝鲜邀请联合国核监督员返回 North Korea Invites UN Nuclear Monitors to Return 2012-03-21 | |
The United Nations nuclear watchdog says it has received an invitation to visit North Korea, three years after its inspectors were expelled from the communist country.
联合国核监督机构--国际原子能机构星期一说,收到朝鲜请该机构核查人员访问朝鲜的邀请。三年前,这个共产党国家驱逐了该机构的核查人员。 | |
【法律】红色高棉前典狱长在法庭上指认前上级 Khmer Rouge Warden Fingers Former Superior to Tribunal 2012-03-21 | |
An ex-Khmer Rouge prison warden has identified the group's one-time chief ideologue, Nuon Chea, as his former superior at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, where thousands of the regime's perceived enemies were tortured and executed.
红色高棉监狱的一名前典狱长指认曾经担任红色高棉主要理论家的农谢是他在金边S-21监狱的前上级。在这个臭名昭著的监狱中,数以千计被红色高棉政权视作敌人的人受到酷刑和处决。 | |
【医疗】控制性脐带牵引对防止产后大出血起效甚微 A Birth Procedure Does Little to Prevent Bleeding 2012-03-21 | |
Severe bleeding, also called hemorrhage, causes one-third of pregnancy-related deaths in Asia and Africa.
大出血导致的死亡人数占到了亚洲和非洲与妊娠有关死亡人数的三分之一。 | |
【政治】美国国债骤跌背后 Sharp sell-off in US Treasuries snares bond bulls 2012-03-20 | |
All of a sudden, it is one-way traffic in the bond markets. US Treasury bonds, the choice asset of the cautious investor, are tumbling in prices.
突然之间,债券市场上的投资者一窝蜂地做出了相同的操作,审慎投资者的首选——美国国债价格开始大跌。 | |
【政治】香港点心债继续热销 Issuers develop a taste for dim sum market 2012-03-20 | |
Dealmakers are ready for a busy year in the small but fast-growing “dim sum” bond market, as Chinese and international companies flock to Hong Kong to issue debt denominated in the currency of mainland China.
随着中资企业和国际企业争先恐后地赶赴香港发行以人民币计价的债券,在规模虽小却发展迅速的“点心”债券市场上,交易撮合者正准备好迎接繁忙的一年。 | |
【政治】为何英国应实施定量宽松政策? Quantitative easing is still the only show in town 2012-03-20 | |
The onus of UK macroeconomic policy falls on the Bank of England. George Osborne, chancellor of the exchequer, has nailed his colours to the mast of fiscal discipline instead. Whatever wheezes appear in next week’s Budget are likely make little difference to immediate performance, as my colleague, Chris Giles, pointed out last week. This does not make the Budget unimportant. As Paul Johnson, director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies, has also noted, a tax system devoid of principles and rife with gimmicks is unpredictable and so a source of damaging uncertainty. But that is, alas, unlikely to change.
制定英国宏观经济政策的责任落到了英国央行(BoE)身上。英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)反而旗帜鲜明地表明了自己对财政纪律的立场。正如我的同事克里斯•贾尔斯(Chris Giles)上周指出的那样,下周的财政预算案无论提议什么,都不会对当前的情况有多大帮助。不过,这并不意味着预算案无足轻重。伦敦财政研究所(Institute for Fiscal Studies)所长保罗•约翰逊(Paul Johnson)也指出,一套缺乏原则、充满欺骗的税收体制是不可预测的,因此也造成了具有破坏性的不确定性。但遗憾的是,这种情况不太可能得到改变。 | |
【经济】高盛未来何去何从? Silence is no longer Goldman 2012-03-20 | |
The traditional omertà at Goldman Sachs makes public criticism from a departing employee all the more stinging. Goldman bankers keep quiet as a matter of corporate culture and because it is in their financial interests to do so. But, as the departing derivatives salesman Greg Smith argued, there are cracks in the culture.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)恪守“沉默法则”的传统做法使得一位离职员工对它进行的公开批评变得更加刺耳。出于一种企业文化,高盛银行家们保持了缄默,因为这么做符合他们的经济利益。不过,正如离职的衍生品推销员格雷格•史密斯(Greg Smith)所宣称的,这种文化出现了裂痕。 | |
【经济】勿对欧元区危机盲目乐观 There is no Spanish siesta for the eurozone crisis 2012-03-20 | |
The markets have concluded that the eurozone crisis has ended. Several politicians said that they, too, believed that the worst was over. Complacency is back. I recall similar utterances in the past. Whenever there is some technical progress – an umbrella, a liquidity injection, a successful debt swap – optimism returns.
市场得出结论:欧元区危机已经结束。一些政治家表示,他们也认为最糟糕的时候已经过去。自鸣得意的心态又回来了。我想起过去那些似曾相识的言论。但凡取得某种技术层面的进展后————某种保护机制、注入流动性、成功的债务置换——乐观的情绪就会再次出现。 | |
【政治】沙特计划采取措施降低油价 Saudis move to lower oil price 2012-03-20 | |
Saudi Arabia is moving to cool the overheating energy market, boosting its exports to the US and reopening oilfields to expand output, as the world’s largest oil producer tries to prevent damage to the global economic recovery.
为了防止全球经济复苏受到伤害,全球第一大石油生产国沙特正打算采取行动,为过热的能源市场降温,手段包括增加对美国的出口,以及重新开放部分油田,以增加产出。 | |
【政治】“中国模式”风光不再 Memo from Beijing: the China model has lost all its lustre 2012-03-20 | |
The world is once again intent on China. Only this time it is seeking to understand not the country’s economic but its political trajectory – and whether its three decades of reform might be derailed. No one with experience of watching the annual sessions of the “rubber-stamp” legislature in Beijing would have expected it to end in such drama, with a blast from Wen Jiabao, the departing premier, that without political reform China could face a repeat of the Cultural Revolution – and then yesterday the purging of Bo Xilai, the maverick regional politician.
全世界的目光再一次聚焦中国。不过,这次他们试图理解的并不是这个国家的经济曲线,而是它的政治轨道:历经三十年的中国改革是否可能偏离正常的轨迹?全国人大多被外界看做是一枚“橡皮图章”。它的观察者未曾预料今年的人代会最终以一场戏剧而落幕——一年后将卸任的中国总理温家宝发表了一番令人震惊的言论。他指出,没有政治体制的改革,文化大革命这样的历史悲剧还有可能重新发生;次日,薄熙来这位特立独行的中国地方领导人被免去重庆市委书记一职。 | |
【政治】共和党的政治实验 Welcome to the GOP’s great political experiment 2012-03-20 | |
In 2005 Mitt Romney decided to run for president, and set about making himself acceptable to the Republican party’s conservative base. He reversed his pro-choice stance, abandoned his support for cap and trade, and discovered a set of almost brutally nationalist foreign policies. The journey from centre-right to right-right nearly killed him, but he made it. Announcing his exit from the 2008 race before the Conservative Political Action Committee, he was introduced to wild applause as a “conservative’s conservative”.
2005年,米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)决定参加总统竞选,并着手塑造形象,让共和党的保守派支持者接受自己。他一改原先赞成堕胎合法化的立场,放弃了对碳排放“限量和交易”(cap and trade)机制的支持,还制定了一套几近粗暴的民族主义外交政策。从中右向极右的转变几乎扼杀了他的政治生命,但罗姆尼挺了过来。在面向美国保守派政治行动委员会(Conservative Political Action Committee)宣布退出2008年共和党候选人提名角逐时,他在掌声雷动的观众面前被介绍为“保守派中的保守派”。 | |
【政治】中国与拉美共同成立10亿美元基金 China and IDB set up $1bn Latin American fund 2012-03-20 | |
China is setting up a $1bn fund with the Inter-American Development Bank to make equity investments in Latin America, in a new move into financing in a region where it is already a major trade partner.
中国将与美洲开发银行(Inter-American Development Bank)共同发起成立一家10亿美元的基金,在拉美地区进行股权投资,此举是中国向该地区提供融资的新举措。中国已成为拉美地区的主要贸易伙伴。 | |
【政治】中国地方政府债务展期细节出台 China details local debt rollover plan 2012-03-20 | |
China’s banking regulator has issued guidelines telling banks how to roll over the loans issued to local governments in recent years, local media has reported.
中国国内媒体报道,中国银监会下发了指导意见,指示中国的银行如何对近年来发放给地方政府的贷款进行展期。 | |
【经济】花旗6.7亿美元出售浦发银行股份 Citi sells stake in China’s SPDB 2012-03-20 | |
Citigroup has sold its stake in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, its partner in a Chinese credit card venture, for about $670m as it prepares for the impact of new regulations on equity stakes and reshapes its push into China.
花旗集团(Citigroup)以6.7亿美元的价格出售了所持有的上海浦东发展银行(Shanghai Pudong Development Bank)的股份,此举旨在为关于股权的新监管要求做好准备,并其重塑在中国市场的业务。浦发银行是花旗在中国信用卡业务的合作伙伴。 | |
【经济】苹果宣布派息计划 Apple unveils payout plan to ease $100bn cash mountain 2012-03-20 | |
Apple yesterday outlined plans to pay its first dividend in 17 years as the US technology group, sitting on a cash pile estimated to exceed $100bn, conceded it could not return cash to shareholders as quickly as it was generating it.
苹果(Apple)昨天宣布了17年来首次派发股息的计划。苹果承认,向股东返还现金的速度不及产生现金的速度。据估计,苹果拥有超过1000亿美元的现金。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:苹果为何不该派息 Lex_Apple’s payout 2012-03-20 | |
Rather than pay out cash – which Franco Modigliani and Merton Miller proved to be financially irrelevant as long ago as 1958 – Apple should have announced the following on Monday.
与其派发现金——佛朗哥•莫迪利安尼(Franco Modigliani)和莫顿•米勒(Merton Miller)早在1958年就证明这样做的经济效益不大——苹果公司(Apple)本周一应该对股东这么说: | |
【经济】Lex专栏:夏普如何止跌 Lex_Sharp: slip sliding away 2012-03-20 | |
Yen slide? Tick. Turnround plan or change of management under way? Tick and tick. Then why is Sharp still sliding while its peers rebound?
日元已经下跌了?没错。复苏计划或改组管理层?两点都做了。那么为什么在同行都在反弹之际,夏普(Sharp)依然在下滑呢? | |
【政治】FT社评:改变美国把持世行的第一步 Leader_Breaking a logjam 2012-03-20 | |
The next president of the World Bank will be American. This does, alas, seem inevitable, however undesirable is the continued insistence of the US and the Europeans on retaining by right the ancien régime at the Bank and the International Monetary Fund. That need not be the end of the matter, however. It would be possible to create a new position of president of the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank Group’s arm for lending to the private sector, and then throw that open to global competition. That would be a modest step. But it would be highly beneficial.
世界银行(World Bank)的下任行长还将是美国人。唉,这一结果似乎确实不可避免,不论美国和欧洲分别把持世行和国际货币基金组织(IMF)的古老体制多么令人不快。然而,这不应成为最终的结局。一个可能的方案是,在国际金融公司(IFC)——世行集团下属负责向私人行业提供贷款的分支机构——增设总裁职位,然后通过全球竞争公开选聘合适人选。虽然这只是迈出一小步,却将使全世界受益匪浅。 | |
【综合】F1掌门人:不承认F1车队协会 F1 chief rules out deal with sport’s 12 teams amid fears over flotation 2012-03-20 | |
Bernie Ecclestone has ruled out cutting a collective commercial deal with Formula One’s 12 racing teams, amid fears from some that the sport’s 81-year-old ringmaster has offered two teams stakes in a new F1 structure before a possible flotation.
佩特拉•埃克莱斯顿(Petra Ecclestone)已明确表示,不会与一级方程式(F1)赛事的12支车队集体达成一项协议。此前有人担心,这位81岁的F1掌门人在F1可能的上市之前,向两支车队提供了F1新控股公司的股份。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:百丽与达芙妮的“鞋战” Lex_China: shoemakers put best foot forward 2012-03-20 | |
Shoes – we all need them, but the choice between looks and function depends on our financial standing. Which makes shoes a clear proxy for consumer spending. In China roughly $40bn in shoes are sold domestically each year, about the same amount that it exports. That demand has buoyed China’s footwear stocks such as Belle with a market value of $15bn, which reports earnings this week, and smaller rival Daphne, which released results on Monday.
每个人都要穿鞋,但是重款式还是重实用,要看我们兜里有多少钱。因此,鞋子成了消费者支出的风向标。中国国内的鞋销售额每年约400亿美元,与鞋的出口额相当。如此高的需求对百丽(Belle)和达芙妮(Daphne)等中国鞋企的股价形成了支撑。市值已达150亿美元的百丽将在本周发布财报,而其竞争对手、市值稍小的达芙妮则已于周一发布了财报。 | |
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