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【科技】微软在中国推出新版智能手机软件  Microsoft targets Chinese smartphone market   2012-03-22
  Microsoft is trying to stem the slide in market share of its mobile operating system in China with a push into the low-end smartphone market.

【政治】Lex专栏:英国削减企业税的局限  Lex_UK corporate taxes   2012-03-22
  A competitive tax regime – frankly who wouldn’t want one? The UK government said two years ago that it wished to create the most competitive corporate tax regime among the Group of 20 largest economies. In yesterday’s Budget it took another step in that direction, announcing that the headline rate of corporation tax would fall to 22 per cent by 2014, from 24 per cent in April. So companies that pay their taxes in the UK have reason to cheer. But as with a lot of things fiscal, appearances can be deceptive.

【经济】阿拉斯加向亚洲输气计划有望进展  Alaska champions $40bn plan for oil groups to export gas to Asia   2012-03-22
  BP, ExxonMobil and ConocoPhillips are in discussions over a $40bn project to export liquefied natural gas from Alaska to Asia, potentially opening up large but stranded reserves that currently have no route to market.

【军事】韩国寻求扩大导弹射程  Seoul seeks US accord on extended missiles   2012-03-22
  South Korea wants to strike a controversial agreement with the US that will allow Seoul to extend the range of its ballistic missiles to counter the threat of a nuclear-armed North Korea.

【军事】奥巴马将在核安全峰会期间访问朝鲜半岛非军事区  Obama to Visit Korean DMZ During Nuclear Security Summit   2012-03-22
  U.S. officials have confirmed that President Barack Obama will visit the tense demilitarized zone between North and South Korea next week during a visit to Seoul.

【教育】通过网上开放课程免费获得教育  Getting a Free Education, in Huge Online Classes   2012-03-22
  A class with tens or even hundreds of thousands of students might sound like a teacher's bad dream. But a big idea in higher education these days is the massive open online course, or MOOC.

【综合】为找工作自贬?  Should I dumb myself down in order to get a job?   2012-03-21
  I am looking for a job in finance but keep on getting turned down – both before and after an interview – on the grounds that I am “overqualified”. I don’t understand what is so wrong with overqualification. Do they think I will be difficult to work with? Or do they mean that I’m too old (I’m in my 40s)?

【经济】亚洲国家争购平价天然气  Asia scrambles to tap into cheaper gas   2012-03-21
  Shale gas may have revolutionised the US energy market, but Chevron is counting on it not having the same effect in Asia, at least for a while yet.

【政治】中国钢厂为何“养猪”?  Chinese steel groups forced to diversify to grow profits   2012-03-21
  As China’s construction boom slows and steel mills across the country scramble to find ways to bolster profits, one has hit on an unusual strategy – raising pigs.

【政治】就业问题将长期困扰美国  The American labour market remains a shambles   2012-03-21
  It is understandable, given the number of times green shoots have been seen since the downturn began in December 2007, that there might be some scepticism about claims the recovery is finally under way. To me the question is what does it imply for policy? Does it mean we can be more relaxed about the demands for budget cuts emanating from fiscal conservatives? Or that the US Federal Reserve should start paying more attention to inflation, and begin contemplating raising interest rates? Even if this is not one of the many green shoots that soon turn brown, the economy will almost certainly need more stimulus if it is to return to full employment any time soon.

【政治】谁为英国QE买单?  The Bank of England should make the QE debts disappear   2012-03-21
  Quantitative easing is a party with a nasty hangover. After the binge of creating money and buying debt, the received wisdom is that the Bank of England will sell the debt it has purchased back into the market. But this will be deflationary and raise interest rates. It is an unnecessary hangover.

【综合】去杠杆化将继续  The fight to cut debt has just begun   2012-03-21
  “Deleveraging” is an ugly word for a nasty journey: that towards lowering excessive debt after a credit bubble. What makes the effort particularly difficult now is that it affects the US and other large economies. This is a global, not just a local, event.

【政治】日本海外建厂保障稀土供应  Japan acts to secure rare earths   2012-03-21
  The Japanese government is usually concerned about the hollowing out of the industrial sector, but when Shin-Etsu Chemical said in January it would build a rare earth recycling plant in Vietnam instead of upgrading its domestic facilities, the trade ministry had no objections.
  日本政府通常对国内工业部门向海外转移充满担忧,但是当1月份信越化学(Shin-Etsu Chemical)表示要在越南建立稀土回收厂,而不是升级国内工厂时,日本经济产业省对此并没有提出反对。

【政治】必和必拓警告中国铁矿石需求放缓  BHP warns over iron ore demand   2012-03-21
  BHP Billiton, the world’s biggest mining company by market value, has warned of “flattening” iron ore demand from China, in the most bearish remarks yet from a leading miner about the world’s largest consumer of the commodity.
  必和必拓(BHP Billiton)警告称,来自中国的铁矿石需求正在“停止增长”。对于中国这个世界最大的大宗商品消费国,这是领先矿商迄今发出的最悲观言论。以市值计算,必和必拓是全球最大的矿商。

【政治】沙特石油部长称当前油价偏高  Saudi oil minister says prices unjustified   2012-03-21
  Ali Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s powerful oil minister, made a rare public intervention yesterday, declaring that high oil prices were “unjustified” and vowing that the kingdom would boost output by as much as 25 per cent if necessary.
  沙特位高权重的石油部长阿里•纳伊米(Ali Naimi)昨日罕见地进行公开表态,称目前的高油价“不合理”,并郑重承诺,沙特将在必要时增加25%的产量。

【政治】欧盟:航空碳排放收费不让步  EU to defy carbon trade war threat   2012-03-21
  The threat of a trade war will not make the European Union back down on climate legislation, Connie Hedegaard, the bloc’s climate chief, said yesterday in reply to pressure by foreign governments who want the EU to drop plans to charge airlines for carbon emissions.
  欧盟(EU)气候行动专员康妮•赫泽高(Connie Hedegaard)昨天表示,欧盟不会由于贸易战的威胁而在气候立法上做出让步。一些国家政府希望欧盟放弃对航空公司收取碳排放费用的计划,赫泽高是在回应这些政府的施压时做出上述表态的。

【法律】新鸿基执行董事涉嫌贿赂被捕  HK property executive held in bribe probe   2012-03-21
  Shares in Hong Kong’s largest property developer by revenue were affected yesterday by the arrest of one of its longest-serving executive directors in connection with a bribery investigation.
  香港房地产开发公司新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai)执行董事陈巨源(Thomas Chan)因牵涉一桩贿赂调查被拘留,受此影响,昨天该公司股价下跌。按营收计,新鸿基是香港最大的房地产开发商。

【政治】摩根大通将参股中国百瑞信托  JPMorgan moves closer to China JV   2012-03-21
  JPMorgan Chase expects to secure final approval for its new trust company joint venture in China in the second quarter of this year, according to people familiar with the situation, as it slowly ramps up its presence in the country.
  知情人士表示,正在逐渐扩大在华版图的摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)预计,在中国成立一家合资信托公司的计划,有望于今年第二季度获得最终批准。

【综合】苹果打响下一代SIM卡标准争夺战  Apple gears up for Sim standard fight   2012-03-21
  A battle has broken out between Apple and its rival smartphone makers over the standard industry template for miniature Sim cards for the next generation of slimmer handsets.

【政治】Lex专栏:中国汽油价格可能继续上调  Lex_China fuel prices: on the up   2012-03-21
  David Cameron, the UK prime minister, told New Yorkers last week that UK petrol prices (diesel $2.30 a litre) would make them (paying about half that) faint. Chinese drivers can feel woozy on their own account: the country’s biggest fuel price rise in nearly three years will leave Shanghai drivers handing over a record $1.30 a litre, up at least 7 per cent overnight. But the rise, and China’s still-tight control of fuel prices, will do little to help the country’s swooning oil companies.
  英国首相戴维•卡梅隆(David Cameron)上周对纽约人说,英国燃油价格之高(柴油2.3美元/升)会把他们吓晕(纽约的柴油价格低了一半左右)。现在中国的司机也该感觉晕眩了:中国燃油价格出现近三年来的最大涨幅,上海的司机买1升汽油得付创纪录的1.3美元,一夜之间上涨了至少7%。不过,这次油价上调,以及中国对燃油价格的严格管制,对晕沉沉的中国石油企业不会有多大帮助。

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