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【经济】人人都能创业  We can all choose freedom over a job   2012-03-23
  Can everyone be an entrepreneur? At first glance the idea seems preposterous. More people than ever are employed in giant multinationals – apparently preferring the safety of working for someone else to the risks of going it alone.

【经济】亚洲国家大幅减少进口伊朗石油  Asian countries cut Iran oil imports as US pressure rises   2012-03-23
  China, South Korea and Japan sharply cut their oil imports from Iran in February following intense US efforts to persuade Asian buyers to comply with Washington sanctions on Iran’s central bank.

【政治】中日韩就三边投资协定达成一致  Japan, China and S Korea in investment deal   2012-03-23
  Japan, China and South Korea have sealed a long-discussed trilateral investment agreement intended to pave the way to closer business ties between east Asia’s leading economic powers.

【金融】中澳签署310亿美元货币互换协议  China in $31bn currency deal with Australia   2012-03-23
  China has signed a $31bn currency swap agreement with Australia, a step towards boosting the renminbi’s profile in developed markets.

【政治】印度辛格政府再爆丑闻  India ‘lost $210bn in cheap coal sales scam’   2012-03-23
  India’s government was rocked by a fresh corruption scandal yesterday after it was accused of forgoing $210bn in potential revenues by selling coal assets too cheaply to some of the country’s top industrialists.

【政治】奥巴马回击对其能源政策的批评  Obama fires back at critics of energy policy as fears grow over high oil price   2012-03-23
  Barack Obama has hit back at his energy critics over rising fuel costs amid fears that this year’s rise in oil prices is undermining the economic recovery and his own re-election prospects.
  巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)回击了批评其能源政策推高燃油成本的指责。人们担心,今年的油价上涨正在破坏经济复苏,也不利于奥巴马的再选前景。

【经济】Zara品牌将在华开设网店  Inditex to open online Zara store in China   2012-03-23
  Inditex will open an online store for its Zara brand in China this winter, in the latest stage of its rapid move into internet sales. The world’s largest clothes retailer by value also continued to open new stores at a rate of more than one a day last year.

【金融】Lex专栏:关注中国银行业不良贷款  Lex_Chinese banks   2012-03-23
  First the good news: a cut in regulatory reserves to boost rural lending. Handy for an institution named Agricultural Bank of China. But then the bad: AgBank’s own provision for souring debt grew four times as fast as its good loan book last year. If the numbers from China’s third-largest lender are anything to go by, the outlook for the Chinese banking sector is worsening rapidly.
  先来看好消息:中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)更多农村支行可以享受更低的法定准备金率,此举旨在促进农村信贷,对农行是好事。但还有条坏消息:去年农行不良贷款拨备的增速为优质贷款的4倍。如果这家中国第三大银行的数据可作为判断依据,那么中国银行业的前景正在迅速恶化。

【法律】缅甸与联合国共同讨论新媒体法  Burma, UN Hold Discussions on New Media Laws   2012-03-23
  In conjunction with the Burmese government, the United Nations' cultural agency staged the first meeting of a workshop examining the Burmese government's relationship with the media.

【政治】前白宫助理称朝鲜卫星发射违反协议  Former WH Defense Aide Says N Korean Satellite Launch Violates Agreement   2012-03-23
  A former senior White House aide on Asia policy says North Korea's recently announced plan to launch a satellite into orbit would violate an agreement with the U.S. on the suspension of ballistic missile testing.

【经济】一年制MBA好不好?  The difference a year makes   2012-03-22
  The one-year, full-time MBA programme, standard at most business schools in Europe, is starting to become a more prevalent offering in the US as American institutions strive to court a different target market.

【金融】世界银行属于世界  End the monopoly: let’s make it a real World Bank at last   2012-03-22
  Robert Zoellick announced on February 17 that he would not seek a second mandate as president of the World Bank. Little has been heard since from Washington or Brussels about possible replacements. Does this mean there is some hesitation in the US administration about which American to nominate? Or does it mean that the unwritten convention, allocating the leadership of the IMF and the Bank respectively to Europe and the US, is at last giving way to the idea that the World Bank should be managed by the most qualified person, whatever his or her origin?
  罗伯特•佐利克(Robert Zoellick)在2月17日宣布不再寻求连任世界银行(World Bank)行长职务。从那以后,华盛顿和布鲁塞尔对可能的接替人选都几乎没有做出任何表态。这是否意味着美国政府对提名哪个美国人有些犹豫?还是意味着国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行的领导职务分别由欧洲人和美国人担任的不成文惯例终于开始松动,取而代之的观点是世界银行应当由最有资格的人领导,无论他来自哪个国家?

【金融】拨开金融数据迷雾  A guiding light is needed to cut through the fog of financial data   2012-03-22
  If Greece were to descend into disorderly default, how big would the financial hit be? That question has been stirring up intense debate in the markets; and, of course, among regulators too. With negotiations about Greek debt having dominated the headlines, it has been important to understand the “what if” scenarios.

【综合】克林姆林的政改试验  Kremlin takes big gamble with political experiment   2012-03-22
  Moscow’s pro-democracy street protests are losing momentum. But the country’s political reawakening is not over – it will simply take on different forms. And in this next stage, Russia’s regions may start to play as important a role as the capital’s middle-class marchers.

【政治】中国改革攻坚之战  How to blow away China’s gathering storm-clouds   2012-03-22
  China is entering upon a difficult transition to both lower growth and a different pattern of growth. This is the conclusion I drew from this year’s China Development Forum in Beijing. Moreover, it is likely to be a political as well as an economic transition. These two transitions will also interact with one another in complex ways. The past record of economic success, under Communist party rule, does not guarantee a comparably successful future.
  中国正步入一个艰难的转型期,既要降低经济增速,又要改变增长模式。这是我从今年在北京召开的中国发展高层论坛(China Development Forum)得出的结论。此外,这可能既是一种经济转型,又是一种政治转型,这两种转型还将以复杂的方式互相作用。中国过去在共产党领导下所取得的经济成就,不一定确保未来会同样成功。

【经济】工银中东业务利润猛增  China bank reaps rich Gulf rewards   2012-03-22
  China’s largest commercial bank grew rapidly in the Middle East last year, as trade links between the Gulf and the world’s second-largest economy flourished.

【政治】中国要求新进律师必须宣誓  Lawyers told to swear party allegiance   2012-03-22
  China has ordered lawyers to swear allegiance to the Communist party, tightening its grip on legal activists.

【政治】法国本土恐怖主义抬头  France confronts terrorism   2012-03-22
  France was confronting the emergence of homegrown Islamist terrorism on its soil following the brutal killing of seven people, including three children, by a 23-year-old French citizen who was last night holding out in a flat surrounded by police in the southern city of Toulouse.

【综合】捷豹路虎与奇瑞结盟  Jaguar Land Rover forges China deal   2012-03-22
  Jaguar Land Rover is to form a joint venture with China’s Chery Automobile in the UK premium carmaking group’s first foray into manufacturing in the world’s largest car market, writes John Reed in London.
  捷豹路虎(Jaguar Land Rover)将与中国奇瑞汽车(Chery Automobile)成立合资公司,这是这家英国高端汽车制造集团首次尝试在全球最大的汽车市场从事生产。

【经济】欧洲央行或放弃购买资产担保债券  ECB asset purchases hint at end to support   2012-03-22
  The European Central Bank is falling behind on a €40bn asset purchase programme launched at the height of eurozone crisis, in a sign it could be dropped as a first step towards unwinding emergency support for the region’s financial system.

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