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【经济】FT社评:阿拉斯加出口天然气有理 Leader_Let the gas flow 2012-03-27 | |
Resource nationalism is a phenomenon that has troubled American oil companies in many parts of the world, from Venezuela to Russia. They are not used to being confronted by it at home.
资源民族主义是在世界许多地方困扰美国石油企业的一种现象,从委内瑞拉到俄罗斯。它们没想到会在自己的老家遭遇这个问题。 | |
【政治】分析:奥巴马世行行长提名获称赞 Obama receives guarded praise for choice of World Bank chief 2012-03-27 | |
Developing countries have described US President Barack Obama’s nomination of health policy expert Jim Yong Kim for president of the World Bank as a smart choice but renewed their criticism of Washington’s monopoly on the job.
发展中国家评价美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)提名卫生政策专家金辰勇(Jim Yong Kim)担任世界银行(World Bank)行长是一个明智的选择,但同时再次评批了美国在这件事上的独断专行。 | |
【综合】内塔尼亚胡在玩火 Don’t play politics with the bomb 2012-03-27 | |
Benjamin Netanyahu might as well have worn a Mitt Romney campaign pin during his visit to Washington. Israel’s prime minister does not hide his disdain for Barack Obama – nor his backing for the Republicans in the November election. Mr Romney, still limping towards his party’s nomination, has pledged that if he wins the White House his first overseas trip will be to Jerusalem.
以色列总理本雅明•内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)在访问华盛顿时,其实还不如戴上米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)的竞选徽章。内塔尼亚胡不掩饰自己对巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的蔑视,也不掩饰他在11月美国大选中支持共和党。仍在艰难争取共和党总统候选人提名的罗姆尼承诺,如果入主白宫,第一次出访的目的地将是耶路撒冷。 | |
【政治】中国手机市场大洗牌 Shake-out for China mobile makers 2012-03-27 | |
In a factory compound called “Silicon Valley Power” in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, one of the white-tiled buildings is locked. Until last year, it was home to a mobile phone assembly line. “They closed down and sent the workers home,” says a guard.
在中国深圳市硅谷动力(Silicon Valley Power)产业园里,一栋外表贴着白瓷砖的楼房大门紧锁着。直到去年,这栋楼里还运行着一条手机生产线。“他们关门了,然后把工人们都遣散了,”一位保安说。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:看好澳航东航合资 Lex_Qantas / China Eastern 2012-03-27 | |
Since China launched its post-Mao reforms in 1978, according to Liu Shaoyong, the first decade was about getting enough to eat, the second decade about putting clothes on your back, and the third about buying a home. With growing disposable income, this decade is about travelling. If the China Eastern Airlines chairman is right, then its joint venture with Jetstar, the low-cost arm of Qantas, could not come at a better time for both, especially for the Australian carrier.
按照刘绍勇的说法,自中国在1978年启动毛时代之后的改革以来,第一个10年解决了“穿衣”的问题,第二个10年解决了“饮食”的问题,而第三个10年的主题是解决“住房”问题。随着人们的可支配收入越来越高,当前这个10年中国将关注“出行”问题。如果中国东航(China Eastern Airlines)董事长的话是对的,那么该公司与澳航(Qantas)旗下的廉价航空公司捷星(Jetstar)成立合资公司,时机对双方都再好不过,尤其是对澳航而言。 | |
【经济】华为未放弃澳洲宽带项目 Huawei tries to allay Australian fears 2012-03-27 | |
China’s largest network equipment manufacturer has offered the Australian government far-reaching security concessions as it seeks to participate in a A$42bn ($44bn) broadband project.
中国最大的网络设备制造商华为向澳大利亚政府做出重大的安全让步,该公司正寻求参与一个价值420亿澳元(合440亿美元)的宽带项目。 | |
【经济】FT社评:梁振英的历史使命 Leader_Hong Kong’s vote 2012-03-27 | |
Leung Chun-ying won the election to become chief executive of Hong Kong with 689 votes, one ten-thousandth of the 6.89m garnered by Ma Ying-jeou in the recent Taiwanese presidential election. Unlike in democratic Taiwan, an election committee of just 1,200 “elite” personages determines who runs Hong Kong, a global financial centre and a special administrative region of China since 1997.
梁振英(Leung Chun-ying)凭借689张选票当选香港特首,票数是不久前台湾大选中马英九(Ma Ying-jeou)得到的689万张选票的万分之一。与民主的台湾不同,一个仅由1200名“精英”人士组成的选举委员会决定由谁执掌香港。香港是一个国际金融中心,自1997年以来是中国的一个特别行政区。 | |
【政治】伯南克:美国失业下降难持久 Fed chief cautious over rapid jobless fall 2012-03-27 | |
Rapid recent falls in US unemployment may prove to be a one-off unless economic growth picks up, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve warned yesterday.
美联储主席本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)昨日警告称,除非经济增长加快,否则美国失业率近期的迅速下降或许只是昙花一现。 | |
【政治】世行行长候选人金辰勇著作引争议 US World Bank nominee under fire over critical book on growth 2012-03-27 | |
Jim Yong Kim, the US nominee to head the World Bank, is coming under fire over a book he co-authored which criticises “neoliberalism” and “corporate-led economic growth”, arguing that in many cases they had made the middle classes and the poor in developing countries worse off.
美国提名的世界银行(World Bank)行长人选金辰勇(Jim Yong Kim)因其参与合著的一本书而受到外界抨击,该书对“新自由主义”和“由企业主导的经济增长”提出了批评,并指出,它们在许多情况下都令发展中国家中产阶层和贫困人口的生活境况变得更加糟糕。 | |
【金融】默克尔表态支持扩充欧元区防火墙 Berlin backs plan to raise euro firewall 2012-03-27 | |
Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, for the first time publicly confirmed yesterday that her government will back plans for an increase in the eurozone’s financial “firewall” to at least €700bn, including the €200bn already committed to Greece, Ireland and Portugal.
德国总理安格拉•默克尔(Angela Merkel)昨日首次公开证实,德国政府将支持欧元区金融“防火墙”规模增加到至少7000亿欧元的计划,其中包括已用于为希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙纾困的2000亿欧元。 | |
【军事】胡锦涛:中国认真对待朝鲜导弹发射 Hu Says China Takes Pyongyang Missile Launch Seriously 2012-03-27 | |
U.S. officials say the United States and China have agreed to coordinate their response to a scheduled North Korean missile launch that has overshadowed this week's nuclear security summit in Seoul.
美国官员表示,美中两国同意协调它们对朝鲜计划进行的导弹发射的回应。朝鲜的这一发射计划给本周在首尔举行的核安全峰会蒙上阴影。 | |
【政治】中国体制内并非铁板一块 Purge drama reveals party is far from monolithic 2012-03-27 | |
The irony of the purging of Bo Xilai, the brash and charismatic Communist party chief of Chongqing, is that he may have been the most popular politician in China. When asked last year what they thought of Mr Bo, a group of middle-aged women from a housing estate in the central Chinese city emphatically thrust their thumbs up in unison. “Bo Xilai is great,” they said. “We love Bo Xilai.”
为人自负却颇富个人魅力的中国重庆市委书记薄熙来被免职。这件事的讽刺之处在于,在它发生之前,薄熙来或许是中国人气最高的官员。去年,重庆市一个居民小区里的一群中年妇女在被问到如何看待薄熙来时,齐齐翘起了大拇指。“薄熙来很棒,”她们说,“我们都爱薄熙来。” | |
【经济】Lex专栏:纾困基金并非越大越好 Lex_A lot is never enough 2012-03-27 | |
The eurozone crisis is over. (You hadn’t heard?) Italy is back from the brink, Greece has its second cheque, Ireland and Portugal are learning to love austerity, Spain keeps adding two and two together and making five, and the European Central Bank has flooded the banking system with more than €1tn of liquidity. Yields on 10-year sovereign bonds have fallen to about 5 per cent for Spain and Italy. Stocks are up 10 per cent since late November. The mood is dangerously smug.
欧元区危机已经结束——你难道还没听说?意大利从悬崖边缘退了回来,希腊拿到了它的第二张支票,爱尔兰和葡萄牙正在学会爱上紧缩,西班牙一直在努力让2加2等于5,欧洲央行(ECB)向银行系统注入了超过1万亿欧元的流动性。西班牙和意大利10年期主权债券收益率跌至约5%。股市自去年11月底以来累计上涨了10%。市场的自满情绪已经有些危险了。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:比亚迪困境 Lex_Chinese cars 2012-03-27 | |
That’ll teach investors to follow Warren Buffett too blindly. Sure, the share price of BYD (Build Your Dreams), China’s second-biggest homegrown car brand by unit sales, jumped more than tenfold in the year after Mr Buffett’s investment through a subsidiary of Berkshire Hathaway in September 2008. Then it fell by three quarters. And now a profit warning: the company said that its first-quarter net profit could fall 95 per cent from a year earlier. That wiped another 5 per cent off the share price on Monday. Poor performance in BYD’s battery segment, which makes up a 10th of sales, is partly to blame. The bad news, however, is that BYD’s car segment – which makes up half of revenue and carries gross margins one-fifth higher than its average – will do little to turn things around.
盲目跟风沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的投资者得到教训了。没错,在巴菲特通过伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)旗下子公司投资于比亚迪之后,这家以销量计排名中国第二的本土汽车制造商的股价已经上涨了逾9倍。但其后,股价已经跌去了四分之三。现在该公司则发出了盈利预警:比亚迪称,今年第一季度净利润可能比去年同期下跌95%。消息一出,周一比亚迪股价再跌5%。电池业务表现欠佳是业绩下滑的原因之一,这一业务占了比亚迪销售额的十分之一。不妙的是,比亚迪的汽车业务——占营收的一半,毛利率高出公司平均水平十分之一——将无力扭转颓势。 | |
【经济】中石化:将继续大举海外采购 Sinopec: refining woes dampen profits 2012-03-27 | |
Few companies embody the sheer size and ambition of the Chinese state-owned enterprise like Sinopec, China’s biggest oil and gas refiner. Not only is Sinopec one of the world’s biggest oil companies by asset size, it is also the single most acquisitive Chinese state-owned company, having invested more than $35bn in overseas deals since 2009.
很少有公司比中石化(Sinopec)更能体现中国国有企业的庞大规模和雄心了。中国最大的油气精炼商中石化不仅是全球最大的石油公司之一(按资产规模计算),而且还是最有收购欲望的一家中国国有企业——该公司自2009年以来在海外投资了逾350亿美元。 | |
【宗教】伊斯兰教人士将主导埃及制宪委员会 Egypt's Islamists Set To Dominate New Constitution 2012-03-27 | |
Islamist politicians are set to dominate a committee charged with drafting Egypt's first post-revolutionary constitution, sparking a revolt by secular-minded panel members whose role in the country's political future appears threatened.
伊斯兰教的政治人士预计将主导负责起草埃及革命之后首部宪法的委员会,这引发了制宪委员会中非宗教成员的抗议,后者在埃及政治未来中的角色显然受到威胁。 | |
【政治】奥巴马与俄总统私谈内容曝光引质疑 Obama Appeal to Russia Caught Live 2012-03-27 | |
President Barack Obama was overheard confiding to Russia's president that he would have to await his re-election before addressing the divisive issue of global missile defense, an unscripted moment that touched off a political backlash at home.
美国总统与俄罗斯总统的一段私下谈话无意间被外界听到。谈话中,奥巴马(Barack Obama)向梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)坦言,要等到再次当选才能解决全球导弹防御系统这一引发双方分歧的问题。这个始料未及的事件在美国政界引发了强烈的反应。 | |
【经济】分析:靠网店占领中国市场 China: rising costs push products online 2012-03-26 | |
It is no secret that it is no longer that cheap to make things in China. But now, it is becoming expensive to sell there, too.
中国的制造业成本已经不再那么低廉,这并非什么秘密。但现在,中国市场的销售成本也变得越来越高。 | |
【政治】法国媒体和权力“同床共枕” The French media: in bed with power 2012-03-26 | |
It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that France is a left-wing country. I live in Paris on the marching route of the regular demonstrations – manifestations, known affectionately as manifs. On the radio on Saturday mornings, people wish each other “Bonne manif!”. The socialist François Hollande, favourite to win this spring’s presidential elections, says, “My adversary is finance.” He’s calling for a tax rate of 75 per cent on anyone (except possibly footballers) earning over €1m.
人们很容易误以为法国是一个左翼国家。巴黎街头时常发生示威抗议(示威游行的法语说法是“manifesations”,又被亲切地简称为“manifs”),我就住在游行的必经之路上。在周六早上的广播中,人们会互相祝愿“示威快乐!”(Bonne manif!)。有望在今年春天赢得总统大选的热门人选、社会党人弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)说:“我的仇敌是金融界。”他呼吁对所有年收入超过100万欧元的人征税75%(足球运动员可能除外)。 | |
【经济】荷尔蒙与金融交易 Regulators should get a grip on traders’ hormones 2012-03-26 | |
Why have the financial markets recently rallied so sharply in places such as America?
为什么近来美国等地的金融市场回升得这么厉害? | |
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