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【政治】伊朗:将于4月13号举行核会谈 Iran Says Nuclear Talks Set for April 13 2012-03-29 | |
Iran's foreign minister says he expects a new round of talks with world powers on the country's nuclear program to begin April 13, but that a venue has not been set.
伊朗外长萨利希说,他期待与世界强国就伊朗核项目进行新一轮会谈, 会谈将于4月13号开始,但还没有确定会谈地点。 | |
【政治】中国反腐 茅台遭殃 China: Wen drink warning hits moutai shares 2012-03-28 | |
First cars, now booze – Chinese liquor producers saw their shares tumble yesterday after Premier Wen Jiabao vowed to ban government officials from squandering public funds on cigarettes and luxury alcohol, writes Robert Cookson.
先是汽车,如今轮到了白酒——在中国总理温家宝承诺将禁止政府官员利用公款肆意消费高档烟酒之后,中国酒类生产企业的股价周二大幅下挫。 | |
【政治】梁振英当选引发香港富人担忧 Hong Kong’s wealthy remain wary of the rise of its ‘populist’ chief execut 2012-03-28 | |
Stanley Ho, the billionaire casino mogul and property developer, once said he would quit Hong Kong if Leung Chun-ying became the city’s chief executive. Mr Leung, he said, “hates the rich”.
身家上亿的博彩业巨头、房地产开发商何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)曾经说过,如果梁振英(Leung Chun-ying)当选香港特首,他将从香港撤资。何鸿燊认为梁振英“仇富”。 | |
【综合】保守派喜欢奥巴马 Obama gets the conservative vote 2012-03-28 | |
The world does not get a vote in the US presidential election. Never mind, politicians across the globe are lining up regardless behind Barack Obama. It is not just the usual suspects – soggy Europeans who abhor the culture wars waged by US conservatives. The Republicans are trailing in places where they have traditionally had a strong edge on the Democrats.
其他国家对于美国总统大选没有表决权。但没关系,全球各地的政界人士不管怎样都会支持巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的。这样做的不仅仅是“通常嫌犯”——死气沉沉的欧洲人,他们对美国保守派发动的文化战争可谓深恶痛绝。共和党人正在传统上拥有强大优势的领域输给民主党人。 | |
【金融】美联储应与欧央行对调 The Fed and ECB should be trading places 2012-03-28 | |
For much of past year, Ben Bernanke’s activist US Federal Reserve was ahead of the curve, making bold use of the experimental monetary instruments he had conceived as an academic. Across the Atlantic, Jean-Claude Trichet’s European Central Bank was behind the curve – active, but not active enough relative to the crisis it faced. Today’s big question for the world economy can be framed this way: might these roles be reversed?
过去一年的很长时间里,本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)领导的激进的美联储(Fed)一直走在曲线之前,大胆地使用了伯南克作为一个学者所能想到的各种实验性货币工具。在大西洋对岸,让-克洛德•特里谢(Jean-Claude Trichet)领导的欧洲央行(ECB)则落后于曲线——虽然积极,但相对于其面临的危机而言却显得不够积极。对于全球经济而言,目前的一个重要问题可以这样表达:这两种角色能否互换? | |
【政治】奢侈品投中国所好 Rich rewards where east meets west 2012-03-28 | |
Success stories in the world of luxury goods tend to be companies with significant sales in China, while brands that rely on traditional European consumers find themselves lagging, writes Rachel Sanderson in Milan. Salvatore Ferragamo, the Italian shoemaker to Marilyn Monroe and Judy Garland, this month reported some of the strongest revenue growth in the industry. Operating profit is up 80 per cent, and Chinese shoppers account for 30 per cent of its business.
在奢侈品行业,成功故事通常属于那些在中国销量惊人的公司,而那些依赖传统欧洲消费者的品牌则会发现自己落在了后面。为玛丽莲•梦露(Marilyn Monroe)和朱迪•加兰(Judy Garland)制作鞋子的意大利品牌菲拉格慕(Salvatore Ferragamo)本月报告了业内最强劲的收入增长,营业利润增长了80%,中国消费者占其业务的30%。 | |
【政治】台湾鸿海逾8亿美元入股夏普 Hon Hai to take 10% of Sharp 2012-03-28 | |
Hon Hai, the Taiwanese contract electronics manufacturer, is to become the largest shareholder in Sharp of Japan as part of an $805m deal that underscores the shifting centre of power in Asia’s consumer electronics industry.
台湾电子代工制造商鸿海(Hon Hai)将成为日本夏普(Sharp)的最大股东,这笔价值8.05亿美元的交易凸显亚洲消费电子产业的实力转移。 | |
【科技】新闻集团前子公司被曝雇佣电脑黑客 News Corp in fresh storm 2012-03-28 | |
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp was yesterday facing fresh allegations over its business practices after an Australian newspaper released 14,000 emails concerning one of the group’s security subsidiaries.
鲁珀特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的新闻集团(News Corp)周二因其商业行为再次受到指责,此前一家澳大利亚报纸披露了1.4万封涉及该集团旗下一家安全公司的电子邮件。 | |
【经济】Lex专栏:鸿海入股夏普划算 Lex_Hon Hai/Sharp: stake has a point 2012-03-28 | |
Why would Hon Hai, also known as Foxconn, make its biggest bet in Japan ever by buying a 10 per cent stake in flagging television-maker Sharp? Terry Gou, founder and chief executive of Hon Hai, who is even putting up his own cash to fund the deal, is being clever.
亦称为富士康(Foxconn)的鸿海(Hon Hai),为什么要购买萎靡不振的电视机制造商夏普(Sharp) 10%股份,由此在日本作出其历来最大的投资?拿出个人资金为这笔交易融资的鸿海创始人及董事长郭台铭(Terry Gou),在这件事上颇为精明。 | |
【经济】远期油价走低引发市场猜测 Oil price discount prompts debate 2012-03-28 | |
Oil contracts for delivery in three to five years’ time are trading at their biggest ever discount to spot prices, prompting a debate about whether the era of triple-digit oil prices will be a short-term phenomenon.
3至5年后交割的石油合约相对于现货的价格折扣达到有史以来最大程度,由此引发一场辩论:三位数油价的时代是否只是短期现象。 | |
【经济】国美销售额上升 利润下滑 Expansion plans put a dent in Gome’s results 2012-03-28 | |
Gome Electrical Appliances, China’s second-largest consumer electronics retailer by sales, reported a 6 per cent fall in full-year net profits to Rmb1.84bn ($291m), despite a 17.5 per cent rise in sales to Rmb59.8bn.
按销售额计中国排名第二的消费电子产品零售商国美电器(Gome)报告称,全年净利润下滑6%,降至18.4亿元人民币(合2.91亿美元),尽管销售额上升了17.5%,至598亿元人民币。 | |
【科技】分析:包钢稀土利润为何暴增? Rare earths: high prices boost Baotou 2012-03-28 | |
China dominates the world’s rare earths production, accounting for more than 95 per cent of global supply – a situation that has often sparked complaints from foreign manufacturers who rely on Chinese rare earths.
中国主宰了全球的稀土生产,占全球供应逾95%,这种状况经常引发依赖中国稀土的外国制造商的抱怨。 | |
【经济】力拓或考虑出售钻石业务 Rio business review suggests diamonds are not forever 2012-03-28 | |
Rio Tinto has followed rival BHP Billiton by putting its diamond business on the block, as the biggest mining groups try to prune their portfolios to focus on their highest quality assets.
继竞争对手必和必拓(BHP Billiton)之后,力拓(Rio Tinto)成为又一家可能将钻石业务挂牌出售的矿业公司。如今,全球各大矿业集团正试图为各自业务“瘦身”,从而将重点放到最具价值的资产领域。 | |
【综合】安南称叙利亚接受和平方案 Annan says Syria embraces peace plan 2012-03-28 | |
Kofi Annan, the special UN and Arab League envoy to Syria, said the regime in Damascus had accepted his plan for resolving the country’s crisis even as its tanks, troops and artillery pummelled opposition strongholds and crossed the border into Lebanon.
联合国-阿盟叙利亚危机联合特使科菲•安南(Kofi Annan)表示,叙利亚政权已经接受了他提出的解决该国危机的方案。但与此同时,叙利亚政权的坦克、军队和炮火仍在不停攻击反对派的堡垒,甚至还越境进入黎巴嫩。 | |
【政治】中国航空业因“退保”蒙受损失 Chinese airline profits hit by dispute over oil hedging 2012-03-28 | |
A dispute with international banks has cost Chinese airlines dearly as they have been flying for much of the past year without insurance against surging oil prices.
中国航空业因为与国际银行之间存在的争议而付出了高昂代价。在过去一年的大部分时间里,它们都在没有针对油价暴涨的保险的情况下运营。 | |
【法律】死刑国家减少,行刑数量不减 Fewer Nations Executing More People 2012-03-28 | |
Amnesty International says a declining number of mainly Asian countries continued to carry out the death penalty at an "alarming rate" in 2011.
国际特赦组织说,一些国家在2011年仍在继续以“令人警觉的速度”执行死刑。 | |
【法律】美国最高法院大法官激烈质疑奥巴马医改法 Justices Question Health Law 2012-03-28 | |
The Supreme Court's conservative justices sharply challenged the Obama administration's health-care overhaul Tuesday, raising clearly the prospect that its signature domestic achievement could be struck down.
周二,最高法院的保守派大法官对奥巴马政府的医疗改革法案提出激烈质疑,这也许会导致奥巴马政府国内政策中的标志性成就被宣布无效。 | |
【政治】叙利亚接受安南的和平计划 Syria Accepts Annan Peace Plan 2012-03-28 | |
International peace envoy Kofi Annan says Syria has accepted his plan to end violence in the country.
国际和平特使科菲.安南说,叙利亚接受了他提出的在叙利亚结束暴力的方案。 | |
【政治】死刑国家减少,行刑数量不减 Fewer Nations Executing More People 2012-03-28 | |
Amnesty International says a declining number of mainly Asian countries continued to carry out the death penalty at an "alarming rate" in 2011.
国际特赦组织说,一些国家在2011年仍在继续以“令人警觉的速度”执行死刑。这些国家主要以亚洲国家为主,数量正在减少。 | |
【经济】交易成本值得花 Charity begins… in the back office 2012-03-27 | |
You’re a generous person, I can tell. But how much do you think about the effectiveness of your charitable donations? One handy way to size up a charity is to pay attention to how much money it spends on overheads such as administration and fundraising, rather than frontline do-gooding. There’s only one small problem: this ready reckoner is enormously misleading.
我能看出来你是个慷慨的人。不过,你觉得自己捐出的善款,使用效率有多高?衡量一家慈善机构,一个简便的计算方法是考虑它有多少钱花费在了经营中,如行政管理和筹款,而不是用在第一线帮助他人。可惜有一个小小的问题:这种简便的计算方式具有极强的误导性。 | |
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