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【政治】检讨美国能源战略  Time to stop the politics and adopt a national energy plan   2012-03-29
  President Obama is on the road. Today is the second day of his tour of four states – Oklahoma, Nevada, Ohio and New Mexico – crucial to US energy production. His journey is well timed, coming amid renewed fears of rising oil prices. His choice of locations is smart, too, for it shows the president is well aware that we need a comprehensive approach to US energy.

【政治】护航美国经济复苏  How to nurture the new optimism on the US economy   2012-03-29
  Economic forecasters divide into two groups. There are those who cannot know the future but think they can – and then there are those who recognise their inability to know the future. Major shifts in the economy are rarely forecast and often not fully recognised until they have been under way for some time. So judgments about the US economy have to be tentative. What can be said is that for the first time in five years a resumption of growth significantly above the economy’s potential now appears a substantial possibility. Put differently, after years when growth was more likely to surprise below expectations than above them, the risks are now very much two-sided.

【政治】中国汇改机不可失  The time is right for China to liberalise the renminbi   2012-03-29
  The Obama administration has raised the stakes in its increasingly tense stand-off with Beijing on trade and currency issues. It has set up a new agency to investigate China’s trade practices and, along with Japan and the European Union, recently initiated a process through the World Trade Organisation to challenge the restrictions that China places on exports of rare earth minerals.

【政治】中国经济势成骑虎  . . . as Chinese corruption plays catch-up   2012-03-29
  Widespread corruption at the local government level remains a threat to China’s economic development. If stories are to be believed, Chongqing’s disgraced party boss Bo Xilai even used an anti-corruption drive to put the squeeze on local business people. Beijing faces more immediate problems, however. Recent policies have pushed the country’s well-known macroeconomic imbalances to extreme levels, its real estate market is glutted and its credit system appears increasingly vulnerable.

【经济】FT社评:华为透明才能更成功  Leader_Huawei’s woes   2012-03-29
  China has identified the telecommunications sector as one of seven strategic industries to drive foreign trade. Yet the flood of unchecked cyber crime and espionage emanating from within its borders is making it difficult for companies to win business abroad

【政治】美英法日磋商释放石油储备  Nations in talks over release of oil reserves   2012-03-29
  Efforts by some of the world’s biggest oil buyers to co-ordinate the possible release of emergency reserves and an intervention by Saudi Arabia sent crude prices tumbling yesterday, raising the prospect of relief for Europe’s flagging economy and American motorists facing $4-a-gallon pump prices.

【政治】Lex专栏:中国燃气收购战  Lex_China Gas: on the defensive   2012-03-29
  Whinger or investor rights campaigner? Views of China Gas depend on whether you are ENN Energy and Sinopec, its hostile suitors, or those it claims are affected by an “unreasonable” deal timetable (three months, no absolute offer, and counting). China’s first hostile bid by a state-owned enterprise for a domestic company has quickly adopted international dealmakers’ familiar PR gambits. But its Chinese element adds a new, untested dimension.
  中国燃气是在发牢骚还是在保卫股东权益?对中国燃气(China Gas)的看法,取决于你是其敌意收购者新奥能源(ENN Energy)和中石化(Sinopec),还是那些它声称受到“不合理”交易时间表(已历时3个月却未收到明确收购通函,且仍在一天天拖延)影响的其他方面。中国国有企业向一家本国公司发起的首次敌意收购,已迅速采用国际交易撮合者熟知的公关策略。但其中的中国元素增添了一个未经测验的新层面。

【金融】分析:盈利前景恶化 中国股市承压  China: investors turn jittery over profit concerns   2012-03-29
  It does not take much to knock confidence in the Chinese stock market these days. Yesterday it was a bearish report from Société Générale cutting its 2012 profits growth forecast for greater China to zero, writes Stefan Wagstyl.
  如今不需要很多就能击垮中国股市的信心。昨日,法国兴业银行(Société Générale)发表的一篇将2012年大中华地区企业利润增长预期下调至零的看空报告,就让中国股市大跌。

【经济】中银国际申请加入伦敦金属交易所  China bank unit asks to join London Metal Exchange   2012-03-29
  The London Metal Exchange has received two new membership applications, including one from the first potential Chinese member, as the exchange prepares for a sale.

【政治】“世行行长选举过程将测试虚伪度”  ‘Hypocrisy test’ for World Bank   2012-03-29
  Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Nigerian finance minister seeking to become the first non-American to lead the World Bank, has warned rich nations that the selection process will test their “level of hypocrisy”.
  寻求成为世界银行(World Bank)首任非美国籍行长的尼日利亚财长恩戈齐•奥孔约•伊维拉(Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala)向发达国家发出警告称,行长的选举过程将测试他们的“虚伪程度”。

【政治】外佣居港权案 香港政府上诉获胜  HK overturns maid residency ruling   2012-03-29
  The Hong Kong government has won an appeal against a landmark ruling that gave foreign domestic helpers the right to apply for permanent residency in the city.

【商贸】手机制造商CEO瞄准中国  Mobiles in China: follow the leader   2012-03-29
  If proof were needed of the importance of China to mobile phone makers, follow the chief executives. Both Apple’s Tim Cook and Nokia’s Stephen Elop have been in the country in the last few days – Cook to put Apple’s case in trademark disputes, Elop to launch a new smartphone.
  如果需要证明中国市场对手机制造商的重要性,那么就跟着首席执行官们走吧。苹果(Apple)的蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)和诺基亚(Nokia)的斯蒂芬•埃洛普(Stephen Elop)在过去几天里一直呆在中国——库克是去处理苹果的商标纠纷案,而埃洛普则是发布一款新的智能手机。

【经济】诺基亚与苹果激争nano-SIM卡标准  Nokia in nano-Sim threat to Apple   2012-03-29
  The battle between Nokia and Apple over the design of future miniature Sim cards for mobile phones has escalated, with Nokia threatening to withhold essential technology for Apple’s template, impeding the rival proposal.

【政治】中国原油产量下滑  China faces crude oil output challenge   2012-03-29
  The oil market’s view of China is so focused on its rising demand that its domestic production receives much less attention than it deserves.

【金融】港交所在新数据中心推出设备托管平台  HKEx signs up 22 members for trading hub   2012-03-29
  Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing, the world’s largest exchange operator by value, on Wednesday revealed it had signed up 22 brokers and trading technology providers to create a “virtual marketplace” in its new data centre.

【政治】梁振英:我绝对不是“狼”  Leung Chun-ying :I am not   2012-03-29
  'Are you a wolf?'

【政治】世行行长候选人金永吉回应任职资格质疑  US's World Bank Pick Defends His Credentials   2012-03-29
  Jim Yong Kim, in his first public comments since the U.S. nominated him to lead the World Bank, defended himself against criticism over his credentials and commitment to economic growth.
  针对外界对其任职资格和致力于经济发展的热忱的质疑,金永吉(Jim Yong Kim)在一篇文章中为自己进行了辩护,这是金永吉成为美国提名的世界银行(World Bank)行长候选人之后首次公开发表评论。

【医疗】低生育率令香港苦恼  Hong Kong Frets Over Low Fertility Rates   2012-03-29
  In the 1970s, Hong Kong's government worked hard to persuade people against having too many children--with posters around town declaring 'Two is enough' and 'Family planning can make work a delight and life blissful.'

【政治】昂山素季有望在缅政府担任公职  For Myanmar's Rebel Icon, Politics Get Real   2012-03-29
  The expected election of pro-democracy dissident Aung San Suu Kyi to her first-ever political office on Sunday won't just be the latest milestone in Myanmar's surprise transformation.
  倡导民主的异见人士昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)预计将于周日投票后获得她在缅甸政府内的第一个职务,这将是缅甸令外界惊讶的变革过程中最新的里程碑式的进展,但这件事的意义还不止于此。

【金融】中国在温州尝试新金融模式  China Tries On New Financial Model   2012-03-29
  China approved a broad package of financial reforms in Wenzhou, a city known for entrepreneurship and underground lending, in what may be a prelude to a national effort to liberalize China's creaking financial system.

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