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【经济】Lex专栏:全能银行过时了  Lex_Global banks: through Ficc and thin   2012-03-30
  Business gurus and fashion stylists advise playing to your strengths. So why do many banks seem to follow the more motherly advice of giving it a go and doing one’s best? They do this in spite of heaps of evidence that banks often destroy shareholder value in businesses where scale or expertise is lacking. In a recent Oliver Wyman analysis of top global banks, about a fifth of revenues from up to 15 business lines made no economic profit at all. Twice as many businesses were “quite accretive”. But by far the best returns (and 40 per cent of revenues) came from just eight to 10 areas.
  商业大师和时尚造型师建议人们要扬长避短。可为何有那么多银行似乎在遵循“大胆尝试并尽己所能”这一更具母性的建议?有大量证据显示,银行在缺乏专业知识或一定规模的领域开展业务,往往会损害股东价值,但各银行仍乐此不疲。奥纬咨询(Oliver Wyman)最近对全球顶级银行的一项分析显示,在多达15条业务线中,大约五分之一的营收是完全没有经济利润的。两倍于此的业务具有“相当大的增值性”。但遥遥领先的最高回报(占总营收40%)仅来自其中的8至10个领域。

【金融】香港私人银行业游说放宽监管  HK private banks fight crisis rules   2012-03-30
  Hong Kong’s private banking industry is in talks with the government and regulators seeking the removal of some red tape and compliance requirements implemented after the financial crisis, to help it sell products to more of the region’s multimillionaires.

【金融】史上最成功对冲基金经理岁入39亿美元  Dalio earns $3.9bn to top hedge fund pay list   2012-03-30
  Ray Dalio, head of Bridgewater, the world’s largest hedge fund, personally made $3.9bn in a year that his $70bn Pure Alpha fund produced $13.8bn of investment profits for its investors, according to industry rankings.
  从业内排名看,世界最大的对冲基金桥水公司(Bridgewater)掌门人雷•戴利奥(Ray Dalio)个人在一年期间挣了39亿美元,同期他的Pure Alpha基金为投资人产生了138亿美元投资利润。

【政治】南海问题可能成为今年东盟峰会议题  Sea Disputes Loom Over Asean Summit   2012-03-30
  Tiny Cambodia is emerging as a key pawn in the diplomatic struggle over one of the world's busiest stretches of water: the potentially energy-rich South China Sea.

【科技】机器人替我参加儿子婚礼  When a Robot Becomes the Life of the Party   2012-03-30
  When Richard Garriott de Cayeux threw a costume party the night before his wedding in Paris, his 82-year-old mother dressed up as an Indian princess and attended as a robot.
  理查德•加里奥特•卡耶(Richard Garriott de Cayeux)婚礼前一晚在巴黎举办化妆舞会时,他82岁的母亲海伦•玛丽•加里奥特(Helen Mary Garriott)打扮成印第安王妃,通过机器人出席了舞会。

【政治】日本发布最新报告称朝核形势难测  Pyongyang's New Leader, Nuclear Policy Worry Tokyo   2012-03-30
  North Korea's development of nuclear and ballistic missile technology against the uncertain political background of a young leader attempting to consolidate power marks a potential new level of danger for regional security, according to a report by the research arm of Japan's Ministry of Defense.

【经济】和记黄埔将放缓收购节奏  Hutchison set to cut debt and slow purchases   2012-03-30
  Hutchison Whampoa, the Hong Kong-based conglomerate, said it was going to carry less debt and slow down its pace of acquisitions, following its affiliated companies spending about US$15bn to buy three leading businesses in Europe in the past two years.
  总部位于香港的企业集团和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)表示,该公司将减少负债,放缓收购节奏。过去两年内,和黄附属企业总共斥资约150亿美元收购了欧洲三家领先企业。

【经济】普拉达拟增160家零售店  Prada to add 160 stores to retail empire   2012-03-30
  Prada, the Italian luxury goods group, said it plans to ramp up expansion of its retail stores over the next two years as it reported a 72 per cent rise in profits in 2011, on surging sales of its handbags and shoes to Asian shoppers.

【政治】郭氏兄弟被捕震动香港  Arrests shatter benign image of Kwok brothers   2012-03-30
  There is plenty of vitriol aimed at property tycoons in Hong Kong, where the world’s most expensive house prices have resulted in abysmal living conditions for many poor families and where developers are thought to wield unhealthy influence over government.

【经济】FT社评:金砖国家需加强团结  Leader_Loose Brics   2012-03-30
  As a marketing tool, the Brics brand has been a huge success. It has focused attention on the rising power of five fast-growing economies that account for almost half the world’s population and a quarter of its economy. But for all its sunny show of unity, this week’s summit of leaders from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa revealed there is still more that divides these powerful emerging markets than unites them.

【政治】风波之后的重庆  Bo purge leaves Chongqing in a beautiful limbo   2012-03-30
  In People’s Park in Chongqing, a series of tree-shaded terraces clinging to the steep mountainside above the Yangtze River, a big sign has gone up. “Do not make noises that could disturb others,” it says, along with other exhortations about civilised behaviour.

【法律】新鸿基地产联席主席因涉嫌贿赂被拘  Sun Hung Kai Chairmen Arrested in Hong Kong   2012-03-30
  Two billionaire brothers who are among the city's most powerful property tycoons and the city's former No. 2 official were arrested Thursday on suspicion of bribery in a case that gets to the heart of city's business culture and its economy.

【政治】昂山素季质疑缅甸选举公正性  Suu Kyi Raises New Doubts About Myanmar Elections   2012-03-30
  Pro-democracy dissident Aung San Suu Kyi said a string of campaign irregularities was raising serious doubts about the fairness of Myanmar's upcoming election this Sunday, adding fresh fuel to debates over whether Western nations should ease sanctions against the country once the elections are done.
  缅甸亲民主异见人士昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)说,一系列的竞选违规行为将引发人们对缅甸周日即将举行的选举公正性的严重质疑。她的这番话令围绕西方国家是否应该在缅甸选举结束后放宽对该国制裁的争论变得更加激烈。

【医疗】当心,同事可能会破坏你的减肥大计  Colleagues Who Can Make You Fat   2012-03-30
  It's one thing to keep an eye on workplace rivals. But another type of sabotage can be much harder to spot.

【经济】RIM报告巨亏 多位高层离职  Balsillie Leaves RIM Board as BlackBerry Maker Posts Big Loss   2012-03-30
  Research In Motion Ltd. RIMM +0.44% announced a series of high level departures, including former chief executive Jim Balsillie's resignation from the board, as the BlackBerry maker reported a $125 million loss in the fiscal fourth quarter.
  黑莓(BlackBerry)手机生产商Research In Motion Ltd.公司(简称RIM)报告第四财季亏损1.25亿美元,同时宣布多位高层离职,其中包括前首席执行长鲍尔西利(Jim Balsillie)辞去董事会职务。

【军事】驻韩美军司令对朝鲜危险发出警告  US Commander Warns of Growing North Korean Threat   2012-03-30
  The top commander of U.S. forces in South Korea says he is concerned about North Korea's growing capability to carry out attacks through nonconventional means, such as cyber warfare and chemical weapons.

【政治】南海问题可能成为今年东盟峰会议题  Sea Disputes Loom Over Asean Summit   2012-03-30
  Tiny Cambodia is emerging as a key pawn in the diplomatic struggle over one of the world's busiest stretches of water: the potentially energy-rich South China Sea.

【综合】世界依然美好  Reasons to be cheerful. Seriously   2012-03-29
  You might think things are bad: economic crisis, hunger, Israel versus Iran, Vladimir Putin, Joseph Kony, etcetera. Viewed through the prism of daily news, things do indeed suck. But if you imagined an annual “state of the world” report, the audience would be dancing the conga in the aisles. These are the best times in history, even though it won’t look that way if you’re reading this in a slum in Mogadishu. Here are some key measures of life on earth:
  你也许会认为人类目前的处境很糟:经济危机、饥饿、以色列与伊朗冲突、弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)、乌干达恶魔约瑟夫•科尼(Joseph Kony)等等。从每天的新闻来看,情况确实很糟。但如果你编撰一份年度“世界形势”报告,读者们会兴奋地手舞足蹈起来。眼下是历史上最好的时刻——不过,如果你是在索马里首都摩加迪沙的一个贫民窟里读到这份报告的话,看上去可能并非如此。以下是世界上一些关键的衡量生活的标准:

【政治】爱马仕的中国元素  Brand puts luxury into ‘made in China’ tag   2012-03-29
  China’s ancient emperors knew how to live. Shang Xia, the Chinese luxury brand launched recently by Hermès, is trying to resurrect that image of a much older civilisation in which only the best would do.
  中国古代皇帝懂得如何享受生活。爱马仕(Hermès)近几年推出的中国奢侈品牌“上下”(Shang Xia)正试图重现中国古老文明的顶级生活方式,该品牌推出的都是最精湛的手工艺品。

【艺术】FT社评:世行行长最佳人选  Leader_The right leader for the World Bank   2012-03-29
  After months of speculation, the final list of candidates for the next World Bank president is now clear.
  在经过数月的猜测之后,下任世界银行(World Bank)行长候选人的最终名单终于揭晓。

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