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【经济】欧元区财长会议同意扩大防火墙  Eurozone acts to quell contagion fears   2012-03-31
  Eurozone governments moved to quell fears of renewed crisis on Friday, with finance ministers raising the so-called firewall to back countries that get into financial difficulties as Spain moved more aggressively than expected to cut its fiscal deficit.

【艺术】香港电影节重映经典功夫片《大醉侠》  'Come Drink With Me' Screens in Hong Kong   2012-03-31
  Hong Kong cinephiles seized a rare opportunity this week to see a hometown classic on the big screen, a reminder that martial-arts films dating back a half century continue to influence today's filmmakers.

【艺术】全美范围内掀起“向女性的宣战”?  Has the Sexual Revolution Been Good for Women? No   2012-03-31
  Spring came early to most of the 50 states this year─and with it, at least in the political fields, the usual crop of mixed truths, untruths, and wildly growing falsehoods. Let's yank up one of those weeds for a little inspection: the idea that a national 'war on women' is afoot.

【金融】中国处理不良贷款可以更有效  Wringing Value Out of China's Bad Loans   2012-03-31
  Beijing has reduced the reserve requirements for Chinese banks twice since late last year, and central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan recently signaled there is ample room for further cuts. These moves, aiming to boost bank lending and growth, have raised fears of a coming swell in non-performing loans at banks. But the real problem isn't the level of NPLs, it's the inefficient way China still resolves them.

【艺术】在共用办公室寻找创意  Looking for Ideas in Shared Workspaces   2012-03-31
  Taking a page from start-ups, some established companies are opting to share their workspaces.

【经济】Lex专栏:中俄亿万富翁超百人  Lex_Nouveaux riches: Billionaire 100 club’s new members   2012-03-31
  Such a lot of money – and at such a young age! The world is used to talk of how wealth is shifting from its redoubt in the US and Europe to Asia, and in particular to the Bric countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China). Time was when the US was the only country that had more than 100 billionaires. Now, according to a study by Forbes Insights and Société Générale of where the world’s richest people live, it has been joined by Russia and China.
  如此有钱,而且还如此年轻!全球已习惯于谈论财富从美欧大本营转移至亚洲,尤其是金砖国家(巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国)。曾几何时,只有美国才拥有100位以上的亿万富翁。现在,福布斯观察(Forbes Insights)和法国兴业银行(Société Générale)对全球最富人群居住地区的调查表明,俄罗斯和中国也加入了这一行列。

【政治】苹果涨薪 中国获益  Apple: China to profit from rising wages even if companies feel the pinch (a bit   2012-03-31
  Apple’s decision to back wide-ranging pay and labour reforms at the Chinese factories of Foxconn, its biggest contract supplier, will clearly raise costs at both companies.

【政治】FT社评:难产的欧洲能源战略  Leader_Europe and its clean energy blues   2012-03-31
  This week’s bad news for European non-fossil energy proves governments still have hard choices to make for a long-term energy strategy that fits the economics of the industry and the interdependence of their own decisions.
  欧洲非化石能源产业本周得到的坏消息表明,各国政府在制定长期性能源战略的问题上依然面临艰难的选择,这项战略既要适合该行业的发展所需,同时也要适合各国政府决策的相互依赖性 。

【政治】叙利亚冲突继续,安南要求立即停火  Envoy Demands Cease-fire in Syria as Fresh Clashes Erupt   2012-03-31
  U.N.-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan says the Syrian government must immediately implement a cease-fire and stop its attacks on opposition groups, as fresh clashes broke out across the country on Friday.

【法律】法国总统誓言继续逮捕伊斯兰激进分子  French President Sarkozy Vows to Continue Arresting Suspected Islamists Militant   2012-03-31
  French President Nicolas Sarkozy says police have detained 19 people in a crackdown on suspected Islamist extremists across the country.

【综合】金辰勇:我的蓝图  My call for an open, inclusive World Bank   2012-03-30
  We live in a time of historic opportunity. Today more people live in fast-growing economies than at any time in history, and development can take root anywhere – regardless of whether a country is landlocked, just emerging from conflict or oppression, large or small. If we build on this, we can imagine a world in which billions of people in developing countries enjoy increases in their incomes and living standards. Given our collective experiences, successes and resources, it’s clear that we can eradicate global poverty and achieve in our lifetimes what for generations has been a distant dream.

【经济】经济学家化身侦探  Forensic finance under the microscope   2012-03-30
  The first edition of The Undercover Economist sported a pulp-fiction private investigator on the cover. I’d suggested the image because, well, why not? Little did I realise I was anticipating a trend: the economist as detective.
  《卧底经济学家》(The Undercover Economist)第一版封面上印着一个通俗小说中常见的私家侦探形象。这是我提议的——反正也没有人规定不行嘛。我当时几乎没有意识到,这即将成为一股潮流:经济学家化身侦探。

【综合】不再当“怨妇”  Why women’s inequality is not what it used to be   2012-03-30
  Last Thursday I received an e-card from a perfect stranger. It was a picture of an orchid with the message underneath: “I hope you have a happy International Women’s Day!”

【经济】经济学家不要自以为是  Time for economists to eat humble pie . . . again   2012-03-30
  The euro has not collapsed in value. The eurozone has not broken up; Greece has not left nor been kicked out. For someone like myself, a careful reader of the Financial Times and other media, this is a bit of a surprise. I remember last year an avalanche of predictions of the coming of Armageddon. Greece certainly could not survive and contagion would pull other weak economies down.

【政治】西方在阿富汗已经失败  The west has lost in Afghanistan   2012-03-30
  Five years ago the Americans were refusing to speak to the Taliban. Now the Taliban are refusing to speak to the Americans. That is a measure of how the balance of power has shifted in Afghanistan. The western intervention there has failed. As Nato prepares to withdraw from the country in 2014, it is only the scale of the defeat that remains to be determined.

【政治】法国当自省  France is the source of its problems – not the rest of the world   2012-03-30
  Europe used to be a constant in French politics: no mainstream party questioned the benefits of further integration. This year the taboo has been broken. First François Hollande, the Socialist challenger for the presidency, said that if elected, he would renegotiate the eurozone’s new fiscal pact. Then Nicolas Sarkozy declared France could pull out of the Schengen zone of border-free travel and threatened to take unilateral, protectionist measures on trade that would clearly be viewed as illegal in Brussels.
  在法国政治中,欧洲曾经是一个不存在变数的问题,没有哪个主流政党质疑过增进欧洲一体化的好处。然而今年,这个“禁忌”被打破了。先是向总统大权发起挑战的社会党候选人弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)表示,如果能够当选,就会对欧元区的新财政协定重新进行谈判。随后,尼古拉•萨科奇(Nicolas Sarkozy)又宣称法国可能退出申根(Schengen)自由跨境旅行区,还威胁采取单边的贸易保护主义措施,而这种措施在布鲁塞尔看来肯定是非法的。

【政治】金砖国家谋求IMF更大话语权  Brics bid for more say in IMF   2012-03-30
  Leaders of the world’s most powerful emerging economies have threatened to withhold additional financing requested by the International Monetary Fund to fight the European sovereign debt crisis unless they gain greater voting power at the Fund.

【政治】中国国有石油企业去年营收创新高  Chinese state-owned oil group revenues hit record highs   2012-03-30
  China’s state-owned oil companies reported record revenues in 2011 due to high global oil prices, highlighting their growing financial firepower as they purchase oil and gas assets around the world.

【政治】分析:中国银行业坏账“迟到”  China puts off banks’ day of reckoning   2012-03-30
  For all the fears of bad loans and impending doom at Chinese banks, their latest earnings failed to live up to such doubts.

【政治】香港廉政公署拘捕新鸿基郭氏兄弟  Billionaire Kwok brothers arrested   2012-03-30
  The billionaire brothers who run Hong Kong’s largest property company were arrested yesterday in connection with a corruption investigation that has stunned the territory’s tight-knit business community.

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