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【政治】中国农村的“专利风波”  Villagers fight over ‘patents’ in rural China   2012-04-01
  Xu Song recently became the proud owner of 799 Chinese furniture patents. The problem is, he admits, he did not invent the furniture: his neighbours made it first – and they copied it from Ikea anyway.

【社会】不必忙着改变世界  We should stop trying to change the world   2012-04-01
  Given the essentially mundane nature of most jobs, few workers will ever live up to mission statements that urge them to “change the world”.

【经济】白宫不该再“溺爱”巴菲特  The White House should stop coddling Buffett   2012-04-01
  In a New York Times op-ed on August 14 2011, Berkshire Hathaway chief executive Warren Buffett wrote that the US should “stop coddling the super-rich” and called for tax rates to be raised “immediately on taxable incomes in excess of $1m, including, of course, dividends and capital gains”. The next morning, at a televised “town hall” meeting in Cannon Falls, Minnesota, President Barack Obama praised Mr Buffett’s intervention. A few weeks later a “Buffett rule”, requiring that millionaires pay higher taxes as a share of their incomes than middle-class Americans, featured in the budget plan the president sent to Congress.
  伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)首席执行官沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)去年8月14日在《纽约时报》(New York Times)专栏版上撰文称,美国“不应再溺爱超级富翁”,他还呼吁“立即提高100万美元以上应税收入适用的税率,这些收入当然包括股息和资本利得”。次日上午,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)出现在电视里,他在当时于明尼苏达州坎农瀑布镇(Cannon Falls)举行的“市政厅”会议上,对巴菲特的挺身而出表示了赞赏。数周之后,在奥巴马提交给国会的预算案中,就包含了一项“巴菲特规则”(Buffett rule),意在使百万富翁的纳税额占收入之比高于美国中产阶级。

【金融】人民币长期投资前景未变  Renminbi pauses for breather as GDP growth slows   2012-04-01
  China’s growth story and the willingness to internationalise the currency has seen strong interest from investors for renminbi exposure to boost returns and portfolio diversification.

【政治】欧盟呼吁其他大型经济体向IMF增资  EU calls for IMF to boost its war chest   2012-04-01
  European leaders said they believed the €200bn increase in their fiscal rescue fund agreed on Friday would be enough to persuade non-eurozone countries that Europeans had “done our homework” and lead them to supplement eurozone efforts by building their own global firewall against contagion.

【政治】中国微博暂停评论功能  China censors microblog websites   2012-04-01
  China has launched its toughest censorship move since the rise of social media as the ruling Communist party tries to prevent an internal power struggle weakening its grip on society.

【政治】收养中国女孩难了  Shanghai Notebook: China’s one-child policy makeover   2012-03-31
  28 March is the 11th birthday of my daughter Fu Xinke, whom I adopted 10 years ago from China. Many babies like her, these days, are either not born at all or certainly not adopted. What a difference a decade makes.

【综合】在线办公漫谈  Online life can teach us about the office   2012-03-31
  I used to think that each new generation of workers was pretty much like the last one, at least in big ways. We all want more money, more praise, more interesting work and colleagues who are pleasant enough to join for a sandwich at lunchtime.

【政治】分析:非洲市场将属于中国  China exporters   2012-03-31
  When cheap Chinese goods started flowing in big numbers to Africa a decade ago, consumers benefited from lower prices but local producers such as textile mills saw their businesses suffer.

【政治】近半英国人对工作生活平衡不满  Working towards a happier balance   2012-03-31
  Do we work to live or live to work? The question has long preoccupied social scientists and weary wage slaves alike.

【政治】英国监管新政令人忧  The dangers of our new regulation   2012-03-31
  Before the crisis, financial regulation focused on averting the failure of individual banks – and was not much good at that. Now there is much more focus on preventing systemic crises. In the jargon, we have moved from focusing on “microprudential regulation” to a much greater emphasis on “macroprudential regulation”. In the UK, this shift has resulted in the creation of the Financial Policy Committee, which has just published its thinking on the powers it wants and the tools it intends to use.
  危机爆发之前,金融监管的重点是避免单个银行的破产,但在这一点上做得不尽如人意。如今,金融监管的重点更多地放在防范系统性危机上。用术语来说,我们已从注重“微观审慎监管”转向更加注重“宏观审慎监管”。在英国,这一转变催生了金融政策委员会(Financial Policy Committee),它刚刚公布了关于希望拥有何种权力和打算使用何种工具的想法。

【政治】中国投资者的苦恼  Pity the poor Chinese investor’s lack of real choices   2012-03-31
  Lou Jiwei, chairman of China’s sovereign wealth fund, was attending Party School in Beijing this week, and was forced to miss the big investment conference his organisation, China Investment Corp, hosted in the Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong on Monday.

【综合】世界都市的未来  The cities of the future will be cool, creative and in control   2012-03-31
  Running a city isn’t what it used to be.

【政治】中国现代化不可阻挡  A political crisis will not stop China   2012-03-31
  My book-shelves in London groan with titles such as Eclipse: Living In the Shadow of China’s Economic Dominance and When China Rules the World. But travel to China itself, and you will find plenty of people who are sceptical about the notion that the country is a rising superpower.
  我在伦敦的书架上,沉甸甸地摆满了《遮天蔽日:生活在中国经济统治的阴影下》(Eclipse: Living In the Shadow of China’s Economic Dominance)、《当中国统治世界》(When China Rules the World)之类的书。但亲临中国看一看,就会发现很多人对于中国是一个新兴超级大国的说法抱有怀疑。

【经济】必和必拓铁矿石业务负责人离职  BHP’s Wilson to take over iron ore arm from Ashby   2012-03-31
  BHP Billiton said the head of its iron ore business, the miner’s largest division by sales, would leave the company after 25 years.
  必和必拓(BHP Billiton)表示,该公司销售额最高的铁矿石部门总裁伊恩•阿什比(Ian Ashby)在工作25年之后,即将离职。

【政治】香港新鸿基市值蒸发49亿美元  Kwok brothers’ arrest sees sell-off   2012-03-31
  Sun Hung Kai Properties witnessed the largest one-day sell-off of its shares by volume since 1998 after Thursday’s arrests of its co-chairmen, Raymond and Thomas Kwok, in connection with a corruption investigation.
  新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai Properties)股票昨日遭遇1998年以来最大规模单日抛售。周四,该公司联席主席郭炳联(Raymond Kwok)和郭炳江(Thomas Kwok)在一项腐败调查中被捕。

【政治】Lex专栏:香港楼市难言乐观  Lex_Sun Hung Kai: arresting developments   2012-03-31
  The arrests of Raymond and Thomas Kwok, the billionaire brothers behind Sun Hung Kai Properties, have led to a 13 per cent slump in the shares of one of Asia’s biggest property companies. The Kwoks were released on bail on Friday along with Rafael Hui, a former top government official. Inquiries are proceeding in Hong Kong’s most prominent corruption investigation. The share price fall, however, looks mild. Investors cannot properly gauge the impact of the investigation on the company, which has the most solid financial base in the Hong Kong property sector. It was rated A-plus by Standard and Poor’s this month, second only to the Hong Kong government’s urban renewal authority. However, S and P and Moody’s put the company on “watch negative” on Friday.
  新鸿基地产(Sun Hung Kai Properties)掌门人、亿万富翁郭炳联(Raymond Kwok)和郭炳江(Thomas Kwok)两兄弟被捕,导致亚洲最大房地产企业之一股价下挫13%。郭氏兄弟周五获准保释,一同获释的还有港府前高官许仕仁(Rafael Hui)。香港最令人瞩目的腐败调查仍在进行中。不过,股价跌幅看上去并不大。投资者无法准确判断调查对该公司的影响;该公司在香港房地产行业拥有最稳健的财务底子,本月曾得到标准普尔(Standard and Poor’s)的A+评级,仅次于香港政府的市区重建局(Urban Renewal Authority)。不过,标普和穆迪(Moody’s)周五将新鸿基列入“负面观察”名单。

【农业】嘉汉林业拟申请破产  Sino Forest plans bankruptcy and Muddy Waters lawsuit   2012-03-31
  Sino Forest, the Chinese Forestry company plagued by accusations of overstating its assets, intends to file for bankruptcy and is to sue research group Muddy Waters for $4bn in damages over the claims of fraud that preceded its failure.
  被指夸大资产的中国林业公司嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)打算提交破产申请,并将起诉研究公司浑水(Muddy Waters),要求后者就此前对其的欺诈指控所造成的损失赔偿40亿美元。

【金融】中信证券放弃入股欧洲同行  Crédit Agricole drops Cheuvreux from Citic deal   2012-03-31
  Crédit Agricole’s hopes of creating a global brokerage business with China’s Citic Securities has been dealt a blow after it was disclosed on Thursday that Cheuvreux, its European brokerage arm, would be dropped from the deal agreed last summer.
  法国农业信贷银行(Crédit Agricole)试图与中国中信证券(Citic Securities)建立全球经纪业务的希望遭遇了打击,因周四披露的消息称,其欧洲经纪业务子公司盛富证券(Cheuvreux)将被排除出这项于去年夏天达成的交易。

【金融】全球股市一季度普涨  Strong quarter for global markets leaves fund managers cautious   2012-03-31
  Global financial markets closed out a buoyant first quarter yesterday, with some stock indices enjoying their biggest rally since 2009.

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