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【科技】美公司沉默响应对华技术出口限制改革  U.S. Companies Mum On China High Tech Export Opportunity   2012-04-03
  Here's a billion-dollar opportunity American companies are shy about discussing publicly: supplying China with high-technology that could be used by its military.

【艺术】韩国热播新剧集 朝韩统一成看点  Korea Fantasy: ‘King’ Has Royalty, Unification And, As Always, Love   2012-04-03
  In the real world, South Korea is upset over North Korea’s latest missile/rocket escapade. But on South Korean TV, one of the hottest new dramas is about an alternate reality in which the two Koreas are close to unification and their militaries are working together.

【经济】新秀丽估计中国将成为最大市场  Samsonite CEO Sees China as No. 1 Market Soon   2012-04-03
  Luggage maker Samsonite International SA 1910.HK +1.15% expects China to overtake the U.S. as its biggest single market in as little as two years, as the growth of China's middle class fuels leisure and business travel.
  由于中国中产阶级的壮大引发休闲和商务旅行需求的增长,行李箱制造商新秀丽国际有限公司(Samsonite International S.A., 简称:新秀丽)预计,中国将在两年内超过美国,成为该公司最大的单一市场。

【科技】iPhone + 可爱机器狗 = i-Puppy  iPhone + Cute Puppy = i-Puppy   2012-04-03
  Some people love their iPhones. Some people love their puppies. Bandai Co., Ltd., which specializes in character-related products from toys to costumes to various Pokemon snacks and gadgets, has figured out a way to blend the two, with its new 'Smart Pet'-- a kind of i-Puppy.
  有人喜欢自己的iPhone,有人喜欢自己的宠物狗。日本万代玩具娱乐公司(Bandai Co., Ltd.)将二者结合,推出了新的“智能宠物”──i-Puppy。万代的主要业务是设计和制造与动漫形象有关的产品,包括玩具、服装以及各种口袋妖怪零食和小玩意。

【经济】美国历史上最差劲的经济复苏  The Worst Economic Recovery in History   2012-04-03
  How many times have we heard that this was the worst recession since the Great Depression? That may be true─although the double-dip recession of the early 1980s was about comparable. Less publicized is that our current recovery pales in comparison with most other recoveries, including the one following the Great Depression.

【政治】缅甸反对派在议会补选获压倒性胜利  Burma's Opposition Party Wins By-Election in Landslide   2012-04-03
  Democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi declared a "new era" for Burma Monday, after she and fellow members of her party won a landslide victory in Sunday's parliamentary by-elections.

【军事】卫星图像显示朝鲜准备发射火箭  Images Show North Korea Readying Rocket Launch   2012-04-03
  New satellite images of a North Korean rocket site show evidence of increased preparation for a space launch that Washington sees as cover for a long-range missile test.

【社会】奢侈产业,难骑之虎  Riding the Tiger of Luxury   2012-04-02
  GENEVA─Since the 2009 downturn, the luxury sector has enjoyed a turbo-charged recovery, helped by Asian consumers buying high-end watches and the priciest jewelry.

【经济】中国3月份两项PMI指数出现背离  March Madness for China PMI   2012-04-02
  Is China's manufacturing sector rebounding strongly or continuing to contract?

【经济】富士康改善工作环境将影响中国制造业  Apple Pact to Ripple Across China   2012-04-02
  Manufacturers grappling with rising labor costs and increasing worker demands in China could face further pressure if a critical probe of a major Apple Inc. supplier sets a new standard for China's factory workers.
  如果针对苹果公司(Apple Inc.)一家主要供应商的关键调查给中国工厂工人树立新的标准,那么在中国已经面临劳动力成本正在上升、工人要求正在提高的制造企业可能会承受更多压力。

【社会】泰国爆发汽车炸弹袭击 至少14人死亡  Thai Bomb Attacks Mark Increased Threat   2012-04-02
  Three car-bomb attacks in southern Thailand, which killed at least 14 people and wounded hundreds more over the weekend, are propelling a long-simmering Muslim insurgency to a new crisis point after years of brutal attacks.

【政治】昂山素季政党声称其赢得议会补选  Suu Kyi's Party Claims Myanmar Win   2012-04-02
  YANGON, Myanmar─Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi's political party said the pro-democracy leader won a resounding victory in parliamentary by-elections on Sunday, potentially ushering in an exhilarating─but highly uncertain─new phase in this tumultuous Southeast Asian nation's history.
  诺贝尔和平奖得主、民主派领袖昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)所在的政党说,她在周日的议会补选中大获全胜。这有可能宣告缅甸历史进入一个令人振奋、同时高度不确定的新阶段。

【法律】香港大亨体系因新鸿基案受拷问  Chill Wind for Hong Kong's Tycoons   2012-04-02
  The humiliation of a pair of Hong Kong property tycoons carted off to answer allegations they bribed a government official has rocked the city. Sun Kung Kai Properties ─the development company where Raymond and Thomas Kwok are co-chairmen─has already taken a beating. But don't expect radical changes to relations between Hong Kong's political and business elites.
  香港地产界两位大亨被廉政公署带走就涉嫌贿赂政府官员一事进行问话震动了全港。虽然新鸿基地产(Sun Kung Kai Properties,郭炳江和郭炳联兄弟是该公司的联系主席)已经遭受了打击,但不要指望香港政商两界精英之间的关系会因此发生彻底改变。

【金融】中国人为什么喜欢买黄金?  Why China Loves Gold   2012-04-02
  Since at least late 2010, commentators have been pointing to massive buying of gold by the Chinese as another prop for the barbarous relic. Much of the chatter has focused on solving the apparent enigma of why China would want to buy so much gold.

【社会】俄罗斯客机在西伯利亚坠毁 部分人员生还  Plane Carrying 43 People Crashes in Siberia   2012-04-02
  MOSCOW─A passenger plane carrying 43 people crashed in Siberia shortly after taking off Monday morning, and Russian emergency officials said some of those on board survived.

【经济】中国3月份两项PMI指数出现背离  March Madness for China PMI   2012-04-02
  Is China's manufacturing sector rebounding strongly or continuing to contract?

【法律】迎接石油动荡新时代  Prepare for a new era of oil shocks   2012-04-01
  Oil prices are up. Barack Obama is to blame. Drilling in the US is the solution. This is the mantra from the president’s opponents. All presidents tend to get the blame for high fuel prices. But with the price of gasoline nearing $4 a gallon, Mr Obama is getting it by the barrel load.
  “油价上涨了。这全怪巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)。在美国本土钻采石油可以解决这个问题。”美国总统的反对者总把这样的话挂在嘴边。世界各国的领袖都会因油价高企而受到指责。不过,随着汽油价格逼近每加仑4美元,奥巴马正面临格外猛烈的批评。

【政治】苹果新掌门人的中国之旅  The tour of China by Apple chief executive Tim Cook   2012-04-01
  The tour of China by Apple chief executive Tim Cook this week had all the trappings of an official visit by a popular head of state.
  本周,苹果(Apple)首席执行官蒂姆•库克(Tim Cook)造访了中国,其场面像极了一位颇受欢迎的国家元首的正式访问。

【经济】富士康工作条件报告公诸于世  Labour report backed   2012-04-01
  Apple has fully backed a report published by the Fair Labor Association detailing inadequate working conditions and multiple abuses of labour codes at Foxconn, one of its main suppliers.

【政治】美国仍缺乏全面能源政策  American energy policy is still running on empty   2012-04-01
  In April 1977, as a young energy correspondent for The New York Times, I watched Jimmy Carter label the energy problem the “moral equivalent of war” and propose an ambitious plan to curb the use of expensive ($15 per barrel!) oil. Today, five presidents later, oil sits firmly above $100 per barrel, and America still lacks anything resembling a comprehensive energy strategy.
  1977年4月,作为《纽约时报》(The New York Times)的一名年轻能源记者,我曾目睹吉米•卡特(Jimmy Carter)将能源问题列为“道义战争”(moral equivalent of war),并提出一个限制使用昂贵石油(每桶15美元!)的远大计划。如今,历经5位总统之后,油价已稳居每桶100美元上方,但美国仍缺乏类似于全面能源战略的政策。

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