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【政治】Lex专栏:台湾再推资本利得税  Lex_Taxing Taiwan   2012-04-05
  To the barricades! Taiwan’s investors are starting to fret amid signs that the government could introduce a capital gains tax on investments. The plan emerged last week, sending the Taiex stock market index in Taipei tumbling to its heaviest one-day fall this year. Since the issue hit the headlines, the index has dropped 3.4 per cent even as the broader region, which it usually tracks, rose.

【军事】朝鲜卫星发射将考验日本紧急预警系统  North Korean Rocket Launch Also a Test of Japanese Emergency Alert System   2012-04-05
  As North Korea counts down toward its planned 'satellite' rocket launch in the coming weeks, Japan's government is reassuring residents in the expected flight path ─ mostly in the southern island prefecture of Okinawa ─ that they should have a few minutes warning to take cover should any parts fall off the rocket during flight.

【法律】中国“新型地沟油”恶心升级  Chinese Gutter Oil Attains New Level of Gross   2012-04-05
  Chinese officials have arrested more than 100 people suspected of creating a new variety of recycled cooking oil concocted out of rotten animal parts, the latest crackdown in the government's battle to eliminate so-called 'gutter oil' from the country's kitchens.

【医疗】黑巧克力:美味健康两相宜  Heart-Healthy Chocolate: Dark And Bitter Treat   2012-04-04
  Chocoholics are rejoicing amid a proliferation of new scientific evidence showing cocoa may be good for the heart. But most chocolate is packed with calories and unhealthy sugar. A wave of new products with high levels of pure cocoa is being marketed as a way to enjoy chocolate's benefits without empty calories.

【体育】为什么科学家喜欢研究高尔夫  Why Scientists Love to Study Golf   2012-04-04
  Among the things I learned at the World Scientific Congress of Golf last week in Phoenix: A golf swing becomes automatic only once it's safely lodged in the brain's basal ganglia. The Official World Golf Rankings are significantly biased against members of the PGA Tour. And researchers are divided on the relative contribution to club-head speed of wrist flexion/extension and ulnar/radial deviation. (If you don't quite grasp that last one, don't worry. I won't be coming back to it.)
  在上月凤凰城举行的世界高尔夫科学大会(World Scientific Congress of Golf)上我了解到的几点是:只有把动作要领根植在大脑基底神经节里,挥杆才会变得自如;高尔夫世界排名(Official World Golf Rankings)对美国职业高尔夫巡回赛(PGA Tour,简称美巡赛)成员持有严重偏见;还有,对于腕关节屈伸和尺骨/桡骨偏位对杆头速度的相对影响,研究人员的看法存在分歧。(如果你不怎么理解最后这点也别担心,下文我不会再提到。)

【科技】机器人一定要长得像人吗?  Why Our Service Robots Needn't Look Like Humans   2012-04-04
  Farewell C-3PO, we hardly knew you.

【经济】五矿资源:中国国企也看重股东价值  Minmetals' Michelmore Won't Just Pay Any Price   2012-04-04
  Having Chinese state-backing doesn't necessarily mean unlimited pockets, as Minmetals Resources Ltd. can attest to.
  拥有中国政府的支持并不一定意味着财大气粗。对于这一点,五矿资源有限公司(Minmetals Resources Ltd., 简称:五矿资源)可以证明。

【体育】林书豪受伤赛季报销意味着什么?  Lin-Surgery Ends Linsanity: So What’s Next for Jeremy Lin?   2012-04-04
  If the Internet had rafters, they’d have been rattling this weekend, when the dreadful announcement went out that Knicks phenom Jeremy Lin - a forlorn presence on the bench the past few games - had suffered a minute but significant tear of the meniscus in his knee, a hardcourt war wound that would require surgery to repair.

【政治】温家宝抨击国有银行垄断局面  Chinese Leader Blasts Banks   2012-04-04
  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao told a national audience on Tuesday that China's state-controlled banks are a 'monopoly' that must be broken up, in a blunt appeal for a shake-up of the creaky financial system of the world's No. 2 economy.

【政治】罗姆尼轻松拿下威斯康星州等三地初选  Romney Wins Three Races In Sweep   2012-04-04
  Mitt Romney cruised to victories Tuesday in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia, adding to his widening delegate lead over the rest of the Republican presidential field.
  周二,罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)在威斯康星州、马里兰州和哥伦比亚特区轻松获胜,他领先共和党其他总统参选人的竞争优势进一步扩大。

【政治】马里政变后情势恶化难民涌入邻国  Mali coup situation deteriorate,refugees to neighboring countries   2012-04-04
  The U.N. refugee agency reports thousands of people in northern Mali continue to flee their homes because of insecurity and political instability. The UNHCR is expressing deep concern about the crisis, which is getting worse as Mali coup leaders lose control of the north to Tuareg rebels.

【政治】朝鲜拒绝放弃导弹发射  North Korea Refusing to Scrap Missile Launch   2012-04-04
  North Korea's nuclear envoy says Pyongyang will still proceed with this month's scheduled rocket launch, despite lengthy meetings with U.S. officials in Germany this week.

【政治】东南亚领导人吁尽快结束对缅甸制裁  Asia Leaders Call for Quick End to Burma Sanctions   2012-04-04
  Southeast Asian leaders are calling for an early lifting of economic sanctions on Burma following historic by-elections in which Aung San Suu Kyi's pro-democracy movement won a sweeping victory.

【政治】缅甸政府确认昂山素季政党大获全胜  Myanmar Confirms By-Election Victory For Suu Kyi   2012-04-03
  Myanmar's government confirmed that dissident leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her allies won a sweeping victory in weekend by-elections, as the outside world geared up to consider whether to ease sanctions in the weeks ahead.
  缅甸政府确认异见领袖昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)及其同盟在周末补选中大获全胜,同时国际社会也准备在未来几周讨论是否放宽对缅甸的制裁。

【法律】加州一基督教大学发生枪击案 七人死亡  Seven Killed In Shooting At California Religious School   2012-04-03
  A gunman opened fire in a classroom of an independent Christian college here Monday morning, killing as many as seven people and wounding at least three.

【经济】房价下跌未阻中国地产商建房计划  As Prices Fall, Chinese Developers Still Hungry for Growth   2012-04-03
  China's property developers are still building. That is bad news for house prices, but it should be reassurance on the outlook for growth.

【社会】豪华房车吸引中国富豪目光  On the Road in China Bling is the Thing   2012-04-03
  What would you do with a spare 10 million yuan burning a hole in your pocket? If you already have a house and a car how about a 'house car'- or fang che otherwise known as an RV?

【科技】悄然兴起的“苹果医院”  In This ER, Doctors Operate on Pocket-Size Patients   2012-04-03
  The patient might have been under water too long. Only a few months old, the victim wasn't responding.

【军事】叙利亚政府同意下周前撤军  Syria Agrees To A Date For Pullback   2012-04-03
  Syria's government accepted a deadline to stop its attacks on the opposition by next week -- Damascus's highest-stakes acceptance yet of efforts aimed at ending the country's conflict and one that drew guarded optimism from top diplomats after past failures to end the bloody crisis.

【教育】申请美国研究生院的中国学生继续猛增  WSJ Chinese Applicants Flood US Graduate Schools   2012-04-03
  More than ever, Chinese students have their sights set on U.S. graduate schools.

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