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【法律】美国法院判处俄罗斯军火商25年监禁  Convicted Arms Dealer Bout Given 25 Years   2012-04-06
  A suspected Russian arms dealer who frustrated U.S. authorities for more than a decade was sentenced to 25 years in prison Thursday after he was convicted last year in conspiracies to sell surface-to-air missiles and to kill Americans.

【经济】Lex专栏:西班牙开错药方  Lex_no Spain no gain   2012-04-06
  General Franco’s bewildering tiers of public administration have survived almost 40 years of democracy in Spain. In some ways, the sprawling grey granite Nuevos Ministerios complex in central Madrid, completed in his regime, is a symbol of how little has changed: the civil service is still bloated, and public servants are still a protected species. Measures presented to parliament this week by budget minister Cristóbal Montoro suggest as much. His €27bn of spending cuts and tax increases made up the harshest budget since Franco’s death. Yet instead of cutting the state wage bill and removing layers of government, he cut spending on research and development, a recovery driver, by a quarter. Functionaries’ pay was merely frozen.
  西班牙实现民主已将近40年,而佛朗哥将军(General Franco)令人眼花缭乱的公共管理体系依然存在。在佛朗哥将军执政时期建成、位于马德里市中心的新政府大楼(Nuevos Ministerios)——一座庞大的灰色花岗岩建筑物——在某种意义上象征着西班牙的一成不变:行政部门仍然臃肿不堪,公务员群体仍然受到保护。西班牙财政大臣克里斯托巴尔•蒙特罗(Cristóbal Montoro)本周提交给议会的措施也表明了这一点。他提出的270亿欧元的支出削减和增税计划,构成了自佛朗哥去世以来最严厉的预算方案。然而,蒙特罗是将作为复苏推动因素的研发支出削减了25%,而不是削减政府薪资支出和精简政府机构。公务员薪资只是暂停增长而已。

【经济】Lex专栏:物超所值的汉堡王  Lex_Burger King: fries with that, gentlemen?   2012-04-06
  They paid too much. That was the consensus when 3G Capital took Burger King private in 2010 for a total enterprise value of $4bn, or nine times trailing earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation. How did things go? Well, Justice Holdings has just paid $1.4bn and will get 26 per cent of Burger King’s common shares in return. This now puts the enterprise value of Burger King at $8bn – an ev/ebitda multiple of 16 times (14 times if you follow Burger King’s practice of excluding restructuring and other costs). By comparison, the multiples for global powerhouses McDonald’s and Yum Brands are 11 and 14 times. Arcos Dorados, the largest Latin American McDonald’s franchisee, trades at 12 times.
  他们出的钱太多了。这是3G资本(3G Capital) 2010年以40亿美元的企业总价值将汉堡王(Burger King)私有化时,外界的一致看法。这笔钱相当于往绩税息折旧及摊销前利润(Ebitda)的9倍。事情有了怎样的变化呢?Justice Holdings刚刚出资14亿美元,作为回报,它将获得汉堡王26%的普通股。如此一来,汉堡王的企业价值就达到80亿美元——企业价值与Ebitda之比达到了16倍(如果按照汉堡王剔除重组及其他成本的惯常做法,则为14倍)。相比之下,实力不俗的跨国公司麦当劳(McDonald’s)和百胜餐饮集团(Yum Brands)分别为11倍和14倍。麦当劳在拉美最大的特许经营商Arcos Dorados为12倍。

【医疗】日本民众担心核辐射 成就骗子商机  Radiation Worries Spur 'Quackery' Cures   2012-04-06
  In the year-plus since the world's worst nuclear accident in a quarter century, Japan has seen a run of dubious products aimed at detecting or alleviating radiation's effects.

【金融】投资外汇已过时?  Bruising for investors leaves market becalmed   2012-04-05
  Where is everyone? Like the most popular kid in the class that does not know why he has suddenly been deserted, the foreign exchange market could be forgiven for feeling a little bit bereft right now.

【政治】激进主义的土壤  The ghost of Mao haunts China’s succession plans   2012-04-05
  It was not supposed to end this way. Until recently, the leadership succession of the Chinese Communist party was thought to be on track. Vice-President Xi Jinping and executive vice-premier Li Keqiang will become the general secretary of the CCP and the premier of the State Council (China’s cabinet), respectively. The Politburo standing committee, the party’s supreme policy-making body, will add seven other new members. One of them was to be Mr Bo Xilai, the party chief of Chongqing.

【经济】内斗造就商业雄才  A family feud is not always a bad thing   2012-04-05
  Even if you have only half-heard of Gina Rinehart, you will know that she is a force to be reckoned with. She is the Australian mining magnate who controls Hancock Prospecting, founded by her father. Her aggressive approach to business and family relations has prompted three of her four children to sue her.
  即便你对吉娜•莱因哈特(Gina Rinehart)不是太熟悉,你也会知道,她是一个无法忽视的人物。她是澳大利亚的矿业巨头,掌控着其父亲创立的汉考克勘探公司(Hancock Prospecting)。她在处理生意和家庭关系时的咄咄逼人促使其四名子女中的三名将她告上了法庭。

【政治】中国股市扩大开放  China opens the door wider to foreign investors   2012-04-05
  Global financial institutions will be allowed to play a more active role in China’s equity markets if the new reformist head of the country’s securities regulator gets his way.

【政治】西方酝酿解除对缅甸制裁  Myanmar reform lifts optimism   2012-04-05
  Western governments and their allies are willing to begin lifting sanctions on Myanmar after victories by opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi and her party in by-elections, but remain unsure about how quickly to reward the regime for signs of progress.
  缅甸反对党领导人昂山素季(Aung San Suu Kyi)及其全国民主联盟(National League for Democracy)在议会补选中获胜后,西方国家政府及其盟友表示,愿意开始解除对缅甸的制裁,但仍无法确定应当多快奖励缅甸政权的进步迹象。

【政治】美国原油库存增加 压低油价  Oil prices ease on increase in US stocks   2012-04-05
  The oil market is showing the first signs of easing after the biggest two-week rise in US crude stocks in more than 10 years, helping to damp fears of a shortfall.

【政治】巴基斯坦激进分子叫板美国  Militant leader taunts US   2012-04-05
  Hafiz Saeed, one of Pakistan’s most notorious militants, taunted the US for offering a $10m bounty for information leading to his arrest by appearing before journalists yesterday to claim the money for himself.
  巴基斯坦最为恶名昭彰的激进分子之一哈菲兹•赛义德(Hafiz Saeed)嘲讽美国为征集逮捕他的线索而悬赏1000万美元。赛义德昨日出现在记者面前,宣称这笔钱应归他所有。

【经济】E3预期减弱引发市场抛售  Equities tumble as hopes fade of fresh QE   2012-04-05
  Stocks, gold and the euro came under sustained selling pressure as doubts intensified that the Federal Reserve would initiate a further round of asset purchases in coming months to stimulate the US economy.

【社会】“节俭”的亿万富翁继承人  The ‘Thrifty’ Billionaire Heiress   2012-04-05
  If wealth is relative, so is thrift.

【科技】索尼新平板:双屏优势?  Two Screens Aren't Better Than One For Sony Tablet P   2012-04-05
  One way to stand out in a crowded category of devices is to employ a novel hardware design. Last year, Sony got decent marks from many reviewers, including me, for an Android tablet called the Tablet S, crafted to look like a magazine, with one thick, rounded vertical edge that made it more comfortable to hold than many other tablets. Now, the company has brought out another Android tablet with an even more radical design, and this one shows the limits of novelty.
  要在众多电子设备中脱颍而出的一个办法就是把硬件设计得新颍一些。去年,索尼公司(Sony)基于安卓(Android)系统的Tablet S平板电脑就获得了包括我本人在内的许多评论员的好评。该平板电脑外形酷似杂志,厚重圆润的直边让用户握持起来更加舒适。现在,索尼公司又推出了一款同样基于安卓系统的平板电脑,设计甚至更炫,但却暴露出一味求新的捉襟之处。

【政治】美国将对缅甸放宽制裁  U.S. to Ease Restrictions on Myanmar   2012-04-05
  The U.S. announced plans Wednesday to return an ambassador to Myanmar and ease some financial and travel restrictions, while a senior official there said the country was contemplating a wide revamp of its antiquated financial system to help build investor trust.

【经济】雅虎宣布裁员 计划重回核心业务  Yahoo Pushes Reset   2012-04-05
  Yahoo Inc.'s new chief executive took the first step Wednesday toward reviving the struggling Internet company, but questions about his turnaround plan still loom large.
  周三,雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)新任首席执行长(CEO)朝重振这家陷入困境的互联网企业的方向迈出了第一步,但外界对其复兴计划的质疑仍然非常强烈。

【政治】东盟峰会闭幕 南海争议仍存  Asean United on Myanmar, Divided Over South China Sea   2012-04-05
  Southeast Asian leaders closed a two-day summit by uniting behind a call to bring Myanmar into the international mainstream, but remained divided over thornier issues involving territorial disputes with the region's powerhouse, China.

【政治】塞尔维亚总统以退为进推动塞加入欧盟  Serbian President Resigns In Electoral Maneuver   2012-04-05
  Serbia's pro-Western president said he would step down before the end of his term, in a maneuver aimed at bolstering his Democratic Party in a coming electoral showdown with nationalist opponents and protecting his efforts to forge closer ties with the European Union.
  塞尔维亚亲西方的总统宣布将在任期结束之前辞职。此举是为了提高他所在的民主党(Democratic Party)在接下来同民族主义反对党派对决时的胜算,并保护他加强与欧盟关系的努力。

【政治】FT社评:乐见中国资本账户改革  Leader_Reforming China’s capital account   2012-04-05
  Rather than turning into a “lame duck”, China’s government seems to have become proactive. Months before a landmark change of leadership, Beijing has speeded up its plans to open up its capital account. Beijing’s steps are still largely symbolic. But they show that the reformist agenda is at least firmly on the table.
  中国政府似乎变得主动起来,而没有成为一只“跛脚鸭”(lame duck, 指新旧政府交接时期——译者注)。在距离具有里程碑意义的领导层换届仅有几个月时间之际,中国政府加速推进开放资本账户的计划。虽然这些举措在很大程度上仍是象征意义上的,但它们表明,改革者的议程至少已经明确摆上了台面。

【科技】雅虎裁员2000人  Yahoo chief to cut 2,000 jobs   2012-04-05
  Yahoo has unveiled the most sweeping job cuts in its 18-year history, marking the first move by Scott Thompson, its new chief executive, to shake up the struggling US internet portal company.
  雅虎(Yahoo)公布了该公司18年历史上最大规模的裁员计划,这也是新任首席执行官斯科特•汤普森(Scott Thompson)为重整这家步履维艰的美国互联网门户企业而迈出的第一步。

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