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【政治】经济展望:中国的权衡  Economic outlook: Chinese balance sought   2012-04-09
  Data and central bank action from Asia are the primary economic events this week as Chinese growth comes under the microscope and Japan holds its April monetary policy meeting.

【经济】铝业的全球困境  Aluminium buckles under supply pressure   2012-04-09
  “I don’t like aluminium.”

【经济】对冲基金经理收入下降  Hedge funds flounder amid volatile markets   2012-04-09
  The riches available to hedge fund managers may still be in the realm of those enjoyed by Russian oligarchs and oil sheikhs, but 2011 was a diminished year for the industry’s elite as funds struggled with volatile markets.

【政治】中国3月份CPI小幅反弹  Chinese inflation accelerates in March   2012-04-09
  Chinese consumer inflation rebounded slightly in March leaving policy makers less room to ease monetary conditions to prop up the slowing economy even though persistent price rises appear largely under control.

【科技】宙斯僵尸网络查封难度与防范办法  Is Your Computer Committing Cybercrimes?   2012-04-09
  Last week, we told you about efforts by Microsoft Corporation to stop Zeus, one of the most harmful cybercrime operations active today. Zeus hackers use a network of infected computers, known as botnets, to steal personal information from computer users.

【语言】词汇掌故:一些形容重要人物的短语  Words and Their Stories: Bigwig   2012-04-08
  Some expressions describe people who are important, or who at least think they are. One such expression is bigwig.

【政治】美国海岸警卫队击沉日本“鬼船”  US Coast Guard Sinks Japanese 'Ghost Ship'   2012-04-07
  The U.S. Coast Guard has sunk an abandoned Japanese fishing boat off the coast of ((the northwestern U.S. state of)) Alaska, more than a year after a tsunami sent it drifting aimlessly across the Pacific Ocean.

【政治】应该征收“民主税”  Your democracy needs you: time for a tax to fund politics   2012-04-06
  Pity David Cameron. A prime minister might expect to spend his evenings telephoning presidents, or discussing matters of state with trusted advisers, or even playing with his young children. But no. He must invite into his family home a motley group of Conservative donors and endure their criticisms, banalities and self-interested pitches with a smile, because they have bought the right to parley on equal terms with the premier.
  可怜的戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)。身为首相,每天晚上的活动本应是致电各国首脑,或与值得信赖的顾问商讨国家大事,甚至是与幼子玩耍。可是不行,他必须要把捐款给保守党的三教九流的金主请到家中,强颜欢笑地听他们的批评牢骚、陈词滥调和自私自利的提议,只因为他们花钱买来了与首相平起平坐的权利。

【政治】中国经济如何再平衡?  Two cheers for China’s rebalancing   2012-04-06
  China’s economy is changing. Indeed, it has to change, as I argued two weeks ago (“How to blow away China’s gathering storm clouds”, 20 March 2012). The good news is the scale of the external rebalancing. The bad news is that this is at the cost of larger internal imbalances.

【经济】Lex专栏:昆仑能源增收妙计  Lex_Kunlun Energy: it’s a gas   2012-04-06
  Here is one way of boosting returns: throw in two full years’ worth of numbers from a company you have owned for just eight days. China’s Kunlun Energy did just that last week. This week, it raised $1.4bn in fresh equity.
  这里有一个提高回报率的办法:把刚刚收购8天的公司之前整整两年的财务数字包括进来。中国的昆仑能源(Kunlun Energy)上周就采取了这个办法。本周,该公司新筹资14亿美元。

【综合】通往新加坡的新丝绸之路  New silk route to Singapore   2012-04-06
  Every year, hundreds of Chinese private bankers gather in Hongqiao, a nondescript corner of smog-shrouded Shanghai, to learn the basics of wealth management. Chatting between sessions over beef noodle soup, after a frantic exchange of business cards, the talk can turn to favoured destinations for the rapidly increasing number of wealthy Chinese. The current hot spot is undoubtedly Singapore.

【政治】民主之风从香港吹来  Hong Kong is bringing democracy to China   2012-04-06
  Thanks to the votes of 689 people, Leung Chun-ying will be the next leader of Hong Kong. That’s not much of a mandate in a city of 7m souls. Many people have more Facebook friends. Why should anyone care about the outcome of an “election” restricted to a tiny clique of the elite? The man selected as Hong Kong’s third chief executive since it reverted to China in 1997 was vetted by an election committee of just 1,200, many of whom took their cue from Beijing.
  689张选票,就把梁振英(Leung Chun-ying)送上了下一任香港特首的宝座。对一座拥有700万人口的城市来说,这个数字很难算是代表了民意。许多人的Facebook好友都不止这些。这样一场局限在精英小圈子内的“选举”,人们有什么必要去关心它的结果呢?1997年香港回归中国后的第三位特首,是由一个只有1200名委员的选举委员会选出的,其中许多委员都按北京方面的授意行事。

【政治】美国申请失业救济人数减少  US jobless claims fall by 6,000   2012-04-06
  First-time claims for jobless benefits in the US fell last week, yet another reminder of the improving labour market recovery.

【政治】叙利亚政府军继续炮击反对派  Syrian shelling despite pullback claim   2012-04-06
  The Syrian military pounded an opposition area near the capital Damascus on Thursday, activists said, even as the UN pressed the authorities to implement its peace plan.

【政治】QFII扩容推高中国股市  China stocks rise on foreign investor boost   2012-04-06
  Most Asian stock markets declined on Thursday after a weak session in the US and Europe overnight but Shanghai stocks moved higher as China boosted the amount of money foreigners can invest in its capital markets.

【政治】英国天空新闻电视台承认侵入私人电邮  Sky News admits hacking of emails   2012-04-06
  Sky News, the British news channel run by BSkyB, has admitted hacking emails of individuals suspected of criminal activity but said that it did so in the public interest.
  英国天空广播公司(BSkyB)运营的天空新闻电视台(Sky News)承认曾侵入犯罪嫌疑人的电子邮件,但表示此举是出于公众利益。

【医疗】常吃巧克力 身材更苗条?  A Chocolate a Day to Get Slimmer?   2012-04-06
  It sounds a bit too good to be true: A new study has found people who eat chocolate more frequently tend to be thinner than those who consume the sweet treat less often.

【经济】谁在扼杀日本的电子产业  What's Killing Japanese Electronics?   2012-04-06
  Hardly a day goes by without bad news for the Japanese electronics industry. With a few notable exceptions, such as Canon, the titans of the industry are projected to hemorrhage $17 billion in the current fiscal year. S and P has lowered its credit rating on Sony and Sharp to BBB+, just two notches above junk status.
  日本的电子产业几乎天天都有坏消息。除了佳能(Canon)这样的少数特例之外,业内其他巨头在本财政年度的亏损预计会达到170亿美元。标普(S and P)已经将索尼(Sony)和夏普(Sharp)的信用评级降至BBB+,仅比垃圾级别高两级。

【军事】安南:叙利亚停火协议恐难按时执行  Syria Cease-Fire Is In Peril, UN Envoy Says   2012-04-06
  Syrian tanks and troops stormed a Damascus suburb Thursday in what activists called one of the government's most violent campaigns near the capital, as the international deadline for a government pullback inched closer with little sign of waning hostilities.

【政治】支持缅甸改革派 美国决定取消部分制裁  U.S. Aims to Help Reformers in Myanmar   2012-04-06
  The U.S. decision to begin lifting key sanctions on Myanmar following recent elections is meant to boost reformers in the country who face challenges from conservative factions resisting the rapid change, U.S. officials said.

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