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【政治】中国3月重返贸易顺差  Slowing imports push China back to trade surplus   2012-04-10
  China’s trade balance shifted back into positive territory in March as exports from the world’s biggest trader of goods accelerated and imports slowed, according to government data released Tuesday.

【军事】叙利亚边境地区交火 冲突或殃及邻国  Syria Fires Across Two Borders, as Risk Grows   2012-04-10
  Fierce fighting in Syria spilled over two borders on Monday, undermining hopes for a United Nations-backed peace plan just hours ahead of a cease-fire deadline and underlying the conflict's potential to ensnare neighboring states.
  IHLAS News Agency/Getty Images周一,土耳其基利斯难民营内的叙利亚难民望着边境。

【军事】朝鲜邀请外国记者参观火箭发射基地  Foreign Press Shown North Korean Rocket   2012-04-10
  North Korean space officials took the rare step Sunday of allowing foreign journalists to see a rocket, that, despite the objections of the United States and South Korea, is being prepared for launch this week.

【农业】呼吁在农业上赋予女性农民平等权利  A Call for Equal Rights for Women Farmers   2012-04-10
  A new report says if women farmers had the same rights as men, more could be done to reduce world hunger. The report, "Empowering Women in Agriculture," is from the anti-hunger group Bread for the World. Bread for the World says equal access to agricultural resources would help increase food security and economic growth.

【艺术】MBA女性学员读什么?  Won over by social enterprise   2012-04-09
  The underrepresentation of women on boards and in other positions of responsibility is one that, arguably, begins at business school.

【政治】中国留学热背后  Chinese set course for foreign universities   2012-04-09
  Du Jinxiu is only 16, but she knows exactly what she wants – to go to university overseas after she finishes secondary school in China.

【金融】人民币难以取代美元  Renminbi not yet ready to challenge the dollar   2012-04-09
  It has become conventional wisdom among many prominent economists, bankers, and politicians that the Chinese currency is on a path that will inevitably make it a global reserve currency to rival the US dollar.

【科技】看好互联网“后门”  Beware the unholy alliance of state and internet   2012-04-09
  Surveillance means safety. This is the argument wherever and whenever governments seek new powers to monitor their citizens. Proposed legislation in the UK to enable police and intelligence services to access emails, Skype calls and Facebook messages is another such example. It is also another case of the unnecessary and dangerous expansion of state power, in collaboration with companies, into our online – and offline – lives.

【政治】美国企业一季度利润料将下滑  Investors braced for fall in US profits   2012-04-09
  The start of the first-quarter earnings reporting season this week is set to challenge the US equity market, with analysts predicting that profits will fall in most sectors.

【经济】欧美银行试水贸易融资CDO  Banks test ‘CDOs’ for trade finance   2012-04-09
  Some of the world’s biggest banks are trying to extend the principles of securitisation to the plain-vanilla world of trade finance – a market worth an estimated $10tn a year – as concern mounts that regulatory changes could constrain a key lubricant of the global economy.

【综合】联合国叙利亚和平方案受挫  Setback for Syria peace plan   2012-04-09
  The UN peace plan for Syria received a serious blow on Sunday when Damascus said it would not complete its pullback of forces from populated areas until it had written ceasefire guarantees from the rebels.

【经济】Lex专栏:巧克力贵,巧克力商更贵  Lex_Tense time for chocolate makers   2012-04-09
  Recession? When a 110-pound chocolate Easter egg fetches £7,000 in a London charity auction, one might well ask, what recession? Chocolatiers, sadly, do not have that luxury. Chocolate confectionery demand is usually resilient to economic conditions, advancing at 2-3 per cent a year. But there are signs that even chocoholics are tightening their belts this time around. Volumes in core western European markets dipped 3 per cent, year-on-year, between September and January, according to public market data. Global volumes were flat.

【政治】巴基斯坦总统扎尔达里首访印度  Zardari makes first visit to India   2012-04-09
  Asif Ali Zardari, Pakistan’s president, has made the first visit to India by a Pakistani head of state in seven years, taking a symbolic step towards unwinding decades of tension between the nuclear-armed rival states.
  巴基斯坦总统阿西夫•阿里•扎尔达里(Asif Ali Zardari)正在访问印度。这是巴基斯坦国家元首7年来首次访印,也是为缓解这两个拥有核武的敌对国家之间数十年紧张关系而迈出的象征性一步。

【政治】中国有望赢得土耳其核电站招标  China edges ahead in Turkey nuclear race   2012-04-09
  China appears to be edging ahead in the international contest to build a new nuclear power station on Turkey’s Black Sea coast – a sign of how the ambitions of its nuclear companies are poised to reshape the global nuclear industry.

【政治】女政客难当  The Achilles heel of women in politics   2012-04-09
  There are not many political films that have left me haunted, but Game Change, a new HBO film on the 2008 American election campaign, is one. A few days ago, this docu-drama premiered on US TV screens. Ever since then, scenes from the film have continued to flash through my mind, as the Republican contest drags on.
  让我久久难忘的政治影片没有几部,HBO根据2008年美国总统大选角逐改编的新片《规则改变》(Game Change)就是其中之一。上月,这部纪录片式的影片在美国电视银屏上首播。后来,随着本次共和党初选进程的发展,该片中的场景不断在我脑海中闪现。

【金融】中国企业股票在美国股市遭遇严寒  China Stocks Feel A Chill in IPO Market .   2012-04-09
  The U.S. IPO market began warming up last month, but Chinese companies have yet to break through the ice.

【经济】中国经济要靠内需拉动  China Needs An Internal-Consumption Engine   2012-04-09
  The gloomy mantra about China's investment-heavy growth model has become familiar. Getting less attention are the changes that could start to bring consumption humming to life.

【军事】叙利亚政府提撤军条件 和平计划难实现  Syria Sets Conditions On Withdrawing Troops   2012-04-09
  Syria's Foreign Ministry said Sunday it won't withdraw troops from civilian areas unless all rebel groups provide written guarantees they will lay down their weapons, a further blow to efforts to arrange a cease-fire and implement a peace plan backed by the United Nations.

【政治】罗姆尼有望赢得共和党总统候选人提名  Path For Romney Getting Clearer   2012-04-09
  The fight for the Republican presidential nomination appeared closer to a conclusion as Newt Gingrich on Sunday all but conceded to Mitt Romney, and Rick Santorum continued facing a money shortage in his home state of Pennsylvania, where he has two weeks to make a last stand before the primary.
  争夺共和党总统候选人提名资格的战斗看来就要分出胜负:周日金里奇(Newt Gingrich)几乎已经承认自己输给了罗姆尼(Mitt Romney);而桑托勒姆(Rick Santorum)在老家宾夕法尼亚州依旧面临资金短缺问题。在宾州初选开始前,他有两周的时间准备这最后一搏。

【经济】FT社评:挽救叙利亚  Leader_The world must unite to save Syria   2012-04-09
  The forces of Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria, have been killing Syrians mercilessly for 13 months while the world has fumbled for a credible strategy to remove him from office. The rhetoric has been strong: he must go; this is his last chance; his loss of legitimacy is irrevocable. Such phrases have been heard time and again over the past year.
  过去13个月以来,叙利亚总统巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)的部队一直在无情地杀害叙利亚人。与此同时,国际社会一直无法找到一套可信的战略把阿萨德赶下台。各方措辞强硬:他必须下台;这是他最后的机会;他已经不可挽回地丧失了执政合法性。此类论调在过去一年里不绝于耳。

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