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【医疗】黄芩汤有助减轻化疗副作用  Chinese Medicine Goes Under The Microscope   2012-04-11
  Scientists studying a four-herb combination discovered some 1,800 years ago by Chinese herbalists have found that the substance enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients with colon cancer.

【军事】菲律宾军舰与中国巡逻船在南海对峙  Philippine Warship, China Ships In Standoff   2012-04-11
  The Philippine government Wednesday said its newest warship is locked in a standoff with two Chinese surveillance vessels in a fresh dispute over fishing rights in the resource-rich South China Sea, potentially escalating an already-tense security environment in the contested region.

【军事】叙利亚停战计划失败 军事冲突不断  Syria Truce Fails Amid More Clashes   2012-04-11
  A proposed Syrian truce failed on Tuesday as government forces broke a cease-fire deadline but the United Nations' peace envoy effectively gave Damascus a two-day grace period until Thursday to comply.

【经济】欧债危机担忧再起 国际金融市场重挫  New Europe Woes Hit Stocks   2012-04-11
  A wave of selling rolled through financial markets on both sides of the Atlantic Tuesday, shattering a calm that has pervaded global markets for the past few months, as concerns flared anew about Europe's troubled economies.

【军事】朝鲜:远程导弹近日发射  North Korea to launch rocket in defiance of UN   2012-04-11
  North Korea is mounting a satellite on to a long-range rocket for an imminent launch that defies UN Security Council resolutions, according to media visiting the country.

【政治】“巴菲特规则”成为奥巴马竞选纲领  Obama to put Buffett rule at heart of election campaign   2012-04-11
  Barack Obama’s administration laid out its case for a minimum tax on the wealthiest Americans yesterday, doubling down on its bet that fiscal fairness will be a winning platform in this year’s presidential election.
  巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)政府昨日阐述了对美国最富人群设定最低税率的理由,坚信倡导财政公平的施政纲领将帮助他赢得今年总统大选。

【医疗】非政府援助组织对缅甸当前的卫生需求提出警告  Groups Warn of Health Needs in Burma   2012-04-11
  In the past year, Burma has opened its political system and reached cease-fire agreements with some ethnic militias. The government has also eased media restrictions. But many aid groups say their jobs have not gotten any easier.

【经济】员工士气为何低落?  Only the brave tell the world their woes   2012-04-10
  There is a cartoon by Mark Anderson of the Devil saying to a worried-looking junior devil: “No, that’s fine. Morale is supposed to be bad.”
  在马克•安德森(Mark Anderson)创作的一幅漫画中,撒旦对一个面露愁容的低级魔鬼说:“没什么大不了的,士气本来就应该低落。”

【综合】驻外生活百味  A life less ordinary: Is emigration alluring or alienating?   2012-04-10
  From the outside, the lives of executives based beyond the borders of their own country can seem highly enviable. They are often somewhere that sounds exotic, the pay is probably good, the housing and education for their children better than at home.

【经济】分析:波尔多葡萄酒或存投资机会  Investors sniff a profit from Bord   2012-04-10
  The glass is half empty for Bordeaux estates and wine buffs this year – but may bring more cheer to investors for whom the “fantastic” vintages of 2009 and 2010 proved a damp squib.

【政治】美国谋求重振工业  America reassembles industrial policy   2012-04-10
  What if Gene Sperling, director of the White House’s national economic council, declared that a manufacturing renaissance would be strongly in America’s interest? Imagine he added that the US’s manufacturing decline was an aberration that should be reversed. Suppose he came close to breaking a real taboo by saying industrial policy may now make sense. Since Mr Sperling is President Barack Obama’s chief economic adviser – and thus speaking on his behalf – people would take notice, wouldn’t they?
  假如美国白宫国家经济委员会(National Economic Council)主任吉恩•斯珀林(Gene Sperling)宣称制造业复兴完全符合美国的利益,结果将会怎样?试想他还会声称,美国制造业的衰落是一种偏离正常轨道的现象,应该彻底改变这一现象。假设他宣称工业政策在目前来说或许具有意义——这几乎相当于打破了一个事实上的禁忌。既然斯珀林是美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)的首席经济顾问——因而可以充当他的代言人——那么人们应该对他的话予以重视,难道不是吗?

【政治】美中风电企业知识产权纠纷升级  AMSC-Sinovel copyright dispute moves to China’s Supreme Court   2012-04-10
  The bitter intellectual property dispute between American technology company AMSC and Sinovel, one of China’s biggest wind turbine makers, has escalated to China’s Supreme Court, heightening commercial tensions between the world’s largest and second-largest economies.

【经济】Facebook十亿美元收购照片分享网站  Facebook to buy Instagram for $1bn   2012-04-10
  Facebook is to pay $1bn to buy Instagram, a fast-growing online photo site, in its largest acquisition to date.

【军事】叙利亚军队越境开火 打死打伤多人  Syria fighting spills over borders   2012-04-10
  Fierce fighting in Syria spilt across two borders yesterday, undermining hopes for a UN-sponsored peace plan due to be implemented today.

【经济】索尼将裁员一万人  Sony to cut its global workforce by 10,000   2012-04-10
  Sony is preparing to cut its workforce by 10,000, or 6 per cent of its global headcount, as part of a restructuring that has seen the Japanese electronics and entertainment group sell two divisions and drastically scale back its television production plans.

【政治】难解的中国经济数据  China outlook complicated by competing data   2012-04-10
  The health of China’s manufacturing sector, which is the source of most of the world’s T-shirts, iPads and fertiliser, is a crucial indicator for anyone wanting a snapshot of the state of the global economy.

【政治】美国大量进口巴西乙醇  Eco-rules drive up US ethanol imports    2012-04-10
  US imports of ethanol from Brazil have risen to their highest level since 2008 as a result of environmental regulations that favour Brazilian fuels produced from sugar over US product made from corn.

【经济】三一拟向德国子公司注资3亿欧元  Sany Group to invest €300m in Putzmeister   2012-04-10
  One of China’s fastest-growing manufacturing companies has promised to invest €300m to expand its new German offshoot, in an illustration of the interest by Chinese production businesses in establishing a stronger international presence.
  中国发展最快的制造企业之一——三一集团(Sany Group)承诺,将投资3亿欧元用于扩大其在德国的新公司。此举显示出中国制造业企业有意在海外加大实力。

【经济】FT社评:欧洲的开源与节流  Leader_A growth agenda for the eurozone   2012-04-10
  It had been a deceptively mild end to the winter for the eurozone’s economy. Bountiful showers of money from the European Central Bank helped to lower yields on Spanish and Italian bonds. Equity markets were temporarily soothed and some commentators had even started speculating about the first shoots of recovery appearing with the spring.

【经济】三一重工收购“德国老师”  Recession forced German company to seek help from China   2012-04-10
  In just over three years Putzmeister’s world, fashioned around the unforgiving business of concrete, came crashing down around it.

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