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【军事】朝鲜宣布为即将升空的火箭注入燃料  Pyongyang Announces Fueling of Rocket for Space Shot   2012-04-12
  North Korean officials said Wednesday they have begun injecting fuel into a rocket for an imminent space launch, raising the stakes in an escalating standoff with its regional neighbors and the United States.

【军事】菲律宾军舰与中国海监船在南中国海对峙  Philippines Warship, Chinese Vessels in China Sea Standoff   2012-04-12
  The Philippines said Wednesday one of its warships is engaged in a standoff with two Chinese surveillance vessels that blocked the arrest of Chinese fishermen in disputed waters of the South China Sea.

【军事】叙利亚军方继续进攻反对派要塞  Syria Military Continues Offensive Against Opposition Strongholds   2012-04-12
  Syria's military continued a country-wide offensive against opposition strongholds, killing at least nine civilians, as a Thursday deadline for a cease fire approached.

【军事】朝鲜做好火箭发射准备  Pyongyang Is Belligerent On Rocket   2012-04-12
  North Korea reportedly began fueling its multistage rocket on Wednesday, a day ahead of a five-day launch window for what many countries believe is a test of a long-range missile.

【经济】中国调低奢侈品税的输家和赢家  Chinese Luxury Gets In the Zone   2012-04-12
  China's government departments are locked in a battle over whether to cut the country's luxury tax.

【经济】FT社评:不要高估“巴菲特税”  Leader_Obama’s Buffett tax   2012-04-12
  It was unfortunate for US President Barack Obama that Rick Santorum this week chose to quit the race for the Republican nomination in the middle of his speech on the “Buffett tax”. But Mr Obama will give the millionaire tax plenty more airtime as the election approaches. The temptation to brand Mitt Romney as Mr One Per Cent is just too great.
  在美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)本周就“巴菲特税”发表讲话之际,里克•桑托勒姆(Rick Santorum)宣布退出共和党提名角逐,这对奥巴马而言颇有些败兴。不过随着竞选过程的推进,奥巴马肯定还会在媒体上为这个“百万富翁税”大举造势。把米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)塑造成“1%的代言人”的诱惑实在太大了。

【法律】谷开来被捕震动北京高层  Arrest sheds uncomfortable light on role of top leaders’ wives   2012-04-12
  For the wife of Bo Xilai, the deposed Chongqing Communist party chief, it was never supposed to end up like this, writes Leslie Hook in Beijing. Gu Kailai, an ambitious lawyer from a well-connected family, was arrested on suspicion of murdering British businessman Neil Heywood, according to state media.
  没人能想到,已被免职的中共重庆市委书记薄熙来的妻子,会落到今天这样的地步。谷开来曾是一名志向远大的律师,来自一个人脉深厚的家庭。官方媒体称,因涉嫌谋杀英国商人尼尔•海伍德(Neil Heywood),她已被逮捕。

【政治】微博提升中国政治透明度  Word on the Tweet forces Bo crisis into the open   2012-04-12
  When Bo Xilai was sent to the steaming metropolis of Chongqing to be its Communist party secretary in 2007, many people believed he had effectively been neutralised by his political enemies.

【经济】电视真人秀的公益  Reality TV shows can be a public service   2012-04-11
  One of my business partners has a dilemma: should he agree to our company appearing on a reality television show?

【金融】世界银行面临三大挑战  My vision for a World Bank that serves everyone   2012-04-11
  In 1944, the Bretton Woods conference set up institutions that reflected a world about to emerge from the second world war. Nearly 70 years later, the world has changed. Emerging countries, once dependent on the World Bank, have become world powers. Growth across Asia, Africa and Latin America is transforming the global economy. The World Bank must adapt to such tectonic shifts and progress is being made, albeit slowly.
  1944年,在布雷顿森林(Bretton Woods)会议上建立的制度反映了二战后的世界。将近70年后,世界已经发生了改变。曾经依赖世界银行(World Bank)的新兴国家已经成为全球强国。亚非拉各地的经济增长正在改变全球经济。世行必须适应这种结构上的转变——它已在这方面取得进展,虽然有些缓慢。

【综合】幸运的一代应当回报社会  My lucky generation should repay its good fortune   2012-04-11
  I belong to a lucky generation: too young to have experienced the Depression, or the second world war, or postwar austerity. The first political figure I recognised was Harold Macmillan, who told voters they had never had it so good.
  我属于幸运的一代:大萧条(Depression)、二战和战后紧缩时我还未出生。我认识的第一个政治人物是哈罗德•麦克米伦(Harold Macmillan),他曾告诉选民们,以前他们从未有过如此美好的生活。

【政治】中国应借助国际合作推动改革  China’s next generation should look to Zhu   2012-04-11
  Remember that issue with the Chinese currency? As markets await this week’s economic data releases from Beijing, it is easy to be complacent over its mercantilist exchange rate policies, now concern is shifting to whether China has a hard landing ahead.

【政治】中国谷物进口达创纪录高位  Beijing’s grain imports hit record high   2012-04-11
  China’s grain imports hit a record high in March, as the world’s most populous country increasingly turns to overseas markets to meet its agricultural needs.

【政治】中国自行车厂家被指获得非法政府补贴  China accused of illegal bike subsidies   2012-04-11
  Europe’s bicycle manufacturers have accused their Chinese competitors of benefiting from illegal government subsidies, opening an acrimonious chapter in a long-running trade dispute.

【政治】IMF将“显著下调”中国经常账户盈余预测  IMF sees fall in Chinese surplus   2012-04-11
  The International Monetary Fund will “be significantly reducing” its medium-term outlook for China’s current account surplus, according to people familiar with the matter, a move that will give Beijing ammunition against critics who say that it keeps the renminbi artificially cheap to support its exporters.

【经济】索尼发布历来最严重亏损预警  Sony braced for record loss of $6.4bn   2012-04-11
  The scale of challenge of challenges facing Sony have been underscored by a warning from the electronics and entertainment group that it expects to make a Y520bn ($6.4bn) net loss for its just-ended financial year, its worst deficit ever.

【法律】欧元区市场重新陷入动荡  Renewed fears over Spain hit markets   2012-04-11
  Market turbulence returned to the eurozone on Tuesday amid renewed investor concerns about the health of Europe’s economy and fears that Spain could become the fourth member country to need emergency rescue loans.

【法律】薄熙来被停职并接受中纪委调查  China’s Bo formally ousted   2012-04-11
  China’s Communist party formally dismissed Bo Xilai, one of its most powerful leaders, from his positions atop the ruling hierarchy and arrested his wife on suspicion of murdering British businessman Neil Heywood.
  中国共产党正式将其最有权势的领导人之一薄熙来清除出最高领导层,并以涉嫌谋杀英国商人尼尔•海伍德(Neil Heywood)为由逮捕了他的妻子。

【商贸】投资者需重新考量中国的大宗商品需求  Going Soft on China's Commodity Demand   2012-04-11
  In China's boom years, everything from copper to soybeans benefited from turbocharged demand growth. Now that the economy is slowing, investors need to take a more nuanced view.

【社会】大韩航空客机因炸弹威胁迫降加拿大  Korean Air Plane Makes Emergency Landing in Canada   2012-04-11
  Korean Air Lines said Wednesday one of its planes made an emergency landing in Comox, in the Canadian province of British Columbia, after receiving a bomb threat.
  大韩航空公司(Korean Air Lines)周三表示,旗下一个航班在接到炸弹威胁后紧急迫降在加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的科莫克斯(Comox)。

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