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【政治】中菲撤回外交抗议 寻求结束南海对峙  Philippines, China Withdraw Protests on South China Sea Spat   2012-04-13
  Philippine and Chinese diplomats Friday began to make progress on defusing a tense naval standoff in the resource-rich South China Sea, with both countries agreeing to withdraw their diplomatic protests over the impasse, a top Filipino official said.

【医疗】顶住主流压力 潜心研究中药  Bucking the Mainstream to Focus on Healing Herbs   2012-04-13
  When cancer researcher Yung-Chi Cheng set out some 12 years ago to study a traditional Chinese medicine, the initial reaction from colleagues and other experts in the field was 'pretty bad,' he says.

【经济】Lex专栏:油价下跌又如何?  Lex_Oil prices   2012-04-13
  How many oil industry authorities does it take to call the top of the market? Three, so far. Ali Naimi, Saudi Arabia’s oil minister, thinks oil at $120 is “unjustified” because supply fears are overdone. Opec says supply constraints are easing. And, weighing in yesterday, the International Energy Agency says that oil market fundamentals are turning as supply moves ahead of demand – though the shift has yet to translate into the price. Of course, one false move from Iran and this emerging consensus is moot. But what if the pundits are right?
  需要多少位石油行业权威,才能形成市场见顶的判断?目前已有三个说话了。沙特石油部长阿里•纳伊米(Ali Naimi)认为,油价处于120美元是“不合理的”,因为人们对供应的担忧过度。石油输出国组织(Opec,简称欧佩克)称,供应约束正在缓解。昨日,国际能源署(IEA)称,石油市场基本面正在发生变化,供应超过需求,不过这一转变尚未体现到价格上来。当然,伊朗发动错误行动,这种新兴共识也尚未形成定论。但如果这些权威看法是正确的将会怎样呢?

【科技】Lex专栏:电子书的定价难题  Lex_Ebook pricing   2012-04-13
  The publishing industry is in a tight crack. Its product can be distributed for virtually nothing as a stream of ones and zeros. Finding, paying, editing and promoting authors’ work costs money but average consumers (half of whom think they could write bestsellers themselves) do not see that. And the dominant distributor, Amazon, is prepared to sell the product at a loss to gain share, reinforcing the drooling public’s idea that the product should be cheap.

【政治】一季度中国经济增长8.1%  Chinese economy grows 8.1% in Q1   2012-04-13
  China’s economy grew 8.1 per cent in the first quarter from a year earlier, its slowest pace in nearly three years.

【经济】美国状告苹果及5家出版商合谋操纵电子书价格  US Brings Case Against Apple and Five Book Publishers Over Electronic Books   2012-04-13
  The United States says technology company Apple and book publishers illegally fixed prices of electronic books, or e-books. The Department of Justice took legal action on Wednesday in federal court in New York City.

【政治】阿富汗卡尔扎伊考虑提前举行大选  Afghanistan's Karzai Considers Early Elections   2012-04-13
  Afghanistan could be headed for early presidential elections to ensure Afghans are not going to the polls at the same time foreign troops are pulling out.

【科技】人们为何如此信任科技?  The technology of trust   2012-04-12
  A few weeks ago, some British friends told me that they would be coming to New York for Easter and needed a place to stay. Since my own apartment was already full with extended family, I suggested they look on the internet – and they duly booked a place via Craigslist.

【综合】垃圾成山困扰北京  Growing rubbish mountain haunts Beijing   2012-04-12
  The Beijing suburb of Tongzhou has had to learn how to live with rubbish. In one neighbourhood that was once surrounded by fields, a huge landfill site covered by tarpaulins rises like a green mountain amid apartment buildings and factories.

【政治】做空者瞄准香港中国概念股  Selling Chinese companies short becomes complex   2012-04-12
  Having made money in 2011 betting against Chinese companies listed in the US, shortsellers are no longer finding it as easy to identify suitable targets.

【政治】撤军阿富汗,看谁更快?  New friends race to end an old war   2012-04-12
  In Washington this week a president and a prime minister declared victory even as they admitted defeat. The US and Britain are getting out of Afghanistan. The rush for the exit is becoming a race. “We’ve been there for 10 years and people get weary,” Barack Obama said. “People want an end game,” Britain’s David Cameron chipped in. “What happens next in that benighted country is, well, a problem for the Afghans.”
  前段时间在华盛顿,一位总统和一名首相宣布了获胜的消息,尽管他们也承认遭遇了失败。美国和英国正从阿富汗撤军。而此番争先恐后的撤离正演变为一场竞赛。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)说:“我们在那里待了10年,人们已经感到疲倦了。”这时,英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)插话说,“人们想结束这场战事。这个蒙昧的国家接下来会发生什么,这是阿富汗人的问题。”

【政治】为何中国能人也造假?  Guest post: explaining China’s fakes   2012-04-12
  On last Chinese New Year’s Eve in Shanghai, while waiting in a pub for the annual spectacle of zillions of firecrackers and fireworks going off at the same time, I felt like having a cigar. I inquired of a waiter if the pub sold cigars. He said someone outside on the street would. I stepped out. Sure enough, a middle-aged migrant type had a huge stash of cigars hanging on the side of a bicycle, all cuban. The Partagas 4 went for Rmb 50 each, about half the price in Hong Kong. The excitement over a very good price didn’t last. The reality soon dawned on me that someone on the sidewalk selling Cuban cigars was probably not kosher. The cigar certainly didn’t taste cuban.
  去年除夕,我在上海一间酒吧等待观看一年一度的壮观景象——海量的爆竹和烟花齐齐燃放,就在那一刻,我想吸一支雪茄。我问侍者酒吧里是否卖雪茄。他说,外面马路上有人卖。我走出了酒吧。果不其然,有个看上去是外来工模样的中年人身旁停着一辆自行车,车的一侧挂着一捆雪茄,全是古巴来的。帕特加斯四号(Partagas 4)每支50元人民币,大约是香港价格的一半。如此便宜的价格带给我的激动没能持续太久。不一会儿,我开始意识到真相:有人在上海的人行道上销售古巴雪茄可能不大对劲。这雪茄绝不是古巴雪茄的味道。

【经济】Lex专栏:百思买VS亚马逊  Lex_Best Buy and Amazon   2012-04-12
  The murky resignation of Brian Dunn, chief executive of Best Buy, is unlikely to solve the company’s problems. But it is a giddy bonanza for the armchair pundits who know what the world’s largest electronics retailer should have done to protect itself from the growth of internet retail. They would have cut more costs (or maybe fewer), provided better customer service, built a proper online portal, and avoided costly international forays.
  百思买(Best Buy)首席行政官邓恩(Brian Dunn)令人费解的辞职,不太可能解决该公司的问题。但这对“椅子评论家”来说是极好的谈资,他们知道在互联网零售日益增长的情况下,世界最大的电子产品零售商原本应做些什么来自保。百思买本该更大幅度(或更小幅度)削减成本,提供更好的客户服务,打造一个像模像样的网上门户,以及避免代价不菲的海外拓展。

【政治】中国海监船与菲律宾军舰南海对峙  Stand-off in South China Sea   2012-04-12
  Two Chinese marine surveillance ships have been engaged in a stand-off with a Philippine navy vessel in a disputed area of the South China Sea, the latest example of rising tensions in the region.

【政治】巴西淡水河谷拟造100余艘巨型货船  Vale wants 100 mega-ships for China market   2012-04-12
  Vale has signalled it is prepared to commission more than a 100 of its controversial giant Valemax ships as the biggest producer of iron ore battles with Australia-based miners for the key Chinese market.

【经济】伊朗延长付款期限吸引石油买家  Iran woos oil buyers with easy credit   2012-04-12
  Iran is trying to skirt US and European sanctions by luring nations to buy its oil on highly advantageous credit terms, say officials in the industry.

【科技】苹果与多家出版商被控操纵电子书价格  Publishers sued over ebook price ‘collusion’   2012-04-12
  The US Department of Justice sued Apple and five of the world’s largest book publishers yesterday, alleging that they colluded to increase the price of ebooks and cost consumers “tens of millions of dollars”.
  美国司法部(US Department of Justice)昨日起诉苹果(Apple)和5家世界上最大的图书出版商,指控他们串通一气抬高电子书价格,导致消费者遭受“数千万美元”的损失。

【政治】中国网民热议薄熙来倒台  Censors fail to stifle internet chatter on the downfall of Bo   2012-04-12
  Chinese censors laboured in vain yesterday as citizens messaged each other about the one topic on everyone’s mind: the fate of Bo Xilai, the purged party boss, and his wife.

【地理】海啸警报扰乱印度洋周边国家商业  Tsunami alert hits Indian Ocean business   2012-04-12
  Governments around the Indian Ocean issued and then lifted tsunami warnings yesterday after an earthquake that ranked among the 10 most powerful of the last century hit off the coast of Indonesia prompting evacuations and business disruptions as far away as India.

【经济】铁矿石价格突破每吨150美元  Chinese steel sector cheer pushes iron ore above $150   2012-04-12
  Iron ore prices rose above $150 a tonne for the first time in six months yesterday amid improving sentiment in China’s large steel sector.

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