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【政治】桑托勒姆暂停竞选的启示  Less effort, more money? Me too!   2012-04-16
  I’ve changed my mind about Rick Santorum. I realise it’s a little late in the political season for this sort of thing. But, as of this week, I see him as an inspiration – a role model, worthy of emulation by the likes of yours truly.
  我对里克•桑托勒姆(Rick Santorum)的看法有了变化。我知道,在这个政治季节里,我有点后知后觉。不过,到了上周,我觉得他能够启发人的灵感,可以作为榜样,值得那些了不起的人效仿。

【财经】堵税制漏洞胜于对富人加税  The ‘Buffett rule’ is a sorry excuse for tax reform   2012-04-16
  No reasonable person can doubt that the US must eventually raise taxes. The country is running an unsustainable budget deficit. Its tax take, measured as a share of gross domestic product, is the lowest in the OECD. The 1990s suggest the US can raise revenues without damaging growth. Other countries have also managed similar feats. Sweden, for example, which collects 53 per cent of GDP in taxes, has grown faster over the past decade than the US, which collects 32 per cent, counting state and local government. From all this it follows that a distressingly large slice of the Republican party is unreasonable.

【金融】中国扩大人民币浮动幅度获各方好评  China’s loosening control of renminbi welcomed   2012-04-16
  China’s decision to loosen some of its currency controls, permitting greater volatility in daily trade from Monday, has been welcomed as an important step towards allowing the renminbi to float freely.

【财经】全球经济复苏依然脆弱  Fragile world economy still on ‘life support’   2012-04-16
  The world economy “remains on life support” from central banks and has deteriorated since last autumn, the latest Brookings Institution-Financial Times tracking index shows, despite some recent signs of stabilisation.
  最新的布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institution)—英国《金融时报》追踪指标显示,世界经济“仍然依赖”各国央行来“维持生命”,并且自去年秋天以来世界经济状况有所恶化。

【军事】金正恩重申“先军思想”  Kim reaffirms military strategy   2012-04-16
  Kim Jong-eun, North Korea’s youthful leader, has used his first publicly televised speech to dismiss US suggestions that Pyongyang should stop wasting money on weapons, even though its latest long-range rocket disintegrated shortly after blast-off on Friday.
  朝鲜年轻的领导人金正恩(Kim Jong-eun)利用其首次电视转播的公开演讲,驳斥了美国有关朝鲜不应把资金浪费在武器上的提议,尽管朝鲜最新的远程火箭在上周五发射后不久解体。

【军事】塔利班发动春季攻势 喀布尔多处遭袭  Taliban launches Afghan raids   2012-04-16
  Taliban fighters shattered a seven-month lull in attacks on Kabul with a tightly-choreographed series of raids on military bases, embassies and the parliament, to mark the start of their spring offensive.

【财经】苹果同意对其供应商的中国工厂进行污染控制审查  Apple agrees China supplier pollution audit   2012-04-16
  Apple has agreed to a jointly monitored audit of pollution controls at a supplier’s factory in China, in what activists see as a breakthrough in their efforts to persuade the world’s most valuable company to address environmental concerns.

【财经】爱尔兰将帮助中国建立国家马术中心  Ireland to help China in $2bn equine project   2012-04-16
  China has chosen Ireland as a partner to help establish a $2bn national equine centre, as the world’s second-biggest economy begins establishing a horseracing and breeding industry.

【政治】伊朗核谈判重启 美以官员疑虑仍存  Israel, U.S. Show Skepticism On Iran Nuclear Talks   2012-04-16
  Renewed negotiations between Iran and international powers over Tehran's nuclear program this weekend already are facing fire from Israel and U.S. lawmakers, who fear the Islamic Republic is seeking to use the revived diplomatic track to forestall additional economic sanctions while continuing to advance its nuclear work.

【经济】乔布斯的成功能否复制?  Bio as Bible: Managers Imitate Steve Jobs   2012-04-16
  Prasad Thammineni, the chief executive of a file-sharing start-up called OfficeDrop in Cambridge, Mass., was no fan of Steve Jobs after Apple Inc. took a long time adding one of the company's apps to its iTunes Store.
  42岁的普拉萨德•塔米内尼(Prasad Thammineni)是马萨诸塞州剑桥市(Cambridge)文件共享服务初创公司OfficeDrop的首席执行长,以前他绝对算不上是乔布斯的粉丝,因为苹果公司(Apple Inc.)花了很长时间才把该公司的应用程序加入iTunes商店。

【经济】2012年美国最佳和最差行业  Best and Worst Jobs of 2012   2012-04-16
  Casting about for your next career? A few tips: learn your programming languages and stay away from chain saws.

【军事】金正恩首次公开讲话:将继续先军革命  N. Korea's Kim Jong-Un Delivers Public Speech   2012-04-16
  North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un spoke publicly for the first time Sunday, declaring before a giant crowd gathered to commemorate his grandfather's 100th birthday that the country will continue putting military matters above the economy and trying to unify the Korean peninsula under the North's leadership.
  朝鲜独裁统治者金正恩(Kim Jong-Un)周日首次发表公开讲话。面对为纪念其祖父诞辰100周年而聚集的朝鲜民众,他宣布朝鲜将继续“先军革命”,努力统一朝鲜半岛,使朝鲜半岛处在朝鲜的领导之下。

【经济】巴克莱税收筹划业务受诉  Barclays’ tax business faces fresh scrutiny   2012-04-16
  Barclays’ controversial tax planning business will come under fresh scrutiny in a US court this week over whether a transaction designed by the bank cost the US government more than $1bn in lost tax receipts.

【科技】Lex专栏:甲骨文诉谷歌的意图  Lex_Oracle/Google lawsuit   2012-04-16
  Why didn’t Google just sign up for a licence and move on? Oracle’s lawsuit alleges that when Google used the Java programming language as the basis for its Android mobile operating system – without taking a licence – it misappropriated intellectual property Oracle acquired when Oracle bought Java, along with Sun Microsystems, in 2009. The trial is set to start today. A licence would not have been expensive. There is even a free, open-source version.
  谷歌(Google)当初为什么不先拿到授权呢?甲骨文(Oracle)声称,谷歌没有取得许可便使用Java程序语言作为Android手机操作系统的基础,侵犯了其知识产权。甲骨文2009年收购了太阳微系统(Sun Microsystems)以及Java。本案定于今日开庭审理。许可费原本应该不高。现在甚至还有一个免费的开源版本可使用。

【政治】中国经济将反弹?  China growth: bottoming out?   2012-04-16
  Was that it? While China’s Q1 growth figure came in below expectations, and marked a continued slowdown, the 8.1 per cent headline number has already been greeted with relief by some China watchers.

【金融】有关人民币汇率的讨论出现重要改变  An Important Shift in the Yuan Debate   2012-04-16
  For much of the last decade, the pivot around which the world economy turned was China's current account surplus - the broadest measure of its unbalanced trade.

【科技】中国互联网断网原因新解  New Clarity on China Internet Outage   2012-04-16
  When China's internet goes haywire, it's not just eager microblog users who notice. Thursday's two-hour blip, during which a chunk of China's internet traffic stopped, likely set off alarm bells at major internet companies across the globe as they scrambled to ensure their networks weren't the ones blocking Chinese traffic.

【经济】中国公司加速收购日企  In A Shift, Chinese Capital Flows To Japanese Firms   2012-04-16
  As the fortunes of Asia's two largest economies diverge, Chinese companies are stepping up their acquisitions in Japan--a trend likely to accelerate as it relies on China's growing wealth to help rebuild Japan's businesses.

【经济】中国一季度经济增长有喜有忧  China's Economy: The First Quarter   2012-04-16
  Growth in China's gross domestic product slowed to 8.1% year-on-year in the first quarter of 2012, the country's lowest rate of economic growth since the first quarter of 2009. On a quarter-on-quarter basis the picture was even worse, with annualized growth dipping to 7.4% from 7.8%, below the government's 7.5% target for the year.

【经济】香港珠宝商光芒不再  Shine Comes Off Chinese Jewelers   2012-04-16
  Walking through the streets of Hong Kong with its endless rows of jeweler stores packed full of Chinese shoppers, it may seem like the bling business is sparkling.

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