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【新闻】俄罗斯一架飞机坠毁,乘客包括瓦格纳首领普里戈任  Wagner Leader Believed to Be Aboard Plane That Crashed in Russia   2023-08-24 02:23
  Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the founder of the Wagner mercenary group who staged an aborted mutiny against Russia’s military leadership in June, in one of the most dramatic challenges to President Vladimir V. Putin’s rule in decades, was listed as a passenger on a plane that crashed on Wednesday in Russia, killing everyone on board, the nation’s aviation authorities said.

【新闻】经常放屁特别臭需要警惕吗?  What passing gas can say about your health   2023-08-23 17:50
  Dr. Mark Corkins, division chief of pediatric gastroenterology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center. “There are two sources of ‘gas,’ and not all gas is gas. Part of what we pass is air. We all swallow some air, and some people swallow a lot of air. Now that seems to be odorless.”

【新闻】特朗普式“双标”:总统家族可以从外国收钱吗  To Trump, Foreign Business Is Scandalous, Unless It’s His Own   2023-08-23 04:40
  After his fourth indictment, bringing his total count of felony charges to 91, former President Donald J. Trump last week posted a video online accusing President Biden and his family of being criminals.

【新闻】单身购房,中国女性追求性别平等的新方式  For Single Women in China, Owning a Home Is a New Form of Resistance   2023-08-23 03:23
  After she signed the contract for her new apartment in southern China, Guo Miaomiao, 32, ran through the mental list of what she would get to enjoy as a homeowner. A leather couch in the living room. A pumpkin pendant lamp that she’d been eyeing online.

【新闻】日本政府宣布8月24日启动福岛核污水排海  Japan to start releasing Fukushima wastewater as soon as Thursday   2023-08-22 17:21
  Japanese government announced Tuesday it has decided to start releasing nuclear-contaminated wastewater from the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant into the ocean on Thursday, weather conditions permitting.

【商业】关于中国的房地产危机,你应该知道的  What to Know About China’s Real Estate Crisis   2023-08-22 12:35
  Tremors in China’s real estate market are shaking the country’s economy, as well as the world, which has come to rely on China as a reliable engine of growth.

【新闻】切断与中国经济联系?美国多州“反中”情绪渐涨  Spreading State Restrictions on China Show Depths of Distrust in the U.S.   2023-08-22 02:59
  At a moment when Washington is trying to reset its tense relationship with China, states across the country are leaning into anti-Chinese sentiment and crafting or enacting sweeping rules aimed at severing economic ties with Beijing.

【新闻】在微缩模型中,他们试图寻找昔日的中国和生活  Recreating a Bygone China, One Miniature Home at a Time   2023-08-22 01:02
  Not long after Shen Peng’s grandfather died, his grandmother visited the site of the house where she and her husband once lived. The government had demolished the house, in northern China, nearly 15 years before as part of a redevelopment project. The site still hadn’t been developed, and she could barely walk around the family’s old plot because the grass was so overgrown.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国机器人产业发展水平稳步提升 助力世界经济复苏  China's robot industry spurs world economic recovery   2023-08-21 17:26
  Humanoid robots with the appearance of Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-907) poets Li Bai and Du Fu have been a hit at the ongoing 2023 World Robot Conference.    

【商业】中国经济疲软扰乱全球股市,港股跌入熊市  China’s Troubles Rattle Global Stocks and Drag Hong Kong Into Bear Market   2023-08-21 12:35
  Stocks in Hong Kong entered a bear market on Friday, down 21 percent from their high near the start of the year, as investors around the world grew increasingly worried that the deteriorating condition of China’s real estate sector could spill over into the broader economy.

【商业】楼市危机疾速失控,中国经济何去何从  China Is on Edge as Fallout From Its Real Estate Crisis Spreads   2023-08-21 05:09
  A model Chinese property developer in a sector replete with risk takers is teetering on the edge of default. Short of cash, one of China’s biggest asset managers has missed payments to investors. And billions of dollars have flowed out of the country’s stock markets.

【商业】房地产危机蔓延 ,中国央行再次下调一年期LPR  China Cuts Key Interest Rate Again as Property Slump Spreads   2023-08-21 03:40
  China’s central bank on Monday cut the main benchmark interest rate that the country’s commercial banks use in issuing one-year bank loans, the latest in a series of steps by the government to address falling apartment prices, weak consumer spending and broad debt troubles.

【新闻】美国警告中俄情报部门正瞄准私营航天公司  Intelligence Agencies Warn Foreign Spies Are Targeting U.S. Space Companies   2023-08-21 02:45
  Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies are targeting American private space companies, attempting to steal critical technologies and preparing cyberattacks aimed at degrading U.S. satellite capabilities during a conflict or emergency, according to a new warning by American intelligence agencies.

【新闻】中国在台湾周边进行军事巡逻,进一步威慑台湾  In Warning to Taiwan, China Announces Military Patrols   2023-08-21 02:26
  China’s military said it would stage “joint combat readiness” patrols around Taiwan on Saturday, sending a warning gesture to the island democracy soon after a leading candidate in Taiwan’s presidential election finished an overseas trip that Beijing had denounced.

【商业】中资镍冶炼厂在印尼:创造就业,也带来污染和冲突  China’s Nickel Plants in Indonesia Created Needed Jobs, Plus Pollution   2023-08-18 03:48
  For most of his 57 years on the island of Sulawesi, Jamal was accustomed to scarcity, modest expectations and a grim shortage of jobs. People mined sand, caught fish and coaxed crops from the soil. Chickens frequently disappeared from front yards, stolen by hungry neighbors.

【新闻】脱北者在联合国讲述朝鲜“恐惧统治”,中国批安理会越权  North Koreans Under ‘Reign of Fear,’ Starved and Forced to Work, U.N. Hears   2023-08-18 02:46
  The United Nations Security Council on Thursday took up North Korea’s human rights record for the first time in six years, with officials painting a grim picture of extreme hunger, forced labor and medicine shortages in the country.

【商业】中国破坏英特尔收购以色列芯片制造商交易  China Scuttles a $5.4 Billion Microchip Deal Led by U.S. Giant Intel   2023-08-17 09:54
  China has effectively scuttled a $5.4 billion deal by Intel, the Silicon Valley semiconductor giant, in the latest sign of the frayed business ties between China and the United States.

【经济】全球财富缩水 350万人失去百万富翁身份  Global wealth fall cost 3.5m people ‘dollar millionaire’ status last year   2023-08-17 09:29
  More than 3.5 million people lost their “dollar millionaire” status last year during the first fall in global wealth since the 2008 financial crisis.

【新闻】野火是如何将昔日夏威夷王都夷为废墟的  How Fire Turned Lahaina Into a Death Trap   2023-08-17 02:57
  Only three hours before she found herself huddled in the Pacific Ocean, a barrage of embers and ash hurtling above her, Chelsea Denton Fuqua was lounging in bed with a fan, a pristine blue sky outside the window of her home that lies half a mile from the Lahaina waterfront on the Hawaiian island of Maui.


【商业】中美经济前景隐忧难消,美股走低  Wall St. Weighs the Effect of Weaker China and Stronger U.S.   2023-08-16 02:43
  The world’s two largest economies — China and the United States — are moving in sharply different directions. Both are a risk to financial markets.

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