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【商业】中国的经济困境对美国可能意味着什么  What China’s Economic Woes May Mean for the U.S.   2023-08-31 03:35
  The news about China’s economy over the past few weeks has been daunting, to put it mildly.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国将加快前沿材料产业化发展  New materials in focus within high-tech push   2023-08-30 14:07
  China aims to accelerate the industrialization of new materials like superconducting materials, graphene and liquid metal that are now considered critical to the development of high-tech industries, the country's top industry regulator said.

【商业】美商务部长:美国不寻求切断与中国的经济联系  U.S. Does Not Want to ‘Decouple’ From China, Commerce Chief Says   2023-08-30 11:36
  Gina Raimondo, the U.S. secretary of commerce, told Chinese officials on Tuesday that the United States was not seeking to sever economic ties with China, but she expressed a litany of concerns that were prompting the business community to describe China as “uninvestable.”

【新闻】“特别葬礼行动”:普里戈任死后的谣言和迷雾  Rumors and Misdirection Keep Crowds Away From Prigozhin Burial   2023-08-30 05:28
  Even in death, the movements of Yevgeny V. Prigozhin, the Russian mercenary boss, were the subject of intense interest, contradictory reporting and cultivated confusion.

【商业】中国经济前景如何?官方论调与民间悲观情绪脱节  China’s Economic Outlook: Pep Talks Up Top, Gloom on the Ground   2023-08-30 04:21
  To the residents and business owners of Chedun, a working-class neighborhood in the southwestern outskirts of Shanghai, the signs of an anemic economy are all around. The factories that once drew workers from around the country have moved away. Those that remain have slashed wages. Around the affordable eateries and motley shops where workers once crowded, employees eagerly latch onto anyone passing by.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中美商务部宣布建立新沟通渠道  China, US commerce authorities to establish new working group   2023-08-29 15:59
  China and the United States will establish a new communication channel between their commerce authorities, according to a statement released by China's Ministry Commerce.

【新闻】吃完午饭就犯困?你需要这么做……  Tired after eating? Here’s why, and how to fix it   2023-08-29 15:13
  After a busy morning, lunch can feel like just the pick-me-up you need — but sometimes the meal you thought would energize you is the very thing that makes you want to nap at your desk.

【商业】中国房地产危机蔓延,小企业供应商陷入困境  Paid Late, or Never: Painters, Builders and Realtors Hit by China’s Property C   2023-08-29 12:18
  Once a beneficiary of China’s property boom, Lan Mingqiang is now an unwitting casualty of its unraveling.

【新闻】普里戈任,从普京亲信到死于非命的叛将  Yevgeny Prigozhin, Renegade Mercenary Chief Who Rattled Kremlin   2023-08-29 10:22
  Since the publication of this obituary, Russia has confirmed the death of Yevgeny V. Prigozhin.

【商业】美中同意举行定期磋商,缓和经贸紧张局势  U.S. and China Agree to Broaden Talks in Bid to Ease Tensions   2023-08-29 02:21
  The United States and China agreed on Monday to hold regular conversations about commercial issues and restrictions on access to advanced technology, the latest step this summer toward reducing tensions between the world’s two largest economies.

【健康】研究:开怀大笑有助于心脏健康  The best medicine? Study finds laughter is good for heart health   2023-08-28 17:09
  The old adage that “laughter is the best medicine” may contain an element of truth when it comes to heart health.

【新闻】在大瀑布上空野餐是种怎样的体验?     2023-08-28 17:08
  A Brazilian adventure firm is offering thrillseekers the unique opportunity to enjoy a picnic at a wooden table suspended above the thundering Cascata da Sepultura, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.

【新闻】福岛核废水排海后,海鲜还能吃吗  Seafood Is Safe After Fukushima Water Dump, but Some Won’t Eat It   2023-08-28 11:53
  Seafood is having a bad week in East Asia, which is bad news for a region where it’s a major part of the diet.

【商业】美国商务部长访华的五个关键议题  U.S. Commerce Secretary Faces a Wide Range of Issues in China   2023-08-28 02:57
  Gina Raimondo, the secretary of commerce, who arrived in Beijing on Sunday, is the latest Biden administration emissary seeking to stabilize ties between the world’s two largest economies.

【新闻】福岛核处理水开始排海,中国禁止进口日本水产品  Japan Begins Releasing Treated Radioactive Water at Fukushima   2023-08-25 10:13
  Japan began releasing into the ocean the first tranche of more than a million tons of treated radioactive wastewater from the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on Thursday. The Chinese government, which has been the most vocal regional opponent to the discharge plan, responded by announcing that it would suspend seafood imports from Japan. China imported about $3.2 million in fresh seafood from Japan in July.


【新闻】共和党初选首场辩论:没有特朗普的特朗普主义什么样  At First Debate, a Glimpse of Trumpism Without Trump   2023-08-25 04:25
  It was, for 57 minutes, a glimpse into a post-Trump Republican Party.

【新闻】特朗普就选举舞弊案在亚特兰大监狱自首  Here are the latest developments in the election interference case.   2023-08-25 02:44
  Former President Donald J. Trump was booked at an Atlanta jail on Thursday in his fourth criminal arrest this year, this time in a sweeping racketeering case accusing him and his allies of conspiring to reverse his 2020 election loss in Georgia.

【新闻】普京治下的俄罗斯铁律:违抗者后果自负  Rule No. 1 in Putin’s Russia: Defy Him at Your Peril   2023-08-25 01:34
  When President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia let the mercenary tycoon Yevgeny V. Prigozhin escape seemingly unscathed after launching a mutiny in June, critics around the world seized on the Russian leader’s apparent show of wartime weakness. Some even said the brief rebellion presaged the start of the post-Putin era.

【经济】【双语财讯】我国服务贸易保持较快增长态势  China's service trade maintains rapid growth   2023-08-24 17:07
  China's service trade maintains rapid growth momentum with the country's consolidated power status in service trade, China Economic Times reported on Thursday.

【新闻】一个不再关注增长的共产主义日本会变得更好吗  Can Shrinking Be Good for Japan? A Marxist Best Seller Makes the Case.   2023-08-24 04:18
  TOKYO — When Kohei Saito decided to write about “degrowth communism,” his editor was understandably skeptical. Communism is unpopular in Japan. Economic growth is gospel.

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