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【商业】报道称中国政府机构和国企将禁用iPhone,苹果股价下跌  Apple’s Market Value Falls By Billions On Worries About China Crackdown   2023-09-08 10:44
【商业】中国汽车出口猛增,燃油车大举占领外国市场  China Is Flooding the World With Cars   2023-09-08 10:02
【新闻】【双语财讯】前7月全球电池装车中企超六成  China battery firms lead market   2023-09-07 16:50
【新闻】用挖掘机将长城挖出缺口,中国两名工人被刑拘  Workers Plow Through Great Wall of China, Leaving a Hole   2023-09-07 10:34
【商业】华为发布Mate 60 Pro,美国对华技术限制失效了吗  Huawei Phone Is Latest Shot Fired in the U.S.-China Tech War   2023-09-07 03:24
【商业】中国出口连续第四个月下降  China’s Exports Fall for Fourth Straight Month   2023-09-07 01:54
【科技】研究:全球50岁以下人群癌症发病率三十年间增长近80%  Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds   2023-09-06 16:57
【商业】“中国速度”抢镜慕尼黑车展,凸显德国经济多重难题  Chinese Cars Star at Munich Auto Show, Underscoring German Economic Woes   2023-09-06 09:59
【文化】对话诺兰:为什么奥本海默是有史以来最重要的人  Christopher Nolan and the Contradictions of J. Robert Oppenheimer   2023-09-06 05:39
【新闻】冲上热搜!喝了“酱香拿铁”能开车吗?  Moutai coffee, anyone? Luckin is adding the fiery liquor to its lattes   2023-09-05 13:58
【新闻】【双语财讯】签约金额超1045亿元 服贸会“北京日”成功签约51个重大项目  Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region sees signing of over 50 projects worth $14B   2023-09-04 16:42
【新闻】从地产巨头到濒临崩溃:碧桂园的崛起与衰落  China’s Biggest Homebuilder Reels as Economy Slows   2023-09-04 02:44
【健康】年轻时心肺健康能降低老年患癌风险  Fitness earlier in life reduces cancer risk when older, study shows   2023-09-01 19:09
【新闻】中国就福岛核废水传播误导信息,加剧民众愤怒和恐惧  China’s Misinformation Fuels Anger Over Fukushima Water Release   2023-09-01 10:36
【商业】美中恢复沟通渠道,但对话前景仍不明朗  The U.S. and China Are Talking Again. Where It Will Lead Is Unclear.   2023-09-01 02:17
【新闻】英国团队将研发毫无副作用的人工合成酒精  Company is working on ‘synthetic alcohol’ that has none of the negative side   2023-08-31 15:25
【商业】碧桂园半年期内亏损515亿人民币,危机加剧  Mounting Losses Shake China’s Biggest Homebuilder   2023-08-31 11:56
【科技】Meta对中国秘密水军行动展开大规模打击  Meta’s ‘Biggest Single Takedown’ Removes Chinese Influence Campaign   2023-08-31 11:31
【商业】“脱钩”不易:研究发现美国供应链仍高度依赖中国  Factories May Be Leaving China, but Trade Ties Are Stronger Than They Seem   2023-08-31 09:20
【新闻】柬埔寨电信诈骗为何猖獗?权势人物和警方成“保护伞”  They’re Forced to Run Online Scams. Their Captors Are Untouchable.   2023-08-31 05:01

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