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【商业】报道称中国政府机构和国企将禁用iPhone,苹果股价下跌  Apple’s Market Value Falls By Billions On Worries About China Crackdown   2023-09-08 10:44
  Apple’s China conundrum

【商业】中国汽车出口猛增,燃油车大举占领外国市场  China Is Flooding the World With Cars   2023-09-08 10:02
  At a time when many of China’s exports are faltering and its consumers are spending less at home, the country is flooding the world with cars.

【新闻】【双语财讯】前7月全球电池装车中企超六成  China battery firms lead market   2023-09-07 16:50
  Chinese companies continued to dominate the global power battery market in the first seven months, responsible for over three-fifths of battery installations worldwide, said a report by South Korean market consultancy SNE Research on Wednesday.
  9月6日,韩国市场研究机构SNE Research发布的报告显示,1-7月中国企业在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势,全球动力电池装车市占率超过60%。 

【新闻】用挖掘机将长城挖出缺口,中国两名工人被刑拘  Workers Plow Through Great Wall of China, Leaving a Hole   2023-09-07 10:34
  Two workers have been detained in northern China after the local authorities said they plowed through a section of the country’s Great Wall with an excavator, leaving a gaping hole.

【商业】华为发布Mate 60 Pro,美国对华技术限制失效了吗  Huawei Phone Is Latest Shot Fired in the U.S.-China Tech War   2023-09-07 03:24
  In the midst of the U.S. commerce secretary’s good will tour to China last week, Huawei, the telecom giant that faces stiff U.S. trade restrictions, unveiled a smartphone that illustrated just how hard it has been for the United States to clamp down on China’s tech prowess.

【商业】中国出口连续第四个月下降  China’s Exports Fall for Fourth Straight Month   2023-09-07 01:54
  The value of China’s exports to the world dropped 8.8 percent in August from a year earlier, the government announced on Thursday, marking the fourth month in a row of sliding overseas sales.


【科技】研究:全球50岁以下人群癌症发病率三十年间增长近80%  Cancer cases in under-50s worldwide up nearly 80% in three decades, study finds   2023-09-06 16:57
  The number of under-50s worldwide being diagnosed with cancer has risen by nearly 80% in three decades, according to the largest study of its kind.

【商业】“中国速度”抢镜慕尼黑车展,凸显德国经济多重难题  Chinese Cars Star at Munich Auto Show, Underscoring German Economic Woes   2023-09-06 09:59
  For decades, the phrase “Made in Germany” signaled cutting-edge automotive technology and design. But now German automakers are falling behind in the global race to produce more electric vehicles, and some executives are using a new catchphrase to describe how quickly they need to catch up: “China speed.”

【文化】对话诺兰:为什么奥本海默是有史以来最重要的人  Christopher Nolan and the Contradictions of J. Robert Oppenheimer   2023-09-06 05:39
  With the biopic “Oppenheimer,” due July 21, the writer-director Christopher Nolan, known for brain-twisting films like “Interstellar” and “Inception,” addresses an old childhood dread — one based not on science fiction but on real science, namely the threat of thermonuclear war and human annihilation.

【新闻】冲上热搜!喝了“酱香拿铁”能开车吗?  Moutai coffee, anyone? Luckin is adding the fiery liquor to its lattes   2023-09-05 13:58

【新闻】【双语财讯】签约金额超1045亿元 服贸会“北京日”成功签约51个重大项目  Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region sees signing of over 50 projects worth $14B   2023-09-04 16:42
  A total of 51 projects with a contract amount of 104.5 billion yuan ($14.39 billion) were signed across the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region at an event of the 2023 China International Fair for Trade in Services on Saturday.

【新闻】从地产巨头到濒临崩溃:碧桂园的崛起与衰落  China’s Biggest Homebuilder Reels as Economy Slows   2023-09-04 02:44
  When Country Garden, the biggest developer in China’s increasingly troubled real estate sector, published its annual report in April, the cover design exuded hope: a phoenix spreading its wings.

【健康】年轻时心肺健康能降低老年患癌风险  Fitness earlier in life reduces cancer risk when older, study shows   2023-09-01 19:09
  Being fit earlier in life is associated with a reduced risk, in some cases of up to 42%, of developing nine different types of cancer in later life, according to a large long-term study.

【新闻】中国就福岛核废水传播误导信息,加剧民众愤怒和恐惧  China’s Misinformation Fuels Anger Over Fukushima Water Release   2023-09-01 10:36
  In Guangdong Province, on China’s southern coast, a woman posted a photo of a boxed-up Japanese-brand air-conditioner that she planned to return in protest. In southwest China, the owner of a Japanese pub posted a video of himself ripping down anime posters and smashing bottles, saying he planned to reopen the business as a Chinese bistro.

【商业】美中恢复沟通渠道,但对话前景仍不明朗  The U.S. and China Are Talking Again. Where It Will Lead Is Unclear.   2023-09-01 02:17
  When Gina Raimondo, the commerce secretary, visited China this week, she joined a long line of U.S. politicians who have come to the country to try to sway Chinese officials to open their market to foreign businesses and buy more American exports, in addition to other goals.

【新闻】英国团队将研发毫无副作用的人工合成酒精  Company is working on ‘synthetic alcohol’ that has none of the negative side   2023-08-31 15:25
  London-based GABA Labs is working on a type of synthetic alcohol called ‘Alcarelle’ which reportedly provides the relaxing effects of alcohol without hangovers, balance deficiencies or any of its other negative side effects.

【商业】碧桂园半年期内亏损515亿人民币,危机加剧  Mounting Losses Shake China’s Biggest Homebuilder   2023-08-31 11:56
  The embattled Chinese homebuilder Country Garden said on Wednesday that it lost $7.1 billion in first six months of the year, intensifying the pressure on China’s biggest property developer as it teeters on the verge of financial collapse.

【科技】Meta对中国秘密水军行动展开大规模打击  Meta’s ‘Biggest Single Takedown’ Removes Chinese Influence Campaign   2023-08-31 11:31
  On Feb. 27, an article claiming that the United States was behind the bombing of the Nord Stream underwater pipelines in the Baltic Sea was published on the Substack and Blogspot blogging platforms.

【商业】“脱钩”不易:研究发现美国供应链仍高度依赖中国  Factories May Be Leaving China, but Trade Ties Are Stronger Than They Seem   2023-08-31 09:20
  The United States has spent the past five years pushing to reduce its reliance on China for computer chips, solar panels and various consumer imports amid growing concern over Beijing’s security threats, human rights record and dominance of critical industries.

【新闻】柬埔寨电信诈骗为何猖獗?权势人物和警方成“保护伞”  They’re Forced to Run Online Scams. Their Captors Are Untouchable.   2023-08-31 05:01
  Around the world, reports of cyberscam schemes targeting unsuspecting victims online have proliferated rapidly. Southeast Asia has become a center of gravity for those criminal syndicates, often in remote and war-torn corners. But in Cambodia, the scam industry has been flourishing well within the reach of officials.

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