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【商业】另一场贸易战:进口化妆品在中国遇挫  This China Trade War Isn’t About Semiconductors   2023-09-18 12:36
【新闻】美官员称中国已暂停间谍气球项目,但可能重启  China Has Paused Its Spy Balloon Operations, U.S. Officials Say   2023-09-18 10:38
【商业】解读中国最新经济数据:触底反弹在即还是持续疲软  China’s Slumping Economy: What the Latest Numbers Are Signaling   2023-09-18 09:08
【经济】【双语财讯】央行下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点  PBOC cuts bank reserve ratio again to aid recovery   2023-09-15 19:34
【新闻】为何俄美双双向朝鲜半岛寻求武器弹药  History Turns Upside Down in a War Where the Koreas Are Suppliers   2023-09-15 12:35
【商业】中国央行下调存款准备金率刺激放贷  China Frees Banks to Lend More in Latest Attempt to Spur Economy   2023-09-15 10:25
【新闻】美参议院财政委员会通过法案,加深与台湾经济联系  Senate Committee Backs Bill to Deepen U.S. Economic Ties With Taiwan   2023-09-15 03:07
【新闻】外星人真存在吗?中国航天官方发声  Self-proclaimed UFO expert shows alleged aliens to Mexico’s Congress   2023-09-14 17:33
【商业】欧盟宣布对中国电动车补贴展开调查  European Union Will Investigate Chinese Subsidies of Electric Cars   2023-09-14 10:15
【新闻】中国否认限制公务员使用iPhone,但提及对安全问题担忧  China Denies Banning iPhones, but Cites Unspecified Security Concerns   2023-09-14 10:14
【商业】印度的芯片制造超级大国雄心能实现吗  Modi Wants to Make India a Chip-Making Superpower. Can He?   2023-09-14 04:30
【新闻】普京与金正恩会面,患难时刻俄朝“拥抱”彼此  Putin and Kim Find Common Ground in Hostility Toward the West   2023-09-14 02:49
【新闻】这届年轻人在养一种很新的“娃”  Why Chinese Youth are Rushing to Buy Stuffed Dolls   2023-09-13 19:00
【新闻】普京的永恒战争  Putin’s Forever War   2023-09-13 10:08
【新闻】利比亚洪灾逾5000人遇难:为何伤亡如此惨重  More Than 5,000 Dead in Libya as Collapsed Dams Worsen Flood Disaster   2023-09-13 05:00
【科技】苹果发布iPhone 15系列,转用USB-C接口  Apple Unveils iPhone 15 and Switches to USB-C Charger   2023-09-13 03:16
【经济】14岁男孩挑战食用超辣玉米片后死亡,专家提醒:超辣食品或有致命风险  Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods   2023-09-12 11:16
【新闻】关于金正恩的神秘专列,我们知道些什么  Bulletproof, Slow and Full of Wine: Kim Jong-un’s Mystery Train   2023-09-12 05:15
【新闻】涉华间谍案发酵,英国政界呼吁对中国采取强硬立场  U.K.’s Arrest of Suspected Spy Fuels Calls for Tougher Stance on China   2023-09-12 01:48
【新闻】杰尼斯事务所承认创始人喜多川性侵并道歉  Japanese Talent Agency Admits Founder Preyed on Boys in Its Care   2023-09-08 12:40

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