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【商业】另一场贸易战:进口化妆品在中国遇挫  This China Trade War Isn’t About Semiconductors   2023-09-18 12:36
  In the gloom of China’s economy, one area of business is booming: cosmetics.

【新闻】美官员称中国已暂停间谍气球项目,但可能重启  China Has Paused Its Spy Balloon Operations, U.S. Officials Say   2023-09-18 10:38
  American officials said on Friday that China had paused its spy balloon operations after one of the craft floated across much of the United States early this year and was shot down off the coast of South Carolina, setting off a diplomatic crisis between the rival powers.

【商业】解读中国最新经济数据:触底反弹在即还是持续疲软  China’s Slumping Economy: What the Latest Numbers Are Signaling   2023-09-18 09:08
  China’s trains, planes, stores and beaches were a little fuller last month than a year ago, and the pace of activity picked up at factories, particularly those making mobile phones and semiconductors.

【经济】【双语财讯】央行下调金融机构存款准备金率0.25个百分点  PBOC cuts bank reserve ratio again to aid recovery   2023-09-15 19:34
  The People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, announced on Thursday the second cut to the reserve requirement ratio this year, signaling that policymakers are decisively ramping up stimulus to reinforce the pickup in economic momentum, experts said.

【新闻】为何俄美双双向朝鲜半岛寻求武器弹药  History Turns Upside Down in a War Where the Koreas Are Suppliers   2023-09-15 12:35
  Washington and Moscow flooded the Korean Peninsula with arms and aid as they fueled the war between South and North seven decades ago. Now, in a fateful moment of history turning back on itself, Russia and the United States are reaching out to those same allies to supply badly needed munitions as the powers face each other down again, this time on the other side of the globe, in Ukraine.

【商业】中国央行下调存款准备金率刺激放贷  China Frees Banks to Lend More in Latest Attempt to Spur Economy   2023-09-15 10:25
  China’s central bank announced a policy change on Thursday that will allow the country’s banks to lend more money, but a nationwide economic slowdown has left many companies and households wary of borrowing.

【新闻】美参议院财政委员会通过法案,加深与台湾经济联系  Senate Committee Backs Bill to Deepen U.S. Economic Ties With Taiwan   2023-09-15 03:07
  The Senate Finance Committee on Thursday passed a bill that would deepen economic ties between the United States and Taiwan and effectively create a tax treaty that is expected to pave the way for more Taiwanese investment in the American semiconductor industry.

【新闻】外星人真存在吗?中国航天官方发声  Self-proclaimed UFO expert shows alleged aliens to Mexico’s Congress   2023-09-14 17:33
  A Mexican journalist and self-proclaimed “ufologist” presented what he said were thousand-year-old “non-human” corpses to Mexico’s Congress, unveiling two scrawny, cartoonlike bodies during a hearing on Tuesday.

【商业】欧盟宣布对中国电动车补贴展开调查  European Union Will Investigate Chinese Subsidies of Electric Cars   2023-09-14 10:15
  The European Union will begin an investigation into Chinese subsidies of electric vehicles, the bloc’s top official announced Wednesday, in a move that highlights Europe’s growing industrial and geopolitical competition with China.

【新闻】中国否认限制公务员使用iPhone,但提及对安全问题担忧  China Denies Banning iPhones, but Cites Unspecified Security Concerns   2023-09-14 10:14
  China on Wednesday made its first public comments about reports that the government is restricting the use of Apple’s iPhones by some state employees, saying that Beijing had noted what it claimed were security concerns about the device.
  中国在周三首次就有关政府限制部分国家雇员使用苹果 iPhone的报道发表公开评论,称政府注意到其所称的有关苹果手机安全问题的担忧。

【商业】印度的芯片制造超级大国雄心能实现吗  Modi Wants to Make India a Chip-Making Superpower. Can He?   2023-09-14 04:30
  In his office in New Delhi, Ashwini Vaishnaw, the Indian minister of electronics and information technology, keeps a 12-inch disc of silicon semiconductor on the wall, gleaming like a platinum record beside a portrait of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Its circuits, measured in nanometers and invisible to the human eye, may be the most sophisticated objects ever made. It vies with oil as one of most valuable traded goods on earth.

【新闻】普京与金正恩会面,患难时刻俄朝“拥抱”彼此  Putin and Kim Find Common Ground in Hostility Toward the West   2023-09-14 02:49
  They gazed into the workings of a rocket launchpad. They tucked into crab dumplings, sturgeon and entrecôte. And they lifted their glasses at a flower-lined table in the conference room of a remote Russian spaceport, toasting the Kremlin’s “sacred struggle” against a “band of evil,” otherwise known as the West.

【新闻】这届年轻人在养一种很新的“娃”  Why Chinese Youth are Rushing to Buy Stuffed Dolls   2023-09-13 19:00
  It can be a bunny, a bear or a penguin. It can also be creatures less seen in stuffed toy designs, such as a chameleon, a lizard, a scallop, a lobster or even a frog. It also comes in shapes of food and everyday items around us, from avocados, tomatoes and croissants to potted flowers, coffee cups and soccer balls.

【新闻】普京的永恒战争  Putin’s Forever War   2023-09-13 10:08
  Through towering pine forests and untouched meadows, the road to Lake Baikal in southern Siberia winds past cemeteries where bright plastic flowers mark the graves of Russians killed in Ukraine. Far from the Potemkin paradise of Moscow, the war is ever visible.


【新闻】利比亚洪灾逾5000人遇难:为何伤亡如此惨重  More Than 5,000 Dead in Libya as Collapsed Dams Worsen Flood Disaster   2023-09-13 05:00
  More than 5,000 people were killed in Libya after torrential rains caused two dams to burst near the coastal city of Derna, destroying much of the city and carrying entire neighborhoods into the sea, local authorities said on Tuesday.

【科技】苹果发布iPhone 15系列,转用USB-C接口  Apple Unveils iPhone 15 and Switches to USB-C Charger   2023-09-13 03:16
  Every September for the past decade, Apple has convened media from around the world for a marketing event that celebrates the creative feats behind its newest iPhone. It has hyped the shine of the phone’s exterior, the sculpting around its cameras and the power of its processors.

【经济】14岁男孩挑战食用超辣玉米片后死亡,专家提醒:超辣食品或有致命风险  Teen’s death after eating a single chip highlights risks of ultra-spicy foods   2023-09-12 11:16
  Harris Wolobah, a healthy 14-year-old from Worcester, Massachusetts, tragically died last Friday, hours after eating a single ultra-spicy tortilla chip seasoned with two of the hottest peppers in the world.

【新闻】关于金正恩的神秘专列,我们知道些什么  Bulletproof, Slow and Full of Wine: Kim Jong-un’s Mystery Train   2023-09-12 05:15
  When outside intelligence officials seek evidence of North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-un, leaving on a trip abroad — like his journey to Russia this week to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin — they always look for the whereabouts of a train painted a drab green.

【新闻】涉华间谍案发酵,英国政界呼吁对中国采取强硬立场  U.K.’s Arrest of Suspected Spy Fuels Calls for Tougher Stance on China   2023-09-12 01:48
  Even by the prolific standards of China’s foreign influence operations, it would represent a sensational case of infiltration.

【新闻】杰尼斯事务所承认创始人喜多川性侵并道歉  Japanese Talent Agency Admits Founder Preyed on Boys in Its Care   2023-09-08 12:40
  The president of one of Japan’s most influential entertainment agencies resigned after an independent investigation confirmed the company’s founder, Johnny Kitagawa, had sexually abused young men in his care since the 1970s.

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