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【商业】夹在中美芯片战之间,韩国半导体巨头进退两难  What the U.S.-China Chip War Means for a Critical American Ally   2023-09-28 12:42
  Samsung and SK Hynix, the semiconductor titans of South Korea, have spent over $52 billion to build up their operations in China. Business with China has long made up a sizable portion of their sales.

【新闻】美士兵越境被扣留70天后离开朝鲜,经由中国返美  American Soldier Who Crossed Into North Korea in July Is in U.S. Custody   2023-09-28 12:40
  Pvt. Travis T. King, the American soldier who crossed into North Korea on July 18, was released into U.S. custody on Wednesday after weeks of diplomacy mediated by the Swedish government, American officials said.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国规上工业企业利润加快恢复 8月同比增17.2%  China's industrial profit posts strong rebound in August   2023-09-28 09:20
  Visitors watch a robot welding an auto body during the 23rd China International Industry Fair (CIIF) in east China's Shanghai, Sept. 19, 2023. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)
  China's major industrial firms saw their profit rebound strongly in August, surging 17.2 percent from a year earlier, in the latest sign of a sustained recovery in the world's second-largest economy.

【新闻】“双节”期间,北京预计接待游客超1280万人次  Beijing to welcome 12.8 million tourists during upcoming holiday   2023-09-27 13:31
  Beijing is set to experience a tourism boom during the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, which will last from Sept. 29 to Oct. 6 this year, with more than 12.8 million people expected to visit the city.

【新闻】金刻羽:中国被西方严重误解,拜登对华政策或适得其反  One View: Behind China-U.S. Tensions Are Misunderstandings, Author Says   2023-09-27 12:43
  This article is from a special report on the Athens Democracy Forum in association with The New York Times.

【新闻】移除浮动屏障,菲律宾强势抵制中国在南海领土主张  Tensions With China Cross a New Line in the South China Sea   2023-09-27 10:09
  The video may seem too simple, too understated to mark a serious international incident in the South China Sea: a quick clip of a diver using a knife to cut a section of rope underwater.

【新闻】哺乳动物距离灭绝还有多久  Mammals’ Time on Earth Is Half Over, Scientists Predict   2023-09-27 05:05
  It’s been about 250 million years since reptile-like animals evolved into mammals. Now a team of scientists is predicting that mammals may have only another 250 million years left.

【新闻】“拆除异性恋规范之墙”:公开出柜的韩国K-pop组合  They Want to Be K-Pop Stars. But They Won’t Hide Who They Are.   2023-09-27 04:21
  At a bar in Euljiro, one of Seoul’s up-and-coming hip neighborhoods, two voices intertwined in a duet. One was high-pitched, the other an octave lower.

【新闻】拜登接待太平洋岛国领导人,提及“二战”暗指中国  Biden Hosts Pacific Islands, With a Rising China in Mind   2023-09-26 12:02
  The Pacific Island state of Niue is one of the world’s tiniest. Covering just over 100 square miles and with a population of about 1,700, it has no military, is not a member of the United Nations and was not recognized as a sovereign nation by the United States until last year.

【新闻】菲律宾称已拆除中国在黄岩岛设置的屏障  Philippines Says It Removed Chinese Barrier That Blocked Fishing Boats   2023-09-26 10:55
  Faced with China’s determination to exert control over a vast area of the South China Sea far from its mainland, the Philippine Coast Guard said Monday that it had taken matters into its own hands, taking down a Chinese barrier that had kept Filipino fishing boats at bay.

【新闻】黄金的另一面:致命“炼金术”  Gold’s Deadly Truth: Much Is Mined With Mercury   2023-09-26 05:43
  Jeovane de Jesus Aguiar was knee-deep in mud in the 100-yard gash he had cut into the Amazon rainforest, filtering brown water out of a pan, when he found the small, shiny flake he was looking for: a mixture of gold and mercury.

【商业】中国房地产危机拉响新警报:影子银行  Real Estate Crisis Triggers New Alarms Over China’s Shadow Banks   2023-09-25 09:16
  An accountant in northeast China deposited her life savings and received a letter guaranteeing her investment in a trust firm. Workers at a state-owned utility pooled money from friends and relatives believing that their investments were backed by the government. A man sank $140,000 into an account that he was told would make a 10.1 percent annual return.

【新闻】失踪六年的知名维吾尔学者被判无期徒刑  Star Uyghur Scholar Who Vanished Was Sentenced to Life in China   2023-09-25 03:43
  She was a trailblazing professor and ethnographer from the Uyghur ethnic group in far-western China who documented the religious and cultural traditions of her people. She was at the height of a career that the Chinese government had once recognized with awards and research grants. But it was not enough to keep her safe.

【新闻】【双语财讯】国家发改委:中国经济不存在所谓通缩  No signs of deflation seen amid recovery   2023-09-22 15:37
  China's economy is positioned for continued recovery given the ongoing policy support and an uptick in economic indicators, keeping any potential risk of deflation at bay, officials and international experts said on Wednesday.
  9月20日,国家发展改革委官员和国际专家表示, 随着政策组合拳效应逐步显现,多数指标边际改善,经济运行持续恢复,中国经济不存在所谓的通缩。

【文化】默多克帝国:将激情和怨恨转化为金钱和权力  Rupert Murdoch Turned Passion and Grievance Into Money and Power   2023-09-22 03:43
  The polite way to describe the legacy of a man like Rupert Murdoch is to leave aside whether his accomplishments were good or bad and simply focus on how big they were. It is to eulogize him like Kendall Roy memorializing his father, Logan, in “Succession,” the HBO corporate drama none too slightly based on the Murdochs, among other dynasties. Maybe he had “a terrible force,” as Kendall put it, but “he built, and he acted. … He made life happen.”

【新闻】联合国召开气候雄心峰会,中美未获发言机会  At a Summit on Climate Ambition, the U.S. and China End Up on the B List   2023-09-21 12:06
  The United Nations’ secretary general, António Guterres, convened a special summit on Wednesday in New York City designed to highlight the efforts of the most ambitious global leaders on climate policy — and to implicitly shame those who are dragging their feet.

【新闻】关于加拿大指印度政府卷入谋杀案,目前我们所知的  What We Know About Canada’s Claims Against India About a Sikh’s Killing   2023-09-21 04:02
  On Monday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada made the shocking accusation that government agents from India had been involved in the killing of a Sikh community leader in British Columbia in June.

【商业】在中国赚钱越来越难:在华外企描绘营商环境挑战  Burner Laptops and Smaller Profits: Firms Portray Their China Challenges   2023-09-20 10:04
  American companies doing business in China are less optimistic about the future than at any other time in more than two decades. Restrictions on economic data, like the extent of youth unemployment, is making investment decisions harder. Few of the many foreign executives who left China during the pandemic are returning.

【新闻】“邮购婴儿”、“婴儿出口国”:韩国海外收养的残酷真相  World’s Largest ‘Baby Exporter’ Confronts Its Painful Past   2023-09-20 04:00
  Mia Lee Sorensen’s Danish parents used to tell her that her birth family in South Korea had put her up for adoption. According to her adoption papers, she was born prematurely in 1987 to a family that could not afford her medical bills and wished for her to have a “good future” abroad.

【科技】七个人生关键词,新传记带你读懂马斯克  ‘I’m Not Trump’s Fan’ and Other Takeaways From a New Book on Elon Musk   2023-09-19 07:10
  A new biography of Elon Musk portrays the billionaire entrepreneur as a complex, tortured figure whose brilliance is often overshadowed by his inability to relate on a human level to the people around him — his wives, his children and those on whom he relied to help develop the space exploration and electric car businesses that made him the wealthiest man on Earth.

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