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【新闻】“熊爪”咖啡店火了!背后的故事更暖心……  Hole-in-the-wall café goes viral   2020-12-08 10:13
  A Shanghai coffee shop called Hinichijou has gone viral among netizens because of its quirky concept which involves an employee wearing a furry bear claw to serve customers through a hole in the wall.上海一家名为Hinichijou的咖啡店因为奇特的服务概念走红网络,这里的员工戴着毛茸茸的熊爪,通过墙上的一个洞为顾客服务。

【科技】研究发现:气候变暖导致秋天树叶提前变色掉落  Climate change is making autumn leaves change colour earlier—here's why   2020-12-07 14:32
  As the days shorten and temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere, leaves begin to turn. We can enjoy glorious autumnal colours while the leaves are still on the trees and, later, kicking through a red, brown and gold carpet when out walking.

【新闻】美国新版入籍考试模拟测验,看看你能答对几道题  The Trump Administration Just Made the Citizenship Test Harder. How Would You Do   2020-12-07 11:09
  The Trump administration adopted changes to the citizenship test that could make it more difficult to pass. The new test draws from 128 possible questions, up from 100, and prospective citizens now have to answer 12 out of 20 questions correctly in order to pass. Previously, passing required correctly answering six out of 10 questions.

【新闻】丁真的家乡理塘到底有多美?《孤独星球》:美到令人窒息  Hometown of web celebrity now a hit with tourists   2020-12-07 10:20
  "He'll get a monthly salary of 3,500 yuan as well as insurance and subsidies. We'll check the qualifications of the companies that want to cooperate with him to prevent him from being cheated. We'll take no bite of the income or the presents he receives," he said.“他每月能拿到3500元的工资,还有保险和津贴。我们将审查那些想和他合作的公司的资质,以防他受骗。我们不会从他的收入或收到的礼物中分成”。

【新闻】5大最佳动画工作室:第一名是……  The 5 best animation studios   2020-12-06 08:00
  5. Nickelodeon Animation Studio
  第五名 尼克罗迪恩动画工作室

【新闻】月球上亮出五星红旗!  Chang'e 5 makes first step in journey home   2020-12-05 09:00
  A Chinese spacecraft carrying the country's first lunar samples blasted off from the moon late Thursday, the China National Space Administration announced.中国国家航天局宣布,一艘载有中国首个月球样本的航天器于12月3日晚些时候从月球发射升空。
  This represented the first-ever Chinese spacecraft to take off from an extraterrestrial body.这是中国首次实现地外天体起飞。

【新闻】华纳兄弟:2021年上映的所有新片将同步登陆HBO Max  Warner Bros. will stream movies on HBO Max the same day they drop in theaters   2020-12-04 14:15
  In a momentous decision that could upend the way movies are distributed in the future, Warner Bros., the world's second-largest movie studio, announced it would stream all of its 2021 movies at the same time they hit theaters.

【新闻】嫦娥五号离开月球表面,开启返程之旅  Watch a Chinese Spacecraft Launch From the Moon and Start Its Trip Back to Earth   2020-12-04 11:13
  Two days after it landed on the moon, China’s Chang’e-5 mission is on its way again, blasting off back to space, the beginning of its journey back to Earth ferrying a bounty of soil and rocks for scientists to study.

【文化】科学证明“音乐无国界”是真的  Music Is Universal   2020-12-04 11:10
  “Cultures all over the world have different kinds of music in each society, but what this means is when you zoom out, society’s musical behaviors are pretty similar,” says lead author Sam Mehr, a psychologist at Harvard.

【新闻】黎智英被指控欺诈罪遭收押,法官拒绝其保释  Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Media Tycoon, Is Denied Bail on Fraud Charge   2020-12-04 10:59
  HONG KONG — Jimmy Lai, the founder of Hong Kong’s biggest pro-democracy newspaper, was denied bail on fraud charges on Thursday and ordered jailed until April by a court.

【新闻】“我们被诱骗去自杀”:一名原日本神风特攻队员的自述  He Escaped Death as a Kamikaze Pilot. 70 Years Later, He Told His Story.   2020-12-04 10:58
  TOKYO — For more than six decades, Kazuo Odachi had a secret: At the age of 17, he became a kamikaze pilot, one of thousands of young Japanese men tasked to give their lives in last-ditch suicide missions near the end of World War II.
  东京——60多年来,大馆和夫(Kazuo Odachi)一直保守着一个秘密:他17岁时当上了神风飞行员,成为在第二次世界大战快结束时的最后挣扎中,被派去执行自杀式任务的成千上万名日本年轻人之一。

【文化】《纽约时报》2020年度最佳电影  Best Movies of 2020   2020-12-04 06:54
  Manohla Dargis | A.O. Scott
  曼诺拉·达吉斯(Manohla Dargis )|A·O·斯科特(A.O. Scott)

【商业】经历战争、瘟疫和王朝变迁:日本千年老铺的成功秘诀  This Japanese Shop Is 1,020 Years Old. It Knows a Bit About Surviving Crises.   2020-12-04 03:10
  KYOTO, Japan — Naomi Hasegawa’s family sells toasted mochi out of a small, cedar-timbered shop next to a rambling old shrine in Kyoto. The family started the business to provide refreshments to weary travelers coming from across Japan to pray for pandemic relief — in the year 1000.
  日本京都——在京都一座布局凌乱的古老神社旁,长谷川直美(Naomi Hasegawa)一家在雪松木建造的小店里出售烤麻糬。早在公元1000年,这家人就开始经营这个生意,向从日本各地赶来、为缓解瘟疫祈祷的疲惫旅客提供小吃茶点。

【新闻】英国成为首个批准新冠疫苗的西方国家 下周开始接种  UK is 1st country to approve Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with distribution to start   2020-12-03 15:02
  Britain has become the first country in the West to approve a COVID-19 vaccine for public use. The UK Department of Health and Social Care confirmed in a statement to British news agencies that the vaccine developed jointly by American drugmaker Pfizer and Germany's BioNTech would be distributed starting next week. Pfizer was the first of three major Western pharmaceutical companies to apply in both the US and Europe for emergency use authorization.

【新闻】Quora精选:出国旅游时有哪些禁忌  Things you should absolutely not do when visiting another country   2020-12-03 10:25

【新闻】英国为何成为首个批准新冠疫苗的西方国家  Why the U.K. Approved a Coronavirus Vaccine First   2020-12-03 05:06
  LONDON — The first rigorously tested coronavirus vaccine was given a green light for use on Wednesday in Britain. Doses of the vaccine, made by the American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and a small German company, BioNTech, will be injected starting next week, the government said.

【新闻】美国会通过法案,在美上市中企面临更多审查  Chinese Companies to Face More Scrutiny as Bill Clears House   2020-12-03 03:20
  WASHINGTON — The House of Representatives passed legislation on Wednesday that would increase oversight of Chinese companies listed on American stock markets, the latest attempt by the United States to scrutinize financial ties with China.

【新闻】泡菜之争:中韩软实力较量新战线  Is China Laying Claim to Kimchi, Too? Some South Koreans Think So   2020-12-03 01:21
  SEOUL, South Korea — Fermented vegetables are delicious — on this point, many people from China and South Korea can agree. But for some social media users in the two countries, the culinary good will ends there.

【新闻】Pandemic同时当选韦氏词典和Dictionary.com的年度词汇  Merriam-Webster and Dictionary.com choose same word of the year: pandemic   2020-12-02 14:03
  For the first time, two US dictionary companies on Monday declared the same word their word of the year: “pandemic”.

【文化】柳美里与《东京上野站》:无家可归者的挽歌  Her Antenna Is Tuned to the Quietest Voices   2020-12-02 12:53
  TOKYO — Walking on an autumn Saturday through Ueno Park, one of this city’s most popular attractions, the novelist Yu Miri was stunned by how beautified the grounds seemed since her last visit several years earlier.

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