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【文化】不应相信的幸福神话  Myths about happiness everyone should stop believing   2020-12-13 08:00
  Happiness is a serious moneymaker. People around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to avoid the tough stuff and feel good about themselves, whether that’s through prescription pills, going crazy with dieting and fitness, or that time-tested elixir of life: alcohol.

【新闻】“安慰剂按钮”——无法控制红绿灯,却能给行人带来心理安慰  A Pressing Problem: The Pros and Cons of Placebo Buttons   2020-12-12 09:00
  Initially, the buttons survived because of the cost of removing them. But it turned out that even inoperative buttons serve a purpose. Pedestrians who press a button are less likely to cross before the green man appears, says Tal Oron-Gilad of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, in Israel. Having studied behaviour at crossings, she notes that people more readily obey a system which purports to heed their input.一开始,按钮被留下来是因为拆除的成本问题。但后来却发现,即使无法控制信号灯的按钮也仍有用处。以色列本·古里安大学的塔勒·奥龙-吉拉德表示,按下按钮的行人不太可能在绿色信号灯亮起前就横穿马路。研究过人们在路口的行为后,她注意到大家更倾向于服从一个声称会听从他们的指令的系统。
  Inoperative buttons produce placebo effects of this sort (the word placebo is Latin for “I shall be pleasing”) because people like an impression of control over systems they are using, says Eytan Adar, an expert on human-computer interaction at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr Adar notes that his students commonly design software with a clickable “save” button that has no role other than to reassure those users who are unaware that their keystrokes are saved automatically anyway. Think of it, he says, as a touch of benevolent deception to counter the inherent coldness of the machine world.密歇根大学安娜堡分校的人机交互专家埃坦·埃达表示,失效的按钮之所以会产生这种安慰剂效应(placebo出自拉丁语,原意是“我会讨人喜欢”),是因为人们喜欢对自己所使用的系统有掌控感。他指出,自己的学生在设计软件时经常会加上一个可点击的“保存”按钮,但其实用户的输入都会自动保存,这个“保存”按钮仅仅是为了让对此不知情的用户放心而已。他说,不妨将这视作对抗机器世界里固有的冷漠的一种善意欺骗。

【新闻】拜登和哈里斯当选《时代》年度人物  Biden and Harris named Time's Person of the Year   2020-12-11 15:30
  At some point during their time in the White House, every elected US president since Franklin D. Roosevelt has been named Time magazine’s Person of the Year.

【新闻】关于饮食控糖的常见问题和误区,你想知道的都在这里  Dried Fruit, Oats and Coffee: Answers to Your Sugar Questions   2020-12-11 09:30
  I have never understood why “added sugar” is more unfriendly to health than “natural sugar,” which can be found in abundance in so many fruits, starting with morning natural orange juice. Can you explain?问:我一直不明白,为什么“添加糖”比“天然糖”更不利于健康。很多水果中都含有“天然糖”,从早上的天然橙汁开始。能解释一下吗?
  The natural sugar in whole fruit (fructose) is accompanied by fiber and nutrients and makes a slow journey through your body. But when sugar is added to beverages or packaged foods, it’s more quickly absorbed and burdens the liver. Here are three good reasons to choose whole fruits versus foods with added sugar or fruit juice.答:水果中的天然糖分(果糖)是由纤维和营养物质组成的,它会在你的体内缓慢代谢。但是,当糖被添加到饮料或包装食品中,它的吸收会更快,会加重肝脏负担。应当选择吃完整的水果,而不是添加糖食品或果汁,下面是三个理由。

【新闻】拜登之子接受美司法部税务调查  Hunter Biden Discloses He Is Focus of Federal Tax Inquiry   2020-12-11 05:00
  WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is investigating the tax affairs of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s son Hunter, he disclosed in a statement on Wednesday.
  华盛顿——候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)之子亨特(Hunter)在周三的一份声明中透露,司法部正在调查他的税务问题。

【教育】如何跟孩子谈论色情片?  Kids Are Watching Pornography. Here’s How to Talk About It.   2020-12-11 04:16
  The New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof’s recent report on videos of child sexual abuse on the website Pornhub may have parents wondering if their own children are watching Pornhub, or other pornography websites. Others may be appalled by the possibility that their child may view videos of assault and rape, or ask for or send sexually explicit selfies that could end up on social media or a porn site.
  《纽约时报》专栏作家纪思道(Nicholas Kristof)近期对Pornhub上儿童性虐待视频的报道,可能会让许多家长在想,他们的孩子是否会在Pornhub或其他色情网站上看视频。而有的家长也许会为孩子观看性侵和强奸视频、要求他人发送或自己把性露骨的自拍发给别人的可能性感到震惊。

【旅游】阿斯图里亚斯,西班牙的“自然天堂”  A Local’s Tour of Asturias, Spain’s ‘Natural Paradise’   2020-12-11 04:05
  At the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, with travel restrictions in place worldwide, we launched a new series — The World Through a Lens — in which photojournalists help transport you, virtually, to some of our planet’s most beautiful and intriguing places. This week, Mónica R. Goya shares a collection of images from northwest Spain.
  新冠疫情之初,随着全球实施旅行限制,我们推出了一个新系列——透过镜头看世界,让摄影师们带着你虚拟体验地球上一些最美丽迷人的地方。本周,莫妮卡·R·戈雅(Mónica R. Goya)分享了一组来自西班牙西北地区的照片。

【新闻】黎智英被加控勾结外国势力危害国家安全罪  Jimmy Lai, Media Mogul, Is Charged Under Hong Kong’s National Security Law   2020-12-11 02:36
  HONG KONG — Jimmy Lai, a publishing tycoon and a prominent critic of the Chinese Communist Party, was charged with colluding with foreign forces under Hong Kong’s national security law, the police said on Friday, as Beijing intensified its efforts to smother the city’s faltering pro-democracy movement.

【文化】值得我们一读再读的好书  Books to Read and Reread   2020-12-11 02:02
  Americanah By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
  《美国史迹》(Americanah) ,作者奇玛曼达·戈兹·阿迪切(Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)

【新闻】潘通发布2021年度代表色:极致灰和荧光黄  Pantone unveils its 2021 Color(s) of the Year: Ultimate Gray and Illuminating   2020-12-10 14:23
  As 2020 nears its tumultuous end, the Pantone Color Institute has taken up its annual task of forecasting the color that will best reflect the year ahead.

【新闻】2021年度色彩:迎接隧道尽头的亮光  Pantone Picks Two Colors of the Year for 2021   2020-12-10 05:27
  There is general agreement on very little in this world, save, perhaps, for one thing: This year has been a mess, and the next one cannot come fast enough.

【商业】拜登拟任命华裔女律师戴琦为贸易代表  Biden Picks Katherine Tai as Trade Representative   2020-12-10 04:55
  WASHINGTON — President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. is expected to select Katherine Tai, the chief trade lawyer for the House Ways and Means Committee, as the United States trade representative, a key post that will bear responsibility for enforcing America’s trade rules and negotiating new trading terms with China and other countries, according to people familiar with the plans.
  华盛顿——据了解其计划的知情人士透露,候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)预计将任命众议院筹款委员会(House Ways and Means Committee)的首席贸易律师戴琦(Katherine Tai)为美国贸易代表,这是一个关键职位,将负责执行美国的贸易规则,并与中国及其他国家协商新的贸易条款。

【新闻】为提高生育率 日本拟资助人工智能“红娘”  Japan to fund AI matchmaking to boost birth rate   2020-12-09 14:45
  Japan plans to boost its tumbling birth rate by funding artificial intelligence matchmaking schemes to help residents find love.

【新闻】关于英国新冠疫苗接种,你需要了解的七个问题  U.K. Coronavirus Vaccine: Side Effects, Safety, and Who Gets It First   2020-12-09 11:56
  Britain’s National Health Service began delivering shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Tuesday, opening a public health campaign with little precedent in modern medicine and making Britons the first people in the world to receive an authorized, fully tested vaccine.
  周二,英国国民保健署(National Health Service)开始注射辉瑞-BioNTech疫苗,开启了一项现代医学鲜有先例的公共卫生行动,英国人因此成为世界上首批接种经过授权、进行过完整试验的新冠疫苗的人群。

【新闻】美最大望远镜一夜之间崩了,美专家:我们失去了“天眼”  Arecibo Observatory radio telescope collapses after cable broke   2020-12-09 10:33
  The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico collapsed overnight, according to the National Science Foundation.

【新闻】畅销书作家奥巴马谈文学中的个人与政治  Obama, the Best-Selling Author, on Reading, Writing and Radical Empathy   2020-12-09 05:40
  Barack Obama’s new memoir “A Promised Land” is unlike any other presidential autobiography from the past — or, likely, future. Yes, it provides a historical account of his time in office and explicates the policy objectives of his administration, from health care to economic recovery to climate change. But the volume is also an introspective self-portrait, set down in the same fluent, fleet-footed prose that made his 1995 book “Dreams From My Father” such a haunting family memoir. And much like the way that earlier book turned the story of its author’s coming-of-age into an expansive meditation on race and identity, so “A Promised Land” uses his improbable journey — from outsider to the White House and the first two years of his presidency — as a prism by which to explore some of the dynamics of change and renewal that have informed two and a half centuries of American history. It attests to Obama’s own storytelling powers and to his belief that, in these divided times, “storytelling and literature are more important than ever,” adding that “we need to explain to each other who we are and where we’re going.”
  奥巴马的新回忆录《应许之地》(A Promised Land)与过去的总统自传都有所不同——很可能也不同于未来的总统自传。诚然,其中给出了他执政期间的历史记叙,并且阐述其政府从医疗保健、经济复苏到气候变化的政策目标。但这本书也是一幅充满内省的自画像,用与奥巴马1995年的书《我父亲的梦想》(Dreams From My Father)同样流畅、轻快的文笔写就,正是这样的笔触让那本书成为了一本令人难以忘怀的家族回忆录。而且,与之前那本书将作者成长的故事变成关于种族和身份的一次全面沉思一样,《应许之地》将其看似不太可能达成的旅程——从局外人到白宫以及执政的头两年——作为一个棱镜,通过它来探索定义了两个半世纪美国历史的变革和革新的一些变化。这本书成为了奥巴马自身讲故事能力的佐证,也是他认为在这个分裂的时代,“讲故事和文学比任何时候都重要,”以及“我们需要向彼此解释我们是谁,我们要去哪里”的佐证。

【文化】《纽约时报》2020年度最佳童书  The 25 Best Children’s Books of 2020   2020-12-09 04:05
  Picture Books

【经济】可口可乐、百事、雀巢连续三年位列全球塑料污染源前三  Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé named top plastic polluters for third year in a row   2020-12-08 14:27
  Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Nestlé have been accused of “zero progress” on reducing plastic waste, after being named the world’s top plastic polluters for the third year in a row.

【新闻】为什么大熊猫喜欢在马粪里打滚?  Why Are Pandas Covering Themselves With Horse Manure?   2020-12-08 11:57
  Last Wednesday, Aleah Bowie, a wildlife ecologist and animal behavior expert, received an interview request by email that made her do a serious double take.
  上周三,野生动植物生态学者、动物行为学专家阿莱娅·鲍伊(Aleah Bowie)收到了一封邮件发来的采访请求,这个请求让她不由得一怔。

【文化】《76天》:武汉封城中的泪水与希望  ‘76 Days’ Review: Fortitude on China’s Frontlines   2020-12-08 10:14
  You hear variations on the phrase “Stay strong!” throughout “76 Days,” a humane chronicle of four hospitals in Wuhan, China early in the coronavirus pandemic. That’s because the medical staff, patients, and concerned relatives all grasp the vital importance of keeping up one’s spirits during the fight. When fear and uncertainty compounded the menace of the coronavirus, a few encouraging words or a (gloved) hand squeeze could mean a lot.

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