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【新闻】中国正式禁止从澳大利亚进口煤炭,这对澳洲意味着什么  When China Battles the World’s Biggest Coal Exporter, Coal Loses   2020-12-17 11:16
【新闻】Quora精选:你都被问过哪些让人无语的问题?  What are some dumb questions you have been asked?   2020-12-17 10:35
【新闻】逃往台湾未果的香港活动人士被控偷越边境  China Charges Hong Kong Activists Caught Fleeing to Taiwan   2020-12-17 09:51
【科技】心理学家教你三招戒掉“手机瘾”  It’s Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.)   2020-12-17 04:53
【科技】阿里巴巴被指开发维吾尔人面部识别工具  As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too   2020-12-17 01:12
【经济】低成本且环保 “绿氢”即将迎来春天  Why green hydrogen is finally getting its day in the sun   2020-12-16 13:00
【新闻】日本“Twitter杀手”被判死刑:杀害九人并分尸  Japan’s ‘Twitter Killer’ Given Death Sentence for 9 Murders   2020-12-16 10:28
【新闻】24岁的她跟“嫦娥”一起火了,外媒纷纷报道这位big sister  The woman behind China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission   2020-12-16 10:26
【新闻】国际刑事法院决定不对中国拘禁穆斯林展开调查  I.C.C. Won’t Investigate China’s Detention of Muslims   2020-12-16 09:50
【新闻】麦当劳鸡块和“我爱你”  Junk Food Was Our Love Language   2020-12-16 05:08
【旅游】足不出户行天下:假装在东京  How to Pretend You’re in Tokyo   2020-12-16 02:31
【新闻】韩国十多名快递员疑“过劳死”,引发劳工保护反思  Delivery Workers in South Korea Say They’re Dying of ‘Overwork’   2020-12-16 01:36
【新闻】英国发现新冠病毒新变种 感染人数超1000例  'New variant' of coronavirus identified in England   2020-12-15 12:52
【商业】疫情中消费需求强劲,美国自中国进口额激增  With Americans Stuck at Home, Trade With China Roars Back   2020-12-15 12:14
【新闻】六个重点问题,解读美国选举人团投票  The Electoral College Is Voting Tomorrow. Here’s What to Expect.   2020-12-15 09:46
【新闻】喵星人犯罪现场实锤,证据确凿无法抵赖  Cat-Thieves That Were Caught Red-Pawed   2020-12-15 09:29
【新闻】特朗普童年故居乏人问津,房主发起众筹“献礼”  Trump Faithful Asked to Donate $3 Million to Buy His Boyhood Home   2020-12-15 02:42
【健康】“新冠病毒”登顶推特年度话题榜  #Covid19, #BlackLivesMatter top Twitter themes in 2020   2020-12-14 14:34
【新闻】排面儿!日本送别大熊猫“香香”,海报纪念章都安排上了……  Japanese bid farewell to beloved Panda Xiang Xiang   2020-12-14 10:42
【新闻】英国间谍小说巨匠约翰·勒卡雷去世  John le Carré, Best-Selling Author of Cold War Thrillers, Dies at 89   2020-12-14 05:13

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