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【新闻】中国正式禁止从澳大利亚进口煤炭,这对澳洲意味着什么  When China Battles the World’s Biggest Coal Exporter, Coal Loses   2020-12-17 11:16
  SYDNEY, Australia — China is forcing Australia to confront what many countries are concluding: The coal era is coming to an end.

【新闻】Quora精选:你都被问过哪些让人无语的问题?  What are some dumb questions you have been asked?   2020-12-17 10:35
  What are some dumb questions you have been asked?

【新闻】逃往台湾未果的香港活动人士被控偷越边境  China Charges Hong Kong Activists Caught Fleeing to Taiwan   2020-12-17 09:51
  HONG KONG — Ten Hong Kong activists who were captured at sea while trying to flee to Taiwan in August were charged in mainland China on Wednesday with illegal boundary-crossing offenses that could put some of them behind bars for years.

【科技】心理学家教你三招戒掉“手机瘾”  It’s Time for a Digital Detox. (You Know You Need It.)   2020-12-17 04:53
  When is enough enough?

【科技】阿里巴巴被指开发维吾尔人面部识别工具  As China Tracked Muslims, Alibaba Showed Customers How They Could, Too   2020-12-17 01:12
  As the Chinese government tracked and persecuted members of predominantly Muslim minority groups, the technology giant Alibaba taught its corporate customers how they could play a part.

【经济】低成本且环保 “绿氢”即将迎来春天  Why green hydrogen is finally getting its day in the sun   2020-12-16 13:00
  Hydrogen has taken off this year as the future green fuel of choice, with governments and businesses betting big that the universe’s most abundant element can help fight climate change.

【新闻】日本“Twitter杀手”被判死刑:杀害九人并分尸  Japan’s ‘Twitter Killer’ Given Death Sentence for 9 Murders   2020-12-16 10:28
  TOKYO — A Japanese court on Thursday sentenced to death a man who had confessed to stalking and murdering women who had expressed suicidal thoughts on social media, bringing an end to a grisly case that played to many of the country’s social anxieties.

【新闻】24岁的她跟“嫦娥”一起火了,外媒纷纷报道这位big sister  The woman behind China's Chang'e-5 Moon mission   2020-12-16 10:26

【新闻】国际刑事法院决定不对中国拘禁穆斯林展开调查  I.C.C. Won’t Investigate China’s Detention of Muslims   2020-12-16 09:50
  The International Criminal Court has decided not to pursue an investigation into China’s mass detention of Muslims, a setback for activists eager to hold Beijing accountable for persecution of ethnic and religious minorities.
  国际刑事法院(International Criminal Court)决定不对中国大规模拘禁穆斯林的做法展开调查,这对渴望让北京对迫害族裔和宗教少数民族承担责任的活动人士来说是个挫折。

【新闻】麦当劳鸡块和“我爱你”  Junk Food Was Our Love Language   2020-12-16 05:08
  It’s autumn again, the eighth since my father died, and I’m craving chicken nuggets.

【旅游】足不出户行天下:假装在东京  How to Pretend You’re in Tokyo   2020-12-16 02:31
  While your travel plans may be on hold, you can pretend you’re somewhere new for the night. Around the World at Home invites you to channel the spirit of a new place each week with recommendations on how to explore the culture, all from the comfort of your home.

【新闻】韩国十多名快递员疑“过劳死”,引发劳工保护反思  Delivery Workers in South Korea Say They’re Dying of ‘Overwork’   2020-12-16 01:36
  SEOUL, South Korea — At a logistics depot the size of an airplane hangar in southern Seoul, couriers recently held a ritual at the start of another grueling work day: They stood for a moment of silence to remember more than a dozen fellow couriers who they say died this year from overwork.

【新闻】英国发现新冠病毒新变种 感染人数超1000例  'New variant' of coronavirus identified in England   2020-12-15 12:52
  A new variant of coronavirus has been found which is growing faster in some parts of England.

【商业】疫情中消费需求强劲,美国自中国进口额激增  With Americans Stuck at Home, Trade With China Roars Back   2020-12-15 12:14
  WASHINGTON — American imports from China are surging as the year draws to a close, fueled by stay-at-home shoppers who are snapping up Chinese-made furniture and appliances, along with Barbie Dream Houses and bicycles for the holidays.

【新闻】六个重点问题,解读美国选举人团投票  The Electoral College Is Voting Tomorrow. Here’s What to Expect.   2020-12-15 09:46
  The members of the Electoral College will gather in their respective states on Monday to cast their official ballots for president. Ordinarily, the process is little more than a formal duty to rubber-stamp the results of the November election.

【新闻】喵星人犯罪现场实锤,证据确凿无法抵赖  Cat-Thieves That Were Caught Red-Pawed   2020-12-15 09:29
  There's a saying that goes “honest as a cat when the meat's out of reach”- those adorable furballs might purr and beg for a scratch behind the ears, but as soon as you turn your back, they're back to their scheming ways. Here's a list of cats that have been caught red-pawed in the act of stealing a tasty morsel .

【新闻】特朗普童年故居乏人问津,房主发起众筹“献礼”  Trump Faithful Asked to Donate $3 Million to Buy His Boyhood Home   2020-12-15 02:42
  When Donald J. Trump’s childhood home in Queens was on the market four years ago, Mr. Trump, then a candidate for president, publicly mused about buying it himself.
  四年前,唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)在皇后区的童年故居在市场出售时,这位当时的总统候选人曾公开考虑要将其买下。

【健康】“新冠病毒”登顶推特年度话题榜  #Covid19, #BlackLivesMatter top Twitter themes in 2020   2020-12-14 14:34
  The coronavirus pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement topped the list of conversation topics on Twitter in a tumultuous year, the messaging platform said Monday.

【新闻】排面儿!日本送别大熊猫“香香”,海报纪念章都安排上了……  Japanese bid farewell to beloved Panda Xiang Xiang   2020-12-14 10:42
  People in Japan are bidding farewell to Xiang Xiang, the giant panda and by far the most popular attraction at Tokyo’s Ueno Zoological Gardens with celebrations and souvenirs.人们纷纷用欢送仪式和纪念品的方式,来与东京上野动物园最受欢迎的大熊猫香香说再见。
  The female panda is currently loaned to the Tokyo zoo and will be returning to China at the end of December.这只雌性大熊猫目前被租借给东京的公园,将在12月返回中国。

【新闻】英国间谍小说巨匠约翰·勒卡雷去世  John le Carré, Best-Selling Author of Cold War Thrillers, Dies at 89   2020-12-14 05:13
  LONDON — John le Carré, whose exquisitely nuanced, intricately plotted Cold War thrillers elevated the spy novel to high art by presenting both Western and Soviet spies as morally compromised cogs in a rotten system full of treachery, betrayal and personal tragedy, died on Saturday in Cornwall, England. He was 89.
  伦敦——约翰·勒卡雷(John le Carré)周六在英国康沃尔去世,终年89岁。他创作的以冷战为背景的惊悚小说细致入微、情节错综复杂,将间谍小说提升到了高雅艺术的高度。他笔下的间谍无论是来自西方还是苏联,都不过是充斥着奸诈、背叛和个人悲剧的腐朽系统下的一些道德立场可疑的齿轮。

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