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【文化】Quora精选:大家单身的原因是什么?  Quora: Why Am I Still Single?   2020-12-26 09:00
【新闻】2020年要走了 这些好消息曾带给我们温暖  2020 has good news, too, and they worth your attention   2020-12-25 15:57
【新闻】圣诞树,圣诞袜,还有那圣诞卡,你知道这些习俗怎么来的吗     2020-12-25 10:26
【新闻】黎智英获准保释,但被禁止受访及使用社交媒体  Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Tycoon, Is Freed on Bail but Barred From Spea   2020-12-24 10:06
【新闻】孙杨禁赛八年裁决被撤销,仲裁庭主席被指种族歧视  Chinese Swimmer’s Doping Ban Is Lifted After Accusation of Racism   2020-12-24 01:47
【健康】关于英国新冠病毒变种,我们知道些什么  The U.K. Coronavirus Variant: What We Know   2020-12-23 12:10
【健康】睡眠质量差?可能是饮食的原因  How Foods May Affect Our Sleep   2020-12-23 11:36
【新闻】韩国新冠疫情危急时刻:全首尔只剩六张ICU病床  ‘Each Day Is Critical’: South Korea’s 11th-Hour Battle with Covid   2020-12-23 10:19
【新闻】2020年全球谋杀记者案翻倍  Number of Journalists Killed for Their Reporting Doubled in 2020   2020-12-23 02:02
【文化】定义2020年的20个短语  The 20 Phrases That Defined 2020   2020-12-22 04:42
【新闻】英国出现新冠病毒新变种 欧洲多国中断与英国交通  Several countries ban travel to the UK due to new coronavirus strain   2020-12-21 15:55
【文化】能识别“摸鱼艺术家”,还知道谁想跳槽,这是什么老板?  Worried About AI Taking Your Job? More Likely, It Will Become Your Boss   2020-12-21 10:51
【新闻】疫情“助推”下,中国开始直面心理健康问题  China Long Avoided Talking About Mental Health. Then the Pandemic Hit.   2020-12-21 08:22
【健康】英国出现新冠病毒变种意味着什么?  The Coronavirus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Us?   2020-12-21 03:19
【商业】拜登时代,美中关系会如何变化?  How to Reset the Relationship Between the U.S. and China   2020-12-21 01:33
【新闻】8.4分收官,这部火到国外的《棋魂》你看了吗?  Live Action Adaptation of 'Hikaru no Go' a Big Hit with Chinese and Inte   2020-12-19 09:00
【教育】BBC推荐:2020年度佳片  The best films of 2020   2020-12-18 17:21
【新闻】美国鸣钟300次,纪念30万新冠逝者,从天亮鸣至天黑……  Washington National Cathedral tolls its bell 300 times in memory of 300,000 who    2020-12-18 10:12
【新闻】2020年:危机之年,气候变化之年  The Year in Climate   2020-12-18 04:42
【新闻】韩国华城连环杀人案背后:一人蒙冤入狱20年  He Spent 20 Years in Prison, Until a Serial Killer Confessed to the Crime   2020-12-18 03:48

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