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【文化】Quora精选:大家单身的原因是什么?  Quora: Why Am I Still Single?   2020-12-26 09:00
  They are not single. They are in a relationship with their computers.

【新闻】2020年要走了 这些好消息曾带给我们温暖  2020 has good news, too, and they worth your attention   2020-12-25 15:57

【新闻】圣诞树,圣诞袜,还有那圣诞卡,你知道这些习俗怎么来的吗     2020-12-25 10:26
  Having helped set up the Public Records Office (now the Post Office), Sir Henry Cole and artist John Horsley created the first Christmas card in 1843 as a way of encouraging people to use its services.

【新闻】黎智英获准保释,但被禁止受访及使用社交媒体  Jimmy Lai, Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Tycoon, Is Freed on Bail but Barred From Spea   2020-12-24 10:06
  HONG KONG — A Hong Kong judge granted the pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai bail on Wednesday, but imposed extensive restrictions barring him from using social media, giving interviews or leaving his home, stoking concerns about the deterioration of free speech under a national security law.

【新闻】孙杨禁赛八年裁决被撤销,仲裁庭主席被指种族歧视  Chinese Swimmer’s Doping Ban Is Lifted After Accusation of Racism   2020-12-24 01:47
  Sun Yang, a three-time Olympic champion and one of China’s most celebrated athletes, had his eight-year ban from swimming suddenly overturned Wednesday by Switzerland’s federal court, which upheld a challenge questioning the neutrality of one of the panelists who had issued the penalty.

【健康】关于英国新冠病毒变种,我们知道些什么  The U.K. Coronavirus Variant: What We Know   2020-12-23 12:10
  In recent days, the world has watched with curiosity and growing alarm as scientists in the U.K. have described a newly identified variant of the coronavirus that appears to be more contagious than, and genetically distinct from, more established variants. Initial studies of the new variant prompted Prime Minister Boris Johnson to tighten restrictions over Christmas, and spurred officials in the Netherlands, Germany and other European countries to ban travel from the U.K.
  最近几天,英国科学家揭示了一种新发现的新冠病毒变种,它在基因上不同于更成熟的变体,而且似乎更具传染性,全世界对此充满好奇,并且警惕性越来越高。对新变种的初步研究促使首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)加强了圣诞节限制,并刺激荷兰、德国和其他欧洲国家对英国宣布了旅行限制。

【健康】睡眠质量差?可能是饮食的原因  How Foods May Affect Our Sleep   2020-12-23 11:36
  This has not been a very good year for sleep.

【新闻】韩国新冠疫情危急时刻:全首尔只剩六张ICU病床  ‘Each Day Is Critical’: South Korea’s 11th-Hour Battle with Covid   2020-12-23 10:19
  SEOUL, South Korea — In several provinces across South Korea, there are no I.C.U. beds available to treat the rapidly rising number of Covid-19 patients. As of Monday, the government confirmed that there were only 42 beds available nationwide. In the Seoul metropolitan area, home to half of the country’s population and the majority of its recent infections, there were just six. ​

【新闻】2020年全球谋杀记者案翻倍  Number of Journalists Killed for Their Reporting Doubled in 2020   2020-12-23 02:02
  MEXICO CITY — The number of journalists killed as a result of their work more than doubled in 2020, an international media watchdog group said on Tuesday, with armed conflict and gang violence making Mexico and Afghanistan among the deadliest countries for reporters globally.

【文化】定义2020年的20个短语  The 20 Phrases That Defined 2020   2020-12-22 04:42
  Happy Blursday! Now quit doomscrolling, grab a quarantini and please keep social distancing.
  Happy Blursday!(不管今天周几都要快乐哦!)别再doomscrolling(末日刷新)了,来一杯quarantini(隔离马天尼),敬请保持社交距离(social distancing)。

【新闻】英国出现新冠病毒新变种 欧洲多国中断与英国交通  Several countries ban travel to the UK due to new coronavirus strain   2020-12-21 15:55
  France announced on Sunday that it has implemented a 48-hour ban on travel to Britain, joining a growing number of European countries halting travel to Britain after a new strain of the coronavirus was detected in that country. At least six European countries have announced flights will cease if they haven't done so already, while France and Belgium have banned train travel.

【文化】能识别“摸鱼艺术家”,还知道谁想跳槽,这是什么老板?  Worried About AI Taking Your Job? More Likely, It Will Become Your Boss   2020-12-21 10:51
  You got a little too caught up in social media and lost track of time. You dash over to your home office to quickly log in to work hoping no one will notice your tardiness.你太沉迷于社交媒体而忘记了时间,冲进家庭办公室快速登录工作,希望没有人会注意到你迟到。
  Alas, as soon as you connect, you get an immediate message from your boss: “You’re 17 seconds late to work! Your performance score will be impacted.” Ugh! It’s tough working for an AI boss.唉,一上线,你马上收到上司的信息:“你上班迟到了17秒!你的绩效将会受到影响!”给人工智能打工真难啊。

【新闻】疫情“助推”下,中国开始直面心理健康问题  China Long Avoided Talking About Mental Health. Then the Pandemic Hit.   2020-12-21 08:22
  China’s fight against the coronavirus was mostly over, but Zhang Xiaochun, a doctor in Wuhan, was sinking into depression, convinced she had failed as a daughter and mother. She agonized over her decision to keep working even after her father fell critically ill. She worried about her young daughter, whom she had frequently left alone at home.

【健康】英国出现新冠病毒变种意味着什么?  The Coronavirus Is Mutating. What Does That Mean for Us?   2020-12-21 03:19
  Just as vaccines begin to offer hope for a path out of the pandemic, officials in Britain this past weekend sounded an urgent alarm about what they called a highly contagious new variant of the coronavirus circulating in England.

【商业】拜登时代,美中关系会如何变化?  How to Reset the Relationship Between the U.S. and China   2020-12-21 01:33
  When President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. moves into the White House, he will inherit a relationship with China that is at its lowest point in decades. Among the issues on his to-do list are tariffs, which he has said he plans to maintain when he takes over; how to handle human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang region; and a tech Cold War that has raised questions over data, sovereignty and power.

【新闻】8.4分收官,这部火到国外的《棋魂》你看了吗?  Live Action Adaptation of 'Hikaru no Go' a Big Hit with Chinese and Inte   2020-12-19 09:00
  “To be honest, I have never felt so nervous when facing the camera. After all, this was the first time I played a leading role,” Hu Xianxu told Jiemian news.“老实说,面对镜头,我从未感到如此紧张。毕竟,这是我第一次演主角,”胡先煦在接受界面新闻采访时表示。
  The 20-year-old is talking about his performance in the online series Hikaru No Go, which ended on Nov 27. It achieved a score of 8.4 out of 10 on Douban.这位20岁的年轻人所说的是他在网剧《棋魂》中的表现,该剧于11月27日收官,豆瓣评分高达8.4分(满分10分)。

【教育】BBC推荐:2020年度佳片  The best films of 2020   2020-12-18 17:21

【新闻】美国鸣钟300次,纪念30万新冠逝者,从天亮鸣至天黑……  Washington National Cathedral tolls its bell 300 times in memory of 300,000 who    2020-12-18 10:12
  The Washington National Cathedral tolled its bell 300 times to honor the 300,000 Americans lost to COVID-19 — once for every 1,000 dead.美国华盛顿国家大教堂鸣钟300次,以纪念30万新冠逝者,每一次鸣钟,都是1000条逝去的生命。
  The coronavirus is still surging in the US as the infection case count surpassed 16.7 million on December 16, according to Johns Hopkins University.美国国内新冠肺炎疫情仍然肆虐,约翰斯·霍普金斯大学数据显示,截至本月16日,美国已有超过1670万人感染新冠肺炎。

【新闻】2020年:危机之年,气候变化之年  The Year in Climate   2020-12-18 04:42
   2020 was a crisis year: a pandemic, economic turmoil, social upheaval. And running through it all, climate change. Here’s some of the best reporting from The Times’s Climate Desk.

【新闻】韩国华城连环杀人案背后:一人蒙冤入狱20年  He Spent 20 Years in Prison, Until a Serial Killer Confessed to the Crime   2020-12-18 03:48
  SEOUL, South Korea — A man in South Korea who spent 20 years in prison for the murder of a 13-year-old girl was acquitted in a retrial on Thursday after the country’s most infamous serial killer confessed to the crime last year.

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