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【经济】【双语财讯】推动共建“一带一路”经贸合作不断迈上新台阶  Nation to advance building of high-quality overseas projects   2023-10-12 17:13
【健康】科学家用基因编辑让鸡获得对禽流感的部分抵抗力  Bird flu: Scientists see gene editing hope for immune chickens   2023-10-12 15:50
【商业】中国掀起消费降级潮:价格战“内卷”中的经济低迷  ‘Whichever Is Cheaper’: Inside China’s New Thrift Economy   2023-10-12 10:54
【新闻】超短发、素颜、衣着宽松:拒绝“服美役”的中国女性  Buzz-Cut and Brave: The Chinese Women Who Defy ‘Beauty Duty’   2023-10-12 10:22
【经济】气候危机将推高欧洲啤酒价格 并让啤酒口感变差  Climate crisis will make Europe’s beer cost more and taste worse, say scientis   2023-10-11 15:39
【新闻】“一带一路”重磅白皮书发布,16个双语关键词学起来!     2023-10-11 15:35
【新闻】“这是一场大屠杀”:探访遭哈马斯致命袭击的以色列村庄  ‘It’s Not a War or a Battlefield. It’s a Massacre.’   2023-10-11 12:06
【新闻】为何以色列安全部门未能阻止哈马斯袭击  How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack   2023-10-11 04:00
【新闻】狗狗为什么会吃屎?“狗改不了吃屎”是真的吗?  Why do dogs eat poop?   2023-10-10 21:30
【经济】【双语财讯】中行报告:预计全年GDP增速为5.2%左右  Report: Chinese economy to grow about 5.2% in 2023   2023-10-10 15:02
【新闻】新一轮巴以冲突与全球新秩序  The Global Context of the Hamas-Israel War   2023-10-10 03:13
【新闻】关于哈马斯突袭以色列,我们目前所知的  What We Know About the Hamas Attack and Israel’s Response   2023-10-09 12:26
【新闻】极热的夏天过去了,极冷的冬天还远吗?     2023-10-09 10:18
【新闻】哈马斯袭击与以色列的“永恒困境”  A Shaken Israel Is Forced Back to Its Eternal Dilemma   2023-10-09 06:06
【商业】面对房地产危机,中国银行业压力空前  How China’s Property Crisis Is Testing Its Too-Big-to-Fail Banks   2023-10-09 03:05
【新闻】【双语财讯】中国便利店数量增长快 进一步向下沉市场发展  Convenience stores record growth, more penetration into lower-tier cities   2023-10-08 15:16
【新闻】今日寒露:关于寒露的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you may not know about Cold Dew   2023-10-08 12:51
【新闻】【双语财讯】外媒:中国黄金周出境游升温提振全球旅游业     2023-10-07 17:07
【新闻】为什么英国人把秋天叫作Autumn而美国人把秋天叫作Fall?  The reason why Americans refer to Autumn as ‘Fall’   2023-10-07 13:57
【新闻】“国庆住我家”火遍全网,网友:出租自己家行不?律师提醒……     2023-09-29 09:10

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