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【经济】【双语财讯】推动共建“一带一路”经贸合作不断迈上新台阶  Nation to advance building of high-quality overseas projects   2023-10-12 17:13
  Following the approach of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, China's practical cooperation in economy and trade with Belt and Road countries has grown in scope and quality over the past decade and achieved win-win results, said Guo Tingting, vice-minister of commerce.

【健康】科学家用基因编辑让鸡获得对禽流感的部分抵抗力  Bird flu: Scientists see gene editing hope for immune chickens   2023-10-12 15:50
  Researchers have developed gene-edited chickens that are partially resistant to bird flu.

【商业】中国掀起消费降级潮:价格战“内卷”中的经济低迷  ‘Whichever Is Cheaper’: Inside China’s New Thrift Economy   2023-10-12 10:54
  To understand today’s penny-pinching Chinese consumers, behold the vicious price war playing out among the country’s coffee store giants.

【新闻】超短发、素颜、衣着宽松:拒绝“服美役”的中国女性  Buzz-Cut and Brave: The Chinese Women Who Defy ‘Beauty Duty’   2023-10-12 10:22
  Legend Zhu was the conventional ideal of Chinese beauty. Tall with shoulder-length hair, she led her university’s modeling team, whose members were often called upon to strut down runways at campus fashion shows wearing body-hugging dresses and dramatic eye makeup.

【经济】气候危机将推高欧洲啤酒价格 并让啤酒口感变差  Climate crisis will make Europe’s beer cost more and taste worse, say scientis   2023-10-11 15:39
  Climate breakdown is already changing the taste and quality of beer, scientists have warned.

【新闻】“一带一路”重磅白皮书发布,16个双语关键词学起来!     2023-10-11 15:35
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【新闻】“这是一场大屠杀”:探访遭哈马斯致命袭击的以色列村庄  ‘It’s Not a War or a Battlefield. It’s a Massacre.’   2023-10-11 12:06
  “Welcome,” said the sign at the entrance to Kfar Azza, a lush Israeli village just across some fields from the border with Gaza. On the pathway, another sign pointed the way to the gym and the swimming pool.

【新闻】为何以色列安全部门未能阻止哈马斯袭击  How Israel’s Feared Security Services Failed to Stop Hamas’s Attack   2023-10-11 04:00
  Shortly before attackers from Gaza poured into Israel at dawn on Saturday, Israeli intelligence detected a surge in activity on some of the Gazan militant networks it monitors. Realizing something unusual was happening, they sent an alert to the Israeli soldiers guarding the Gazan border, according to two senior Israeli security officials.

【新闻】狗狗为什么会吃屎?“狗改不了吃屎”是真的吗?  Why do dogs eat poop?   2023-10-10 21:30
  A 2018 study published in the Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Science surveyed about 1,400 dog owners in the United States and found that 23% of dogs had eaten poop at least once and 16% were "frequent" poop eaters who ate poop at least six times over the course of the study.

【经济】【双语财讯】中行报告:预计全年GDP增速为5.2%左右  Report: Chinese economy to grow about 5.2% in 2023   2023-10-10 15:02
  BOC Research Institute, the research unit of Bank of China, predicted that the Chinese economy will grow about 5.7 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter to achieve yearly growth of around 5.2 percent this year, above the official annual growth target of 5 percent.

【新闻】新一轮巴以冲突与全球新秩序  The Global Context of the Hamas-Israel War   2023-10-10 03:13
  Russia has started the largest war in Europe since World War II.

【新闻】关于哈马斯突袭以色列,我们目前所知的  What We Know About the Hamas Attack and Israel’s Response   2023-10-09 12:26
  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Israelis to brace themselves for a long and difficult war on Sunday, a day after Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, launched its largest surprise attacks in decades.

【新闻】极热的夏天过去了,极冷的冬天还远吗?     2023-10-09 10:18
  To pick a key word for summer 2023, “extreme” must be a top candidate. We’ve had an average temperature of 22℃, the highest in recorded history except other than 1961. The rainfall has been limited but also concentrated, so much so that Beijing saw its heaviest rainfall since 2012 while some regions in the Northwest suffered from drought.

【新闻】哈马斯袭击与以色列的“永恒困境”  A Shaken Israel Is Forced Back to Its Eternal Dilemma   2023-10-09 06:06
  The most sweeping invasion of Israeli territory in decades, conducted by a Hamas force that had been widely seen as a ragtag collection of militants, has delivered a psychological shock to Israel so great that its very foundations are being questioned: its army, its intelligence services, its government and its capacity to control the millions of Palestinians in its midst.

【商业】面对房地产危机,中国银行业压力空前  How China’s Property Crisis Is Testing Its Too-Big-to-Fail Banks   2023-10-09 03:05
  China’s giant banking system, the world’s largest, is heavily exposed to the real estate crisis: Nearly 40 percent of all bank loans are related to property. And pressure is building on those banks as dozens of real estate developers have defaulted or missed payments on overseas bonds, led by China Evergrande, the world’s most indebted developer.

【新闻】【双语财讯】中国便利店数量增长快 进一步向下沉市场发展  Convenience stores record growth, more penetration into lower-tier cities   2023-10-08 15:16
  Most convenience stores in cities this year have achieved growths and more penetration into fourth- and fifth-tier cities and county-level markets, according to an industry survey.

【新闻】今日寒露:关于寒露的8个小常识  24 Solar Terms: 8 things you may not know about Cold Dew   2023-10-08 12:51
  The traditional Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Cold Dew, the 17th solar term of the year, begins this year on Oct 8 and ends on Oct 23.

【新闻】【双语财讯】外媒:中国黄金周出境游升温提振全球旅游业     2023-10-07 17:07
  China's inbound and outbound trips surged during the eight-day Golden Week holiday this year, official data showed on Saturday, recovering to 85% of their pre-pandemic level. The average number of inbound and outbound passenger trips a day reached 1.477 million during the longer-than-normal break, as the Mid-Autumn festival coincided with the National Day holiday this year, which ended on Friday, the National Immigration Administration said. That was equivalent to 85.1% of the number of average trips made in the same period in 2019, and nearly quadruple the 2022 average, the administration said.

【新闻】为什么英国人把秋天叫作Autumn而美国人把秋天叫作Fall?  The reason why Americans refer to Autumn as ‘Fall’   2023-10-07 13:57
  September 23, 2023, marks the start of a new season—but what exactly you should call that season depends on where in the world you are. In Great Britain, the third season of the year usually has only one name: autumn. But if you hop across the Atlantic, you’ll find that people use both fall and autumn interchangeably when referring to this time of year, making it the only season in the English language with two widely accepted names. So what is it about the season that makes it so special?

【新闻】“国庆住我家”火遍全网,网友:出租自己家行不?律师提醒……     2023-09-29 09:10
    The National Day holiday is fast approaching, and those who are planning last-minute trips are busy securing train tickets and quickly vanishing hotel accommodations in sought-aftertourist destinations.
    sought-after adj. 受欢迎的,吃香的

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