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【教育】BBC推荐:2021年佳片前瞻(上)  10 films to watch in 2021 (partⅠ)   2021-01-08 16:47
【新闻】嫌男友拍的照片丑?他们已经很拼了好吗  Boyfriends “forced” to take perfect pictures of their girlfriends   2021-01-08 10:43
【新闻】从火星到月球,一个忙碌的太空探索之年  Missions to Mars, the Moon and Beyond Await Earth in 2021   2021-01-08 10:16
【商业】巴西称中国科兴疫苗有效率为78%  A Second Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Is Said to Be Effective   2021-01-08 02:31
【新闻】一文读懂能罢免总统的宪法第25修正案  What is the 25th Amendment, and how does it work?   2021-01-08 02:11
【新闻】宫崎骏爷爷80岁啦!一起来读读他的名言  28 memorable Hayao Miyazaki quotes   2021-01-07 13:32
【新闻】国会大厦暴乱:特朗普时代的暴力结尾  Washington in the Final Convulsions of the Trump Era   2021-01-07 04:19
【健康】疫情迫使2021年格莱美奖颁奖礼推迟  Grammys postpone 2021 ceremony over Covid-19 concerns   2021-01-06 14:15
【新闻】香港警方逮捕数十名民主派官员和活动人士  Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens of Pro-Democracy Leaders   2021-01-06 12:50
【经济】22岁员工猝死,拼多多遭知乎“打脸”后道歉!  Pinduoduo Worker’s Death Spurs Investigation, Online Furore   2021-01-06 12:36
【新闻】彭斯有可能推翻总统大选结果吗?  Trump Says Pence Can Overturn His Loss in Congress. That’s Not How It Works.   2021-01-06 04:29
【科技】特朗普签署行政令,禁止与支付宝等中国应用交易  Trump Bans Alipay and 7 Other Chinese Apps   2021-01-06 01:04
【新闻】人口负增长!去年韩国死亡人数首次超过出生人数  South Korea reports population drop, with more deaths than births for first time   2021-01-05 14:57
【文化】新的一年,新的自己!2021必看的十部励志电影  Here’s 10 movies to inspire your 2021   2021-01-05 12:56
【新闻】五个关键问题,详解佐治亚州参议员决选  What We Know About the Voting in Georgia So Far   2021-01-05 04:21
【商业】疫情新常态下,中国版本的“自由”  In a Topsy-Turvy Pandemic World, China Offers Its Version of Freedom   2021-01-05 01:47
【新闻】揭秘:8款风靡一时的牛仔裤 都是怎么流行起来的?  The surprising origins of 8 jean trends   2021-01-04 16:00
【新闻】《三体》全球IP梦和中国80后电子游戏大亨之死  A Sci-Fi Dreamer’s Poisoning Death Shocks China   2021-01-04 12:47
【新闻】想住在海边?你的六个绝佳新选择  Want to Live Near the Shore? Here Are Six Emerging Areas   2021-01-04 04:16
【新闻】台湾靠封锁成功抗疫,但能持续多久?  How Taiwan Plans to Stay (Mostly) Covid-Free   2021-01-04 03:43

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