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【教育】BBC推荐:2021年佳片前瞻(上)  10 films to watch in 2021 (partⅠ)   2021-01-08 16:47
  The Many Saints of Newark《纽瓦克众圣》
  Fourteen years after The Sopranos ended, its creator and writer, David Chase, delivers a prequel to one of the best television series ever made. No one could replace James Gandolfini, who died in 2013, and who made the middle-aged Tony, family man and mob boss, a classic character. But Chase and director Alan Taylor enlisted Gandolfini's lookalike son, Michael Gandolfini, to play Tony as a young man. Set in the 1960s and 70s, against the backdrop of racial unrest and riots in Newark, New Jersey, with antagonism between black people and Italian Americans, the film could give us a clue about where all that Sopranos crime came from. Among the cast: Vera Farmiga as Tony's lethal mother, Livia.

【新闻】嫌男友拍的照片丑?他们已经很拼了好吗  Boyfriends “forced” to take perfect pictures of their girlfriends   2021-01-08 10:43
  1 I only see the guy standing and his gf sitting but when I looked up just a little i see another one, and another one...lol

【新闻】从火星到月球,一个忙碌的太空探索之年  Missions to Mars, the Moon and Beyond Await Earth in 2021   2021-01-08 10:16
  About a month after the new year has started on Earth, three spacecraft will pull into the vicinity of Mars. These explorers, which launched in July last year, will be heralds of a busy year of space exploration, launches and astronomical occurrences.

【商业】巴西称中国科兴疫苗有效率为78%  A Second Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Is Said to Be Effective   2021-01-08 02:31
  Brazilian officials said Thursday that a coronavirus vaccine made by a Chinese company was effective, bolstering the chances of approval for a second Chinese inoculation that could be rolled out in much of the developing world.

【新闻】一文读懂能罢免总统的宪法第25修正案  What is the 25th Amendment, and how does it work?   2021-01-08 02:11
  In the aftermath of a violent mob invading the Capitol building on Wednesday, calls in Congress are growing for President Trump to be stripped of his power from office under the disability clause of the 25th Amendment.

【新闻】宫崎骏爷爷80岁啦!一起来读读他的名言  28 memorable Hayao Miyazaki quotes   2021-01-07 13:32
  "I get inspiration from my everyday life.”

【新闻】国会大厦暴乱:特朗普时代的暴力结尾  Washington in the Final Convulsions of the Trump Era   2021-01-07 04:19
  [Follow our live coverage as Trump protesters stormed the US Capitol.]

【健康】疫情迫使2021年格莱美奖颁奖礼推迟  Grammys postpone 2021 ceremony over Covid-19 concerns   2021-01-06 14:15
  The 2021 Grammys, originally scheduled for January 31st, have been postponed due to concerns over the spread of Covid-19, multiple sources confirm to Rolling Stone. In a statement released Tuesday evening, organizers, citing “thoughtful conversations with health experts, our host and artists scheduled to appear,” confirmed that they’ll stage the award show on Sunday, March 14th.

【新闻】香港警方逮捕数十名民主派官员和活动人士  Hong Kong Police Arrest Dozens of Pro-Democracy Leaders   2021-01-06 12:50
  HONG KONG — The Hong Kong police arrested dozens of elected pro-democracy officials and activists early Wednesday on suspicion of undermining a new national security law after they tried to organize an informal primary election last year for the city’s legislature.

【经济】22岁员工猝死,拼多多遭知乎“打脸”后道歉!  Pinduoduo Worker’s Death Spurs Investigation, Online Furore   2021-01-06 12:36
  A 22-year-old female surnamed Zhang, who is an employee of e-commerce major Pinduoduo fell unconscious while returning from work at 1:30 am on Dec 29 and later died in hospital.

【新闻】彭斯有可能推翻总统大选结果吗?  Trump Says Pence Can Overturn His Loss in Congress. That’s Not How It Works.   2021-01-06 04:29
  President Trump on Tuesday escalated his efforts to force Vice President Mike Pence to overturn President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s victory, falsely asserting that Mr. Pence had the power to unilaterally throw out electoral votes on Wednesday when Congress meets to certify the election results.
  周二,特朗普总统将其行动升级,谎称副总统迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)有权在周三国会开会确认选举结果时单方面推翻选举人票,逼迫其推翻候任总统小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.)的选举胜利。

【科技】特朗普签署行政令,禁止与支付宝等中国应用交易  Trump Bans Alipay and 7 Other Chinese Apps   2021-01-06 01:04
  WASHINGTON — President Trump on Tuesday signed an executive order prohibiting transactions with eight Chinese software applications, including Alipay, the payment platform owned by Ant Group, and WeChat Pay, which is owned by Tencent.

【新闻】人口负增长!去年韩国死亡人数首次超过出生人数  South Korea reports population drop, with more deaths than births for first time   2021-01-05 14:57
  South Korea recorded more deaths than births in 2020 for the first time ever, prompting calls for action to revive the country's falling fertility rate.

【文化】新的一年,新的自己!2021必看的十部励志电影  Here’s 10 movies to inspire your 2021   2021-01-05 12:56

【新闻】五个关键问题,详解佐治亚州参议员决选  What We Know About the Voting in Georgia So Far   2021-01-05 04:21
  Georgia’s runoff elections on Tuesday are high-stakes contests that will determine which party controls the Senate and set the agenda for the new administration in Washington.

【商业】疫情新常态下,中国版本的“自由”  In a Topsy-Turvy Pandemic World, China Offers Its Version of Freedom   2021-01-05 01:47
  Duncan Clark’s flight was rolling down the runway in Paris in late October when President Emmanuel Macron announced a second national lockdown in France. The country had nearly 50,000 new Covid-19 infections that day. The United States had almost 100,000.
  去年10月下旬,邓肯·克拉克(Duncan Clark)所乘坐的航班在巴黎的机场跑道上滑行时,埃曼纽尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)总统宣布了法国的第二次全国封锁。法国当日新增近5万例新冠感染病例。美国则有近10万例。

【新闻】揭秘:8款风靡一时的牛仔裤 都是怎么流行起来的?  The surprising origins of 8 jean trends   2021-01-04 16:00

【新闻】《三体》全球IP梦和中国80后电子游戏大亨之死  A Sci-Fi Dreamer’s Poisoning Death Shocks China   2021-01-04 12:47
  He was sometimes called the “billionaire millennial,” and his ambitions were no less grand than his nickname.

【新闻】想住在海边?你的六个绝佳新选择  Want to Live Near the Shore? Here Are Six Emerging Areas   2021-01-04 04:16
  Owning a home on or near the water never seems to go out of style.

【新闻】台湾靠封锁成功抗疫,但能持续多久?  How Taiwan Plans to Stay (Mostly) Covid-Free   2021-01-04 03:43
  TAIPEI, Taiwan — Consider for a moment, in this time of anguish and loss and death, of mass unemployment and flattened national economies, the Twilight Zone alternate reality that is Taiwan.
  台湾台北——想想看,在这个充满痛苦、失去和死亡以及大规模失业和国家经济萧条的时刻,台湾成了《迷离时空》(Twilight Zone)里的平行现实。

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