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【新闻】拜登就职:回顾美国总统就职演讲中最让人难忘的十句名言  The 10 most memorable quotes from inaugural addresses   2021-01-21 11:37
【新闻】长得丑也是福?外媒称帅哥找工作更易碰壁  Hot or Not? How It Affects Job Interviews   2021-01-21 11:12
【新闻】美国新冠肺炎死亡人数破40万 林肯纪念堂点亮400盏灯哀悼死者  Biden and Harris lead Lincoln Memorial vigil for Covid victims as US death toll    2021-01-20 15:54
【教育】今日腊八节,喝粥别忘学英语!  The Customs of the Laba Festival   2021-01-20 10:22
【新闻】白宫权力交接的特别传统:来自上一任总统的留言  'Rooting hard for you': Will departure notes end with Trump?   2021-01-19 16:44
【商业】就业难催生考研热:“被困住”的中国大学生  China’s College Graduates Can’t Find Jobs. The Solution: Grad School.   2021-01-19 11:52
【新闻】2021年最佳饮食榜发布!第一名果然又是……  The Best Diet of 2021   2021-01-19 10:59
【新闻】专家:空气污染将导致大规模移民  Air pollution will lead to mass migration, say experts after landmark ruling   2021-01-18 14:05
【新闻】“讨好型人格”上热搜,这些典型表现,你占几条?  What Is People-Pleasing?   2021-01-18 10:29
【新闻】爸爸讲起冷笑话来,比西伯利亚寒潮更腻害     2021-01-17 08:00
【新闻】关于英国、南非、巴西新冠病毒变种 你关心的都在这里  How worrying are the UK, South Africa, and Brazil Covid variants?   2021-01-15 16:58
【新闻】改了!中国白酒英文名“Chinese Baijiu”,网友:四六级翻译会写了  Chinese distilled spirit finally granted ‘Chinese Baijiu’ as its official En   2021-01-15 10:27
【新闻】史上首位!特朗普因国会暴乱事件二次遭弹劾  Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol   2021-01-14 15:16
【商业】巴西调降科兴疫苗有效率意味着什么?  Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World   2021-01-14 12:10
【商业】斥资2.5亿欧元 巴黎香榭丽舍大街将变身花园  Paris agrees to turn Champs-Élysées into 'extraordinary garden'   2021-01-13 14:43
【新闻】李子柒做泡菜遭韩国网友围攻:“泡菜是我们的”  Li Ziqi’s new video reignites Chinese, S.Korean netizens’ cultural spat over   2021-01-13 10:09
【健康】世卫组织:2021年不可能实现群体免疫  COVID herd immunity will not happen in 2021, says WHO   2021-01-12 13:10
【新闻】网友总结:毁掉一天好心情的20件小事,件件让人抓狂  People Are Posting The Things That Annoy Them The Most   2021-01-11 10:38
【新闻】你做过的最奇葩的兼职是什么?大家的回复太神奇     2021-01-10 08:00
【文化】如何经营爱情?9个技巧让ta更爱你  What are the best romantic relationship tips?   2021-01-09 09:00

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