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【新闻】拜登就职:回顾美国总统就职演讲中最让人难忘的十句名言  The 10 most memorable quotes from inaugural addresses   2021-01-21 11:37
  10. Joe Biden's inaugural address - 2021

【新闻】长得丑也是福?外媒称帅哥找工作更易碰壁  Hot or Not? How It Affects Job Interviews   2021-01-21 11:12
  'It's not always an advantage to be pretty,' says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. 'It can backfire if you are perceived as a threat.'

【新闻】美国新冠肺炎死亡人数破40万 林肯纪念堂点亮400盏灯哀悼死者  Biden and Harris lead Lincoln Memorial vigil for Covid victims as US death toll    2021-01-20 15:54
  During a Covid memorial service in Washington DC on Tuesday, President-elect Joe Biden and vice-president elect Kamala Harris offered their condolences to a weary nation.

【教育】今日腊八节,喝粥别忘学英语!  The Customs of the Laba Festival   2021-01-20 10:22
  Traditionally, the Laba porridge is the most important element of the festival.

【新闻】白宫权力交接的特别传统:来自上一任总统的留言  'Rooting hard for you': Will departure notes end with Trump?   2021-01-19 16:44
  Presidential traditions are usually known for their solemnity and carry the weight of future historical significance. This one began with cartoon turkeys and a reference to lunch.

【商业】就业难催生考研热:“被困住”的中国大学生  China’s College Graduates Can’t Find Jobs. The Solution: Grad School.   2021-01-19 11:52
  Graduation was fast approaching, but Yang Xiaomin, a 21-year-old college student in northeastern China, skipped her university’s job fair. Nor did she look for positions on her own. She didn’t think she had a chance of landing one.

【新闻】2021年最佳饮食榜发布!第一名果然又是……  The Best Diet of 2021   2021-01-19 10:59
  The Mediterranean diet—inspired by the cuisines of Spain, Italy and Greece—has been named the best overall diet by US News & World Report for the fourth consecutive year.地中海饮食源自西班牙、意大利和希腊的饮食,连续四年被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为最佳饮食。

【新闻】专家:空气污染将导致大规模移民  Air pollution will lead to mass migration, say experts after landmark ruling   2021-01-18 14:05
  Air pollution does not respect national boundaries and environmental degradation will lead to mass migration in the future, said a leading barrister in the wake of a landmark migration ruling, as experts warned that government action must be taken as a matter of urgency.

【新闻】“讨好型人格”上热搜,这些典型表现,你占几条?  What Is People-Pleasing?   2021-01-18 10:29
❶Being the first one to apologize.

【新闻】爸爸讲起冷笑话来,比西伯利亚寒潮更腻害     2021-01-17 08:00
  1. Today, my son asked "Can I have a book mark?" and I burst into tears. 11 years old and he still doesn't know my name is Brian.

【新闻】关于英国、南非、巴西新冠病毒变种 你关心的都在这里  How worrying are the UK, South Africa, and Brazil Covid variants?   2021-01-15 16:58
  New variants of coronavirus are emerging that are more infectious than the original one that started the pandemic.

【新闻】改了!中国白酒英文名“Chinese Baijiu”,网友:四六级翻译会写了  Chinese distilled spirit finally granted ‘Chinese Baijiu’ as its official En   2021-01-15 10:27
  Accounting for one-third of the world's total consumption of distilled spirits, China's famous distilled spirit will officially be called "Chinese Baijiu" in English; it has been mentioned as such in Chinese official documents since January 1.消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一,中国白酒英文名正式启用“Chinese Baijiu”;自1月1日起,中国官方文件中已经进行了修改。

【新闻】史上首位!特朗普因国会暴乱事件二次遭弹劾  Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol   2021-01-14 15:16
  The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the United States a week after he encouraged a mob of his supporters to storm the US Capitol, a historic condemnation that makes him the only American president to be charged twice with committing high crimes and misdemeanors.

【商业】巴西调降科兴疫苗有效率意味着什么?  Disappointing Chinese Vaccine Results Pose Setback for Developing World   2021-01-14 12:10
  Scientists in Brazil have downgraded the efficacy of a Chinese coronavirus vaccine that they hailed as a major triumph last week, diminishing hopes for a shot that could be quickly produced and easily distributed to help the developing world.

【商业】斥资2.5亿欧元 巴黎香榭丽舍大街将变身花园  Paris agrees to turn Champs-Élysées into 'extraordinary garden'   2021-01-13 14:43
  The mayor of Paris has said a €250m makeover of the Champs-Élysées will go ahead, though the ambitious transformation will not happen before the French capital hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics.

【新闻】李子柒做泡菜遭韩国网友围攻:“泡菜是我们的”  Li Ziqi’s new video reignites Chinese, S.Korean netizens’ cultural spat over   2021-01-13 10:09
  Li Ziqi, a famous Chinese food and rural-life vlogger with 14 million followers on YouTube, recently found herself sucked into this cultural battle after posting a several-minute-long cooking video on Saturday in which a dish that appears very similar to Korean pickled vegetables appeared. 中国美食和乡村生活博主李子柒在Youtube上拥有1400万粉丝,近期因其1月9日上传的一段视频陷入“文化争论”中。该视频中出现的一道菜与韩国泡菜较为相似。

【健康】世卫组织:2021年不可能实现群体免疫  COVID herd immunity will not happen in 2021, says WHO   2021-01-12 13:10
  World Health Organization (WHO) chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan said Monday that herd immunity to coronavirus would not be achieved in 2021, despite the growing availability of vaccines.

【新闻】网友总结:毁掉一天好心情的20件小事,件件让人抓狂  People Are Posting The Things That Annoy Them The Most   2021-01-11 10:38
  1. Every Time Using Microsoft Word
  每次使用微软文档编辑软件的时候,Moves an image 1mm to the left把图片往左移了1毫米,All text and images shift. 4 new pages appear.接着所有的文字和图片就都乱了。出现了4个空白页!

【新闻】你做过的最奇葩的兼职是什么?大家的回复太神奇     2021-01-10 08:00
  1. I worked at a historic site once where I had to dress as a bison and be chased by hordes of 5 year olds in a bison hunt. Once after being killed in the bison hunt I was breathing too heavily from running. One of them yelled ”it’s alive” and punched me in the face.

【文化】如何经营爱情?9个技巧让ta更爱你  What are the best romantic relationship tips?   2021-01-09 09:00
  1. Keep a secret running list of stuff you partner wants to do or have.
  1. 偷偷记下另一半想要的东西和想做的事情。

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