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【新闻】油泼辣子冰淇淋、螺蛳粉、肉夹馍…洋快餐这波本土化,网友怎么看?  Yay or nay? U.S. fast-food giants now offer Chinese regional food   2021-02-05 11:13
【健康】阿尔茨海默症可以预测吗?写作测试也许提供了答案  Alzheimer’s Prediction May Be Found in Writing Tests   2021-02-05 05:25
【新闻】纽约云端豪宅住户的烦恼:漏水、噪音,电梯停运  The Downside to Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks   2021-02-05 04:52
【体育】东京奥运规则手册发布 需报备抵日“14天活动计划”  Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics: Playbook rules detailed to safeguard against cor   2021-02-04 13:40
【新闻】原地过年倒计时,春节档大片看哪部?  6 Lunar New Year Movies Scheduled To Be Released In Early 2021   2021-02-04 10:32
【新闻】德国设“新冠监狱” 关押拒守防疫规定人员  Covid jail with cells and barbed wire fence opens in Germany for quarantine brea   2021-02-02 14:17
【健康】世卫总干事谭德塞:全球疫苗分配面临“灾难性道德失败”  WHO chief warns against ‘catastrophic moral failure’ in COVID-19 vaccine acc   2021-02-01 15:16
【新闻】母亲给过你哪些宝贵的建议  What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?   2021-02-01 10:29
【旅游】探索瑞典的冬日仙境  Wintry Scenes From a Swedish Wonderland   2021-02-01 09:52
【新闻】豆瓣8.7!这群向命运叫板的孩子,太燃了  In a league of their own   2021-01-30 09:00
【新闻】2020年美国GDP萎缩3.5%  为二战结束以来最差“成绩”  US economy contracts 3.5% in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout   2021-01-29 14:44
【经济】关于食品安全的10个知识 了解一下很有必要(下)  Here are 10 food safety facts that you may have not known (part Ⅱ)   2021-01-28 13:37
【经济】你也是“星巴克气氛组”的?外媒:在咖啡馆工作学习真的高产!  Why you’re more creative in coffee shops   2021-01-28 10:07
【新闻】太空之争,下一场美中“大国竞赛”  How Space Became the Next ‘Great Power’ Contest Between the U.S. and China   2021-01-27 09:32
【健康】新冠疫情致2020年全球劳动力市场遭重创  UN: Covid jobs crisis 'most severe' since the 1930s   2021-01-26 14:52
【科技】定了!遛狗拴绳入法!新修订《动物防疫法》出炉  China passes new animal quarantine law   2021-01-26 10:37
【新闻】辉瑞推迟疫苗交付 意大利称将动用法律手段催单  Italy to take legal action on COVID vaccine delays to get doses   2021-01-25 14:33
【新闻】这些历史事件居然是同时发生?我已凌乱  These historical facts will mess with your perception of time   2021-01-24 08:00
【新闻】笑哭!看完这些神逻辑漫画,整个人都神清气爽了     2021-01-23 09:00
【新闻】乡下公鸡打鸣太吵?法国:“感官遗产”要保护  France passes ‘sensory heritage’ law after plight of Maurice the noisy roost   2021-01-22 12:54

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