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【新闻】油泼辣子冰淇淋、螺蛳粉、肉夹馍…洋快餐这波本土化,网友怎么看?  Yay or nay? U.S. fast-food giants now offer Chinese regional food   2021-02-05 11:13
  The sweet-and-spicy dessert was due to be sold in select McDonald's stores, including in Shanghai and Shenzhen, from January 26 to 31. It debuted a "spicy chili oil sundae," which combines a vanilla-flavored soft serve covered in chili oil. 这款甜辣相结合的甜品原定于1月26日至31日在麦当劳的部分门店出售(包括上海和深圳)。带着“油泼辣子新地”的名字初次亮相,新品将香草味的冰淇淋和辣椒油相融合。
  debut /ˈdeɪbjuː/ v. 首次亮相,初次登台

【健康】阿尔茨海默症可以预测吗?写作测试也许提供了答案  Alzheimer’s Prediction May Be Found in Writing Tests   2021-02-05 05:25
  Is it possible to predict who will develop Alzheimer’s disease simply by looking at writing patterns years before there are symptoms?

【新闻】纽约云端豪宅住户的烦恼:漏水、噪音,电梯停运  The Downside to Life in a Supertall Tower: Leaks, Creaks, Breaks   2021-02-05 04:52
  The nearly 1,400-foot tower at 432 Park Avenue, briefly the tallest residential building in the world, was the pinnacle of New York’s luxury condo boom half a decade ago, fueled largely by foreign buyers seeking discretion and big returns.

【体育】东京奥运规则手册发布 需报备抵日“14天活动计划”  Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics: Playbook rules detailed to safeguard against cor   2021-02-04 13:40
  Singing or chanting will be discouraged at the re-arranged Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in a bid to safeguard against the spread of coronavirus.

【新闻】原地过年倒计时,春节档大片看哪部?  6 Lunar New Year Movies Scheduled To Be Released In Early 2021   2021-02-04 10:32

【新闻】德国设“新冠监狱” 关押拒守防疫规定人员  Covid jail with cells and barbed wire fence opens in Germany for quarantine brea   2021-02-02 14:17
  A "Covid jail" has been opened in Germany for people who repeatedly break quarantine rules.

【健康】世卫总干事谭德塞:全球疫苗分配面临“灾难性道德失败”  WHO chief warns against ‘catastrophic moral failure’ in COVID-19 vaccine acc   2021-02-01 15:16
  Addressing the agency’s Executive Board, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus expressed fear that “even as vaccines bring hope to some, they become another brick in the wall of inequality between the world’s haves and have-nots.”

【新闻】母亲给过你哪些宝贵的建议  What is the best advice your mother ever gave you?   2021-02-01 10:29
  "You don't marry a man, you marry a lifestyle."

【旅游】探索瑞典的冬日仙境  Wintry Scenes From a Swedish Wonderland   2021-02-01 09:52
  I consistently give the same advice to aspiring photographers: Wherever home is, that’s where you should begin.

【新闻】豆瓣8.7!这群向命运叫板的孩子,太燃了  In a league of their own   2021-01-30 09:00
  A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered on the outskirts of Beijing. Once, they were confused and challenged by difficulties unimaginable for many of their contemporaries who were used to a comfortable way of life.一群来自中国各个贫困地区的少年们相聚北京郊区。他们曾感到迷茫,面对着许多习惯于舒适生活的同龄人难以想象的重重困难挑战。
  Thanks to a charity sports program – angels of baseball power – launched by Sun Lingfeng, former captain of China’s national men’s baseball team at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, these “children in predicament”, as Sun described them – many of whom are orphans, the children of prisoners or those left behind by parents who have gone missing – now see a silver lining.得益于2008年北京奥运会中国国家男子棒球队前队长孙岭峰创办的一个名为“强棒天使爱心基地”的公益体育项目,他口中的这些“困境少年”才得以看见一线希望。这些孩子大多都是孤儿、或是父母在服刑,又或是父母失踪被抛弃的孩子。

【新闻】2020年美国GDP萎缩3.5%  为二战结束以来最差“成绩”  US economy contracts 3.5% in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout   2021-01-29 14:44
  The US economy contracted 3.5 percent in 2020 amid COVID-19 fallout, the largest annual decline of US gross domestic product (GDP) since 1946, according to data released by the US Commerce Department on Thursday.

【经济】关于食品安全的10个知识 了解一下很有必要(下)  Here are 10 food safety facts that you may have not known (part Ⅱ)   2021-01-28 13:37
  6. The best way to know if the milk is still good is to smell it

【经济】你也是“星巴克气氛组”的?外媒:在咖啡馆工作学习真的高产!  Why you’re more creative in coffee shops   2021-01-28 10:07

【新闻】太空之争,下一场美中“大国竞赛”  How Space Became the Next ‘Great Power’ Contest Between the U.S. and China   2021-01-27 09:32
  Beijing’s rush for antisatellite arms began 15 years ago. Now, it can threaten the orbital fleets that give the United States military its technological edge. Advanced weapons at China’s military bases can fire warheads that smash satellites and can shoot laser beams that have a potential to blind arrays of delicate sensors.

【健康】新冠疫情致2020年全球劳动力市场遭重创  UN: Covid jobs crisis 'most severe' since the 1930s   2021-01-26 14:52
  The pandemic caused an "unprecedented" hit to the global economy last year, destroying the equivalent of 225 million full-time jobs, the United Nations has said.

【科技】定了!遛狗拴绳入法!新修订《动物防疫法》出炉  China passes new animal quarantine law   2021-01-26 10:37
  On Friday, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the nation's top legislature, passed the newly amended Animal Quarantine Law, which will come into effect on May 1.

【新闻】辉瑞推迟疫苗交付 意大利称将动用法律手段催单  Italy to take legal action on COVID vaccine delays to get doses   2021-01-25 14:33
  Italy will take legal action and step up pressure in Brussels against Pfizer Inc and AstraZeneca over delays in deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines with a view to securing agreed supplies, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday.

【新闻】这些历史事件居然是同时发生?我已凌乱  These historical facts will mess with your perception of time   2021-01-24 08:00
  Harriet The Tortoise, Who Died In 2006, Had Seen Charles Darwin In Person

【新闻】笑哭!看完这些神逻辑漫画,整个人都神清气爽了     2021-01-23 09:00
  Naked all day, wearing clothes at the beach.

【新闻】乡下公鸡打鸣太吵?法国:“感官遗产”要保护  France passes ‘sensory heritage’ law after plight of Maurice the noisy roost   2021-01-22 12:54
  From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the “sensory heritage” of France’s countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet.

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