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【新闻】WHO公布武汉调查初步发现,北京赢得公关胜利  China Scores a Public Relations Win After W.H.O. Mission to Wuhan   2021-02-22 03:50
  For months, China resisted allowing World Health Organization experts into the country to trace the origins of the global pandemic, concerned that such an inquiry could draw attention to the government’s early missteps in handling the outbreak.
  数月来,中国一直拒绝让世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)专家进入国内,追溯全球新冠疫情的源头,担心此类调查可能会引发人们对政府早期应对疫情失误的关注。

【新闻】日本“道路族地图”标出各类吵闹地点惹争议  Mapping site showing areas of ‘annoying’ kids draws criticism   2021-02-20 10:42
  A mapping website that shows areas with noisy children, loud gossipers and other “annoying” people has drawn criticism as promoting intolerance and providing an outlet for disgruntled residents seeking to lash out at their neighbors.
  日本一家地图网站制作了“道路族地图”, 标注了有吵闹的孩子、大声闲聊的人以及其他“惹人烦”的人们出没的地区。该网站因此遭到批评,称此举让人们更加不宽容,为心怀不满的居民发泄对邻居的不满提供了一个出口。

【经济】得州暴雪断水断电!官方发通知:水要烧开了喝,市民:没电怎么烧水?  Millions of Texans struggle for drinking water following deadly winter storm   2021-02-20 09:45
  At least 37 people have died because of weather-related fatalities since Thursday, the majority in Texas.自18日以来,极寒天气已造成至少37人死亡,其中大部分来自得克萨斯州。

【新闻】美国“毅力”号火星车成功着陆火星 传回照片  NASA's Perseverance rover lands on Mars   2021-02-19 14:52
  NASA has unveiled the first pictures from its fifth Mars rover, Perseverance, after a successful landing on the red planet's Jezero crater at approximately 3:55 pm Thursday.

【经济】太真实了!职场上的这些瞬间,你懂的......  14 Funny Work Memes That Anybody with a Job Will Relate To   2021-02-19 09:46

【新闻】知名华裔设计师王大仁遭多名男性指控性行为不端  Alexander Wang, Who Built His Brand Around Partying, Faces More Misconduct Claim   2021-02-19 06:02
  There was a time when Alexander Wang threw the wildest and weirdest parties of New York Fashion Week. He built adult playgrounds inspired by carnivals and frat houses, catered by Hooters and McDonald’s, hosted at gas stations and filled with pole dancers, where uninhibited celebrities took home rolling papers as party favors.
  曾几何时,王大仁(Alexander Wang)还在纽约时装周(New York Fashion Week)举办最疯狂、最奇异的派对。他建造以嘉年华和大学兄弟会为灵感的成人游乐场,由猫头鹰餐厅(Hooters)和麦当劳提供餐饮,在加油站举办,到处都是钢管舞者,纵情狂欢的名流把烟纸带回家作为派对礼物。

【新闻】二月最值得一看的国外佳片  Four films to watch in February   2021-02-18 13:44
  The Little Things《蛛丝马迹》
  The Little Things was a contemporary neo-noir detective mystery when John Lee Hancock (Saving Mr Banks, The Blind Side) wrote the screenplay back in 1993. Almost three decades later, Hancock has finally directed what is now a period drama set in the dark distant days when the police didn't all have cell phones and DNA-tracing technology. Its three Oscar-winning stars are Denzel Washington as a burnt-out sheriff, Rami Malek as a straitlaced sergeant, and Jared Leto as the creepy prime suspect in a Los Angeles serial killer case. Robert Daniels at Polygon says that "Hancock, in what might be his best film, grazes with greatness by constructing an enthralling thriller".

【新闻】外媒关注《你好,李焕英》:贾玲成中国票房最高女导演  Jia Ling becomes the top grossing female Chinese director   2021-02-18 09:59
  As the directorial debut of comedy actress Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her 2016 sketch comedy of the same title. The film reflects on how she misses her late mother Li Huanying, who encouraged Jia to pursue her artistic dreams.作为喜剧演员贾玲的导演处女作,该片改编自她2016年的同名喜剧小品。影片寄托了她对已故母亲李焕英的思念,李焕英鼓励贾玲追求自己的艺术梦想。

【健康】WHO调查团队成员:我亲历的武汉病毒溯源调查  A W.H.O. Researcher on His Trip to China Seeking Origins of the Virus   2021-02-18 05:04
  A team of experts selected by the World Health Organization to investigate the origins of the virus that caused the Covid-19 pandemic returned last week from Wuhan, site of the world’s first outbreak. The team, having broken the ice with Chinese scientists, plans to produce a joint report on the possible origins of the virus.
  上周,由世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)挑选的调查Covid-19大流行病毒源头的专家组从全球第一次疫情暴发地武汉返回。在与中国科学家达成共识后,该小组计划就该病毒的可能来源发表一份联合报告。

【新闻】B站9.8分!这部纪录片带你云游故宫,探寻紫禁城青春永驻的秘密     2021-02-15 09:00

【文化】宅家如何过好假期?看这一篇就够了  7 ways to have a good time spending the holidays at home   2021-02-10 11:00
  Game Night

【新闻】在俄罗斯,穿红色有了新意义  Wearing Red Takes on New Meaning in Russia   2021-02-10 04:10
  Between the Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day, red is something of the color of the moment. A week ago, however, it began to take on an entirely different meaning, as a growing number of Russians began to post pictures of themselves on social media wearing clothes in all shades of crimson in support of Yulia Navalnaya, the wife of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Aleksei A. Navalny. Red is known to be Ms. Navalnaya’s favorite color, and she wore a bright red top to her husband’s trial on Feb. 2.
  在春节与情人节之间,红色算得上最流行的颜色。然而在一周前,随着越来越多的俄罗斯人在社交媒体上发布自己穿各种深红衣服的照片,以支持被监禁的俄罗斯反对派领袖阿列克谢·A·纳瓦尔尼(Aleksei A. Navalny)的妻子尤利娅·纳瓦娜亚(Yulia Navalnaya),这个颜色开始有了完全不同的含义。众所周知,红色是纳瓦娜亚最喜欢的颜色,她在2月2日丈夫受审时穿了一件鲜红的上衣。

【新闻】研究:变异新冠病毒在美国迅速传播  UK coronavirus variant spreading 'rapidly' through US, study finds   2021-02-09 11:32
  The coronavirus variant that has moved through the UK is now spreading "rapidly" through the US, according to a new study published on Sunday.

【新闻】有内味儿!今年最火爆的“年货”竟然是螺蛳粉……  Stinky Luosifen: The most popular snack for a stay-at-home Spring Festival   2021-02-09 10:46
  Stinky Luosifen, or river snail rice noodles, became the most popular Chinese New Year's snack this year on e-commerce platforms, as Chinese people prepare for a stay-at-home holiday due to the COVID-19 pandemic.螺蛳粉成为今年电商平台上最受欢迎的中国新年小吃,这是因为新冠疫情下,中国人准备在家过节。
  On the traditional Laba Festival, which fell on January 20, Chinese e-commerce platforms kicked off a one-month-long "2021 Online Chinese New Year's Goods Festival" for the convenience of people across the country that can now easily buy some seasonal specials.1月20日是传统腊八节,这一天中国电商平台拉开了为期一个月的“2021年网上年货节”的序幕,以方便全国人民轻松买到一些应季特产。

【新闻】美国“超级碗”现场坐3万个纸片人  The Super Bowl had 30,000 cardboard fans   2021-02-08 13:53
  Super Bowl LV kicked off between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs, Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida looked full with the help of some fake fans.

【新闻】你家的“福”贴对了吗?这些地方的福字要正着贴!  Chinese New Year Tradition: Pasting The ''Fu''   2021-02-08 10:27
  The Lunar New Year is laden with traditional customs. One, still hugely popular, is to hang the Chinese character fu (fortune, bliss) upside down on prominent places.

【新闻】BBC关于新疆的不实报道,我们来告诉你真相  BBC's fake news on Xinjiang VS truth   2021-02-07 16:18
  For a long time, the BBC has been viciously attacking and discrediting the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government. It has broadcast fake news many times, seriously deviating from the objective, balanced and fair position of media reports.

【新闻】Quora精选:最鼓舞人心的名言  The most inspiring quotes   2021-02-07 14:00
  获得117好评的答案@Gold Hassan

【新闻】Quora精选:学历是你的恋爱标准吗?  Would you date someone less educated than you?   2021-02-06 09:00
  I would but it has tended not to work out well for various reasons.

【新闻】匈牙利成为欧盟第一个批准使用中国疫苗的国家  Hungary signs deal for Chinese Sinopharm's COVID-19 vaccine, first in EU   2021-02-05 13:43
  Hungary became the European Union’s first member to approve China’s Sinopharm COVID-19 vaccine, sealing a deal on Friday for 5 million doses just a week after becoming the first EU member to buy Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine.

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