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【健康】世卫组织:到2050年全球将有四分之一的人听力受损  WHO: 1 in 4 people projected to have hearing problems by 2050   2021-03-03 14:15
  Nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide ─ or 1 in 4 people ─ will be living with some degree of hearing loss by 2050, warns the World Health Organization's (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, released Tuesday. At least 700 million of these people will require access to ear and hearing care and other rehabilitation services unless action is taken.

【新闻】《唐探3》推理太弱?来捋一捋真正的经典推理之作吧!  The Top Mystery Novels Ever Written   2021-03-03 10:48
  The Royal Society of Chemistry bestowed an Extraordinary Honorary Fellowship upon Sherlock Holmes, the first detective to exploit chemical science as a means of detection. 英国皇家化学学会授予夏洛克·福尔摩斯“特别荣誉会员”,他是第一个利用化学科学作为探测手段的侦探。

【文化】三月份,这些电影值得期待!  Four films to watch in March   2021-03-02 16:21
  Raya and the Last Dragon 《寻龙传说》
  Once upon a time, being a Disney princess meant being the damsel in distress in a European fairy tale. But they're a more diverse and proactive bunch these days, as demonstrated by Raya and the Last Dragon, a cartoon fantasy adventure with a lot more martial arts than there were in Mulan. Inspired by South-East Asian mythology and culture, the film features Kelly Marie Tran from Star Wars as the voice of Raya, a brave warrior princess from the magical land of Kumandra. Five hundred years after the world's dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity, and the country was divided into five warring states, it's up to Raya to find the lone survivor: a fluffy, shape-changing water dragon voiced by Awkwafina. Joel Meares, editor of Rotten Tomatoes, calls it "a delight. Vibrant, exciting, funny action-comedy [that] hits hard with the feels."

【新闻】祝贺!赵婷凭《无依之地》成首个获金球奖的中国女导演  Chinese-born director becomes first Asian woman to win Golden Globe   2021-03-02 10:20

【新闻】史上最年轻“女魔头”!90后华裔女孩成Vogue中国版新主编  Margaret Zhang named Vogue China editor-in-chief   2021-03-01 13:49
  As a 27-year-old Chinese Australian fashion influencer, Margaret Zhang is the youngest person to land an editor-in-chief role at the magazine and replaces Vogue China founding editor-in-chief Angelica Cheung, who had led the title for 16 years.27岁的澳大利亚华裔时尚博主章凝成为Vogue中国版新主编,接替任此岗位长达16年的前主编张宇,成为Vogue史上最年轻的编辑总监。
  Margaret Zhang是澳大利亚华裔,时尚圈的斜杠少女。她曾经做过倩碧全球代言人,掌镜拍摄过施华洛世奇广告大片,摄影师/设计师/作家/时尚顾问/制片人/创意总监都是她的标签。

【新闻】这些博物馆太酷了!月亮下凡、人脸石头......脑洞让人直呼过瘾  People Were So Amazed By These Museum Exhibits, They Shared These Pics Online   2021-03-01 10:08
  There's a replica of the moon in the Natural History Museum.

【教育】5个贴士:让你享受英语学习     2021-02-28 08:00
  1. Read

【新闻】法国或将禁用中性词汇以保护法语  France could ban 'confusing' gender neutral words that 'endanger the   2021-02-26 13:10
  France could ban 'confusing' gender inclusive words under a new law proposed by 60 MPs.

【新闻】大熊猫真的是其他野生动物的“保护伞”吗?  For Shielding Endangered Neighbors, Pandas Make Flimsy Umbrellas   2021-02-26 11:09
  Like many undergraduate biology students, Fang Wang was taught that pandas are a prime example of an umbrella species — a charismatic, well-known and usually endangered animal whose protection benefits an entire ecosystem and all the wildlife that lives there.

【文化】2021年即将上映的漫威电影  All the Marvel films coming in 2021   2021-02-25 17:00
  "Black Widow” (May 7)

【新闻】特殊的告别:Daft Punk发布8分钟视频宣告解散  Daft Punk announces retirement in new video   2021-02-24 14:41
  Daft Punk, one of the most influential and popular groups to emerge in the past 30 years, have announced their retirement via a video titled "Epilogue" posted Monday morning.

【新闻】你还在用“笑cry”表情包吗?00后表示很嫌弃……     2021-02-24 10:06
  "Face with Tears of Joy," the official name for the laughing crying emoji, is currently the most-used emoji.“笑哭”表情包的官方名称是“喜极而泣”,是当下最流行的表情包。

【健康】研究发现喝咖啡可能降低心力衰竭风险  Coffee Drinking Tied to Lower Risk of Heart Failure   2021-02-24 04:25
  A large analysis looked at hundreds of factors that may influence the risk of heart failure and found one dietary factor in particular that was associated with a lower risk: drinking coffee.

【新闻】用步枪和钢丝钳断网:缅甸积极建设数字防火墙  A Digital Firewall in Myanmar, Built with Guns and Wire Cutters   2021-02-24 04:15
  The Myanmar soldiers descended before dawn on Feb. 1, bearing rifles and wire cutters. At gunpoint, they ordered technicians at telecom operators to switch off the internet. For good measure, the soldiers snipped wires without knowing what they were severing, according to an eyewitness and a person briefed on the events.

【新闻】七个问题,快速了解“天问一号”的火星之旅  China’s Mars Mission Is Up Next to Orbit the Red Planet   2021-02-24 03:26
  China has landed on the moon three times, and even managed to bring one of its robotic lunar explorers back to Earth. Can it now pull off the challenge of landing on Mars?

【商业】新冠疫苗研发背后的中美“战略猴子储备”竞赛  Future Vaccines Depend on Test Subjects in Short Supply: Monkeys   2021-02-24 01:08
  Mark Lewis was desperate to find monkeys. Millions of human lives, all over the world, were at stake.
  马克·刘易斯(Mark Lewis)急着寻找猴子。这关系到全世界数百万人的生命。

【新闻】自杀率时隔11年再次上升 日本任命首位“孤独大臣”  Japan has appointed a 'Minister of Loneliness' after seeing suicide rate   2021-02-23 14:43
  Japan has appointed a "Minister of Loneliness" to take try and reduce loneliness and social isolation among its residents as the country deals with rising suicide rates, Japan Times reported.

【新闻】总是忍不住刷朋友圈,你可能得了FOMO  It's your life you are missing out   2021-02-23 10:02
  Fear of missing out or FOMO is "a pervasive apprehension that others might be having rewarding experiences from which one is absent". This social angst is characterized by "a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing".FOMO一词来源于英文短语Fear of missing out. “害怕错过”(常缩写为FOMO)指的是担心自己缺席时,其他人会获得有益体验的一种普遍的忧虑情绪。这种社交焦虑的特点是“希望一直知晓其他人在做什么”。
  FOMO is also defined as a fear of regret, which may lead to a compulsive concern that one might miss an opportunity for social interaction, a novel experience, profitable investment or other satisfying events.“害怕错过”还可以定义为一种遗憾,这有可能导致一种强迫性的关心,比如担心自己可能错失了一次社交机会,一种新奇体验,一项有利可图的投资,或者其他让人满意的事情。

【新闻】疫情中走红的纽约唐人街烧饼店  How a Queens Shaobing Stall Survives a Pandemic   2021-02-23 05:25
  As several restaurants in Flushing, Queens, one of the largest Chinatowns in New York City, shut down amid the pandemic, Yukun Shaobing quietly opened inside a nondescript mini-mall last September — a seemingly inauspicious start.

【新闻】福奇:美国人可能到了2022年仍需戴口罩  Fauci: 'Possible' Americans will be wearing masks in 2022 to protect aga   2021-02-22 14:54
  Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that it's "possible" Americans will still need to wear masks in 2022 to protect against the coronavirus, even as the US may reach "a significant degree of normality" by the end of this year.

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