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【科技】研究:不爱运动的人更容易失眠  Study finds couch potatoes more likely to suffer insomnia   2021-03-19 13:12
【新闻】《飞天小女警》也要拍真人版?网友:没有小圆手就给差评  Chloe Bennet to Star in CW’s Live-Action ‘Powerpuff Girls’   2021-03-19 10:40
【新闻】亚裔女性,种族主义和性别歧视的双重受害者  How Racism and Sexism Intertwine to Torment Asian-American Women   2021-03-19 09:11
【新闻】欧盟拟发放数字通行证 接种疫苗者可自由出行  Covid: EU unveils 'digital green certificate' to allow citizens to trave   2021-03-18 14:41
【经济】西班牙计划试行每周4天工作制 工资不变!  Spain will experiment with four-day workweek, a first for Europe   2021-03-17 14:56
【经济】《阿凡达》国内重映票房破亿 再登全球票房冠军宝座  Avatar reclaims title as highest-grossing film   2021-03-16 14:05
【健康】第三轮疫情来袭 欧洲多国被迫重启封锁令  Third Covid wave sweeps across EU and forces new restrictions   2021-03-15 10:48
【新闻】太在乎就不酷了?抖森分享莎翁名句:不辞辛劳,尽善尽美     2021-03-14 08:00
【文化】Hello Kitty真人电影导演已选定,这次也会是毁童年系列吗?  New Line finds directors for Hello Kitty movie   2021-03-13 09:00
【新闻】国际奥委会将购买中国疫苗 供东京奥运会和北京冬奥会使用  IOC to buy vaccines from China for Tokyo, Beijing Olympic competitors   2021-03-12 14:50
【科技】中国人为什么迷恋伊隆·马斯克?  China’s Jaded Techies Find a Hero in Elon Musk   2021-03-12 02:12
【新闻】中俄将合建月球科研站,开启太空竞争新时代  China and Russia Agree to Explore the Moon Together   2021-03-11 10:34
【新闻】疫情中香港人涌向户外,城市“绿洲”不堪负荷  In Hong Kong, Foreign Tourists Are Replaced by a Local Variety   2021-03-10 03:22
【新闻】中国对部分海外旅客进行肛拭子检测,引发外国政府抗议  China subjects some travelers to anal swabs, angering foreign governments.   2021-03-08 10:50
【新闻】微软遭入侵凸显拜登政府的中俄黑客难题  Preparing for Cyberstrike on Russia, U.S. Confronts Hacking by China   2021-03-08 05:49
【新闻】被中文“逼疯”,外国人眼里的汉字竟然是这样的……     2021-03-06 13:44
【健康】部分科学家联署,质疑WHO武汉溯源调查  Some Scientists Question W.H.O. Inquiry Into the Coronavirus Pandemic’s Origin   2021-03-05 04:16
【体育】日媒报道:东京奥运会“有可能”不接待国外观众  Tokyo Olympics will be closed to fans from abroad, hints Games organiser   2021-03-04 13:13
【健康】你还涂口红吗?调查:疫情影响口红色号,亮红色受冷落     2021-03-04 11:30
【新闻】想当纽约市长?馄饨和鸡翅都很重要  Want to Be Mayor of New York? Better Know Your Wings and Dumplings   2021-03-04 03:53

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