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【科技】研究:不爱运动的人更容易失眠  Study finds couch potatoes more likely to suffer insomnia   2021-03-19 13:12
  While one in five people in China have symptoms of a sleep disorder, only one in 10 who exercise regularly report problems sleeping, according to a study released on Thursday by the Chinese Sleep Research Society.

【新闻】《飞天小女警》也要拍真人版?网友:没有小圆手就给差评  Chloe Bennet to Star in CW’s Live-Action ‘Powerpuff Girls’   2021-03-19 10:40

【新闻】亚裔女性,种族主义和性别歧视的双重受害者  How Racism and Sexism Intertwine to Torment Asian-American Women   2021-03-19 09:11
  After eight people, six of them Asian women, were fatally shot this week in a rampage near Atlanta, a law enforcement official said that in the gunman’s own words, his actions were “not racially motivated,” but caused by “sexual addiction.”

【新闻】欧盟拟发放数字通行证 接种疫苗者可自由出行  Covid: EU unveils 'digital green certificate' to allow citizens to trave   2021-03-18 14:41
  The European commission has unveiled a “digital green certificate” that could allow EU citizens who have been vaccinated, tested negative or recovered from Covid-19 to travel more freely within the bloc this summer.

【经济】西班牙计划试行每周4天工作制 工资不变!  Spain will experiment with four-day workweek, a first for Europe   2021-03-17 14:56
  For years, advocates for a four-day workweek have argued that a compressed schedule could lead to more productivity and a better work-life balance — a perspective that has gained credence in some countries amid the coronavirus pandemic, which has wrought drastic changes to the way people work.

【经济】《阿凡达》国内重映票房破亿 再登全球票房冠军宝座  Avatar reclaims title as highest-grossing film   2021-03-16 14:05
  Blockbuster movie Avatar has retaken the highest-grossing film of all time spot thanks to its re-release in China.

【健康】第三轮疫情来袭 欧洲多国被迫重启封锁令  Third Covid wave sweeps across EU and forces new restrictions   2021-03-15 10:48
  A third wave of the Covid pandemic is now advancing swiftly across much of Europe. As a result, many nations – bogged down by sluggish vaccination campaigns – are witnessing sharp rises in infection rates and numbers of cases.

【新闻】太在乎就不酷了?抖森分享莎翁名句:不辞辛劳,尽善尽美     2021-03-14 08:00
  I think it’s a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is four words “take pains, be perfect”. I think it’s his way of saying, don’t be afraid of caring.

【文化】Hello Kitty真人电影导演已选定,这次也会是毁童年系列吗?  New Line finds directors for Hello Kitty movie   2021-03-13 09:00
  Plot details surrounding the trendsetting Japanese pop icon are under wraps, but the intention is for it to be catnip for the global consumer audience. 电影主要是围绕这个引领潮流的日本流行形象展开,剧情的具体细节还处于保密状态,想以此吸引全球的观众。
  Coyle and Matsuda bring years of animation experience to the project and have worked on numerous animated films and TV shows, but this is their first collaboration as they beat out many other directors for the job.科伊尔和松田把多年从事动画工作的经验带到该影片的制作中,他们曾参与过许多动画电影和电视节目的制作,但这是他们在击败了多位导演后的首次合作。

【新闻】国际奥委会将购买中国疫苗 供东京奥运会和北京冬奥会使用  IOC to buy vaccines from China for Tokyo, Beijing Olympic competitors   2021-03-12 14:50
  Competitors at this year's Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 Beijing Winter Games will be offered coronavirus vaccines bought from China, Olympic chief Thomas Bach announced Thursday.

【科技】中国人为什么迷恋伊隆·马斯克?  China’s Jaded Techies Find a Hero in Elon Musk   2021-03-12 02:12
  China is having its techlash moment.

【新闻】中俄将合建月球科研站,开启太空竞争新时代  China and Russia Agree to Explore the Moon Together   2021-03-11 10:34
  China and Russia have agreed to jointly build a research station on or around the moon, setting the stage for a new space race.

【新闻】疫情中香港人涌向户外,城市“绿洲”不堪负荷  In Hong Kong, Foreign Tourists Are Replaced by a Local Variety   2021-03-10 03:22
  HONG KONG — Of all the problems created by the pandemic, Sisi Wong did not expect that finding parking would be one of them.
  香港——病毒大流行带来了种种问题,但茜茜·黄(Sisi Wong)没想到找停车位都会受影响。

【新闻】中国对部分海外旅客进行肛拭子检测,引发外国政府抗议  China subjects some travelers to anal swabs, angering foreign governments.   2021-03-08 10:50
  China is requiring some travelers arriving from overseas to receive an invasive anal swab test as part of its coronavirus containment measures, a move that has outraged and shocked several foreign governments.

【新闻】微软遭入侵凸显拜登政府的中俄黑客难题  Preparing for Cyberstrike on Russia, U.S. Confronts Hacking by China   2021-03-08 05:49
  WASHINGTON — Just as it plans to begin retaliating against Russia for the large-scale hacking of American government agencies and corporations discovered late last year, the Biden administration faces a new cyberattack that raises the question of whether it will have to strike back at another major adversary: China.

【新闻】被中文“逼疯”,外国人眼里的汉字竟然是这样的……     2021-03-06 13:44
  You want to be fluent in Chinese? You are going to memorize about 44,000 subtly different drawings of sheds.

【健康】部分科学家联署,质疑WHO武汉溯源调查  Some Scientists Question W.H.O. Inquiry Into the Coronavirus Pandemic’s Origin   2021-03-05 04:16
  A small group of scientists and others who believe the novel coronavirus that spawned the pandemic could have originated from a lab leak or accident is calling for an inquiry independent of the World Health Organization’s team of independent experts sent to China last month.

【体育】日媒报道:东京奥运会“有可能”不接待国外观众  Tokyo Olympics will be closed to fans from abroad, hints Games organiser   2021-03-04 13:13
  The new president of the Tokyo Olympic organising committee has hinted that foreign fans will not be allowed at this summer’s Games amid reports in the Japanese press that a decision had already been made to exclude them.

【健康】你还涂口红吗?调查:疫情影响口红色号,亮红色受冷落     2021-03-04 11:30
  In recent months, face masks have been hard to find in Japanese stores, but there’s one product that is not selling well: lipstick.最近几个月,日本商店里很难找到口罩,但有一种产品不畅销:口红。

【新闻】想当纽约市长?馄饨和鸡翅都很重要  Want to Be Mayor of New York? Better Know Your Wings and Dumplings   2021-03-04 03:53
  Among all the things that help shape a New York City mayor’s image, it’s not always the most consequential topics that tend to stick — especially on matters that concern food.

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