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【新闻】货轮搁浅6天终于脱困 苏伊士运河恢复通航  Suez Canal reopens after Ever Given cargo ship successfully refloated   2021-03-30 15:41
  Salvage teams succeeded on Monday in freeing a massive container ship that had been stuck in the Suez canal for the past seven days, blocking billions of dollars’ worth of cargo from crossing one of the world’s busiest marine waterways.

【新闻】墨西哥推出鼻罩,网友:自欺欺人,你开心就好...  Researchers create nose-only COVID-19 masks to wear while eating   2021-03-30 11:16
  Researchers in Mexico have sniffed out a new COVID-19 mask designed for people to wear only over their noses while they eat.墨西哥研究人员发明了一种预防新冠的新型面罩,这种戴在鼻子上的面罩专为用餐中的人设计。
  The nose masks — worn under a full mask with similar behind-the-ears straps — were unveiled in a demonstration video where a man and woman sit down for lunch, according to Reuters.据路透社报道,在一段演示视频中,一男一女坐下用餐时,亮出了戴在口罩之下、绳带挂在耳后的鼻罩。

【文化】威廉王子获评“世界最性感光头男人”  Prince William was named 'world's sexiest bald man'   2021-03-29 12:02
  On Saturday, the UK publication The Sun published a story claiming that Prince William is the "world's sexiest bald man" based on a survey conducted by Longevita, a cosmetics surgery company that provides hair transplants.

【商业】美国对华技术出口限制是否该更强硬?华盛顿争论不休  The Agency at the Center of America’s Tech Fight With China   2021-03-29 10:26
  WASHINGTON — As tensions between the United States and China escalate, a little-known federal agency is at the center of a debate in the Biden administration about how tough an approach to take when it comes to protecting American technology.

【新闻】Quora精选:我妈嫌我丑,我该怎么办?  What should I do with my life if I'm ugly?   2021-03-28 08:00
  I'd rather have a beautiful heart than a beautiful face. I’m really sorry you feel ugly but you have to realise everyone is beautiful in their own ways. Ignorant people won't look beyond your face and they are not worth your time. Intelligent people will see you for who you are. Your traits, hobbies and opinions. So focus on those aspects of life, make sure you get good at them.

【新闻】网友分享:那些小时候喜欢但长大后却想远离的东西  People name the things they loved as children, but currently hate   2021-03-26 14:03
  Enjoying things? Ha! That’s for kids.

【健康】垃圾食品比酒精、烟草和毒品更易上瘾?  This Is Your Brain on Junk Food   2021-03-26 05:07
  In a legal proceeding two decades ago, Michael Szymanczyk, the chief executive of the tobacco giant Philip Morris, was asked to define addiction. “My definition of addiction is a repetitive behavior that some people find difficult to quit,” he responded.
  在二十年前的一场诉讼中,烟草巨头菲利普·莫里斯(Philip Morris)的首席执行官迈克尔·希曼奇克(Michael Szymanczyk)被问如何定义成瘾。他回答说:“我将成瘾定义为一种有些人觉得很难戒掉的重复行为。”

【新闻】研究:推特反亚裔情绪高涨缘于特朗普的“中国病毒”言论  Trump's first tweet about a 'Chinese virus' caused an increase of an   2021-03-25 14:14
  Then-President Donald Trump's first tweet about a "Chinese virus" triggered a rise in anti-Asian hashtags on Twitter, a study has found.

【新闻】香港暂停接种复必泰新冠疫苗,发现包装瑕疵  Hong Kong Halts Use of Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Over Packaging Defects   2021-03-25 12:07
  Hong Kong on Wednesday suspended use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine after packaging defects ranging from cracked containers to loose caps were discovered in one batch of doses, in a major blow to a city already struggling in its campaign to inoculate its seven million residents against Covid-19.

【经济】H&M碰瓷新疆棉花惹众怒!网友抵制,多家电商平台下架H&M商品  E-commerce sites pull H&M products after company's Xinjiang statement   2021-03-25 11:10
  Chinese netizens call for fashion retailer H&M "get out of Chinese market" after it came to light that the company said it has prohibited any type of "forced labor" in its supply chain in Xinjiang, citing so called human right concerns.中国网友呼吁时尚零售商H&M“退出中国市场”,此前该公司以所谓的人权问题为由,表示在新疆的供应链中禁止任何形式的“强迫劳动”。

【新闻】普京总统写真的艺术  The Art of the Vladimir Putin Photo Shoot   2021-03-25 10:08
  There are photo shoots, there are presidential photo shoots — and then there are Vladimir Putin presidential photo shoots. Rarely has the leader of a global power embraced the staged publicity still with such creative, yet clichéd, fervor, not just feeding the global desire for a caricature of himself, but actually creating it.
  有人拍写真,有人拍总统写真——还有一种叫做弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)的总统写真。极少有全球大国的领导人依旧对摆拍宣传有极大的创作热忱——虽然创意老套。不仅投喂全球人民的好奇心,还要去激发这种好奇。

【经济】班克西致敬医护工作者画作刷新个人拍卖纪录  A Banksy painting celebrating nurses as superheroes sells for a record-breaking    2021-03-24 15:45
  A painting by the artist Banksy honoring UK healthcare workers has set a new record for the artist, selling for £16.75 million at Christie's in London.

【商业】肛拭子、隔离和中国疫苗:为何外国人入境中国如此困难  Think Covid’s Messed Up Your Travel Plans? Try Getting Into China.   2021-03-24 12:15
  Leave your partner and children behind. Quarantine for up to a month. Get inoculated with a Covid-19 vaccine from China, if you can find one. And prepare yourself for an anal swab.

【新闻】美国春假“叛逆学生”挤爆海滩:来这是因为我妈不让  College students celebrating spring break despite pandemic   2021-03-24 10:31
  College students are continuing to flock to beaches to celebrate spring break despite the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic.尽管新冠肺炎疫情仍在持续,大学生们却纷纷涌向海滩庆祝春假。
  Although universities around the country either scaled back the traditional holiday week or canceled it altogether, the Sunshine State saw an influx of traveling students. 美国各地大学或缩短了传统的假日周,或干脆取消春假,但佛罗里达州还是出现了大批来度假的学生。

【新闻】全球最幸福国家 中国跻身前20名  This country has just been named the happiest in the world   2021-03-23 14:30
  To say the past year has been a difficult one for people across the globe is something of an understatement.

【新闻】Quora精选:高效的人士都有哪些好习惯?  What Are the Best Daily Routines of Highly Productive People?   2021-03-23 10:32
  Plan for the next day before bed.

【新闻】改变你的生活方式 就能轻松节水!  7 proven ways to save water at home   2021-03-22 15:07
  1. Fix minor leaks around your home.

【文化】31省份婚姻大数据:广东结婚人数全国第一  Marriage numbers fall 12.2% amid pandemic   2021-03-22 11:05
  The number of couples who tied the knot last year declined 12.2 percent year-on-year to 8.13 million amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to figures released by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.民政部公布的数据显示,在遭遇疫情的过去的一年里,我国结婚登记数为813万对,同比下降12.2%。
  The benchmark fell to its lowest level since it embarked on a downward spiral in 2013, the figures showed.该数据自2013年持续下降,为近年来最低水平。

【文化】Quora精选:世界上最难做的美食是什么     2021-03-21 08:00
  获得91.9k的好评的回答@Dan Knight:

【新闻】宋仲基在韩剧里吃中国“自嗨锅”?韩国网友先炸锅了!  Chinese Zihaiguo in 'Vincenzo' stirs up Korean viewers   2021-03-20 09:00
  In last Sunday's episode, a scene showed the two lead characters - Vincenzo (Song Joong-ki) and Hong Cha-young (Jeon Yeo-been) ― having instant bibimbap cups together. But as the camera zoomed in on the cups, the brand of its Chinese sponsor, Zihaiguo, an unfamiliar name to most Koreans became visible.3月14日播放的剧集中出现了两位主演文森佐(宋仲基饰)和洪车英(全汝彬饰)一起吃即食拌饭的场景。但当镜头拉近对准餐盒时,中国赞助商“自嗨锅”的品牌名清晰可见,大多数韩国观众对这一品牌并不熟悉。

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