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【文化】可卡因、酒精和乌克兰:亨特·拜登回忆录直面争议  Hunter Biden’s Memoir: 7 Takeaways From ‘Beautiful Things’   2021-04-08 10:59
  Hunter Biden doesn’t beat around the bush in his new memoir, “Beautiful Things,” which comes out on April 6.

  在4月6日出版的新回忆录《美好事物》(Beautiful Things)中,亨特·拜登(Hunter Biden)没有转弯抹角。

【新闻】困扰2.5亿中国人的竟然是花……阿嚏!过敏性鼻炎这份tips请收好  Spring is bursting out all over … achoo!   2021-04-08 10:57
  Every spring, when the pollen concentration rises, the nose and throat departments of hospitals will be packed. Incidence of the allergic diseases has been growing in China in recent years. Incidence of allergic rhinitis, which used to be widespread in some developed Western countries only, also began to prevail in China. 每年春天,花粉浓度上升时,医院的鼻咽喉科就会挤满了人。近年来,我国过敏性疾病的发病率呈上升趋势。过敏性鼻炎以前只在一些西方发达国家普遍流行,现在其发病率在我国也开始升高。

【经济】职场宝典:如何快速适应新工作?  12 do’s and don’ts for starting a new job   2021-04-07 15:05
  1. Get the facts. 

【新闻】中国如何推动疫苗接种?从买一赠一冰淇淋开始  How Will China Vaccinate 560 Million People? Start With Free Ice Cream.   2021-04-07 12:19
  In Beijing, the vaccinated qualify for buy-one-get-one-free ice cream cones. In northern Gansu Province, a county government published a 20-stanza poem extolling the virtues of the jab. In the southern town of Wancheng, officials warned parents that if they refused to get vaccinated, their children’s schooling and future employment and housing were all at risk.

【新闻】暴涨31倍!国产鞋遭鞋贩子热炒,网友不干了……  Chinese scalpers shift focus to domestic sneakers   2021-04-07 10:25
  As the stances of some global sportswear brands - including Nike and Adidas - toward cotton grown in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region have caused a backlash, the money and scalpers behind special edition shoes designed by these companies are shifting to domestic brands such as Li-Ning and Anta to avoid risks, the Global Times learned.据《环球时报》报道,随着耐克、阿迪达斯等跨国运动品牌对新疆棉的立场引发众怒,资本和炒鞋客们都盯上了李宁、安踏这样的国货品牌以规避风险。
  scalpers 黄牛党

【商业】无法摆脱的新疆棉:西方与中国之间,国际品牌选哪边  Global Brands Find It Hard to Untangle Themselves From Xinjiang Cotton   2021-04-07 07:55
  Faced with accusations that it was profiting from the forced labor of Uyghur people in the Chinese territory of Xinjiang, the H&M Group — the world’s second-largest clothing retailer — promised last year to stop buying cotton from the region.

【新闻】日本迎1200年来最早樱花季 或预示严重生态危机  Japan just recorded its earliest cherry blossom bloom in 1,200 years   2021-04-06 15:18
  Think of Japan in the spring, and the image that comes to mind is likely the country's famous cherry blossoms, also known as "sakura" -- white and pink flowers, bursting across cities and mountains, petals covering the ground.

【新闻】史诗级震撼场面!埃及直播法老木乃伊“搬家”,感受古老文明的冲击  Ancient mummies paraded through Egypt   2021-04-06 10:09
  Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country's ancient rulers through the capital, Cairo.埃及人见证了一场载入史册的盛况,目睹了古埃及统治者们在首都开罗的游行。
  The lavish, multimillion-dollar spectacle saw 22 mummies - 18 kings and four queens - transported from the peach-colored, neo-classical Egyptian Museum to their new resting place 5 km away.在这场豪掷数百万美元的奢华仪式中,22具木乃伊,包括18名男法老、4名女王,从那座桃红色外墙的新古典主义的埃及国家博物馆被转移至5公里外的新安息地。

【新闻】著名汉学家施舟人逝世,享年86岁  Kristofer Schipper, Influential China Scholar, Dies at 86   2021-04-06 05:24
  Early in the afternoon on Thursday, in the southern Chinese city of Suzhou, more than 50 people gathered in a Taoist temple for a 10-hour ceremony to bid farewell to one of the most influential China scholars of recent times.

【新闻】Quora精选:有什么行之有效的学习习惯?  Study Smarter Not Harder: Tips for Effective Studying   2021-04-05 09:00
  Space out your studying efforts.

【健康】Quora精选:有哪些水果对健康有益?     2021-04-03 08:00
  获得2.1k好评的回答@Kashif Jabbar:

【文化】四月最值得一看的4部电影  Four films to watch in April   2021-04-02 16:05
  In the near future, 30 young men and women are sent into space to populate a recently discovered planet. Onboard their spacecraft, they're dosed with drugs to keep their emotions in check, but, of course, something goes wrong. According to Variety, the "crew descends into chaos, reverting to a primitive, tribal state, giving in to their most feral and animal desires". This sci-fi version of Lord of the Flies stars Lily-Rose Depp and Tye Sheridan as two of the colonists, alongside Colin Farrell as the vessel's unfortunate captain.

【健康】使用生长激素帮孩子长高?你应该更慎重  Weighing the Use of Growth Hormones for Children   2021-04-02 10:22
  An 8-year-old boy I know is small for his age, shorter and slighter than his friends, even smaller than his 5-year-old sister. Concerned about the increasing use and possible risks of growth hormone, I asked his mother if she’d considered treating him with it. She replied, “Not really. He’s built like his father, who was short and slight as a boy and didn’t shoot up until college.”

【教育】清明小长假去哪里?推荐10个风景美如画的地方  10 best places to visit in spring   2021-04-02 09:00
  Qingming Festival, which falls on April 4 this year, is also known as the Tomb-Sweeping Day.
  今年的4月4日是清明节,英语也称为Tomb-Sweeping Day。

【科技】研究:运动前喝杯咖啡可以加速脂肪燃烧  Drinking coffee before exercise can do something pretty awesome to your body   2021-04-01 15:17
  If you're looking to maximize the amount of fat burned in your next workout, think about having a coffee half an hour before you get started – as a new study suggests it can make a significant difference to fat burning, especially later on in the day.

【新闻】你是真胖还是假胖?4个超简单的方法,看看你是不是真的要减肥  4 Ways to Tell Whether You're Fat   2021-04-01 11:25
  Just input your height and weight into one of many Web calculators or charts, and you'll get back a number that pegs you as underweight, healthy, overweight, obese, or extremely obese.

【健康】世卫组织溯源报告:新冠病毒“极不可能”通过实验室事件传人  WHO: Animal-to-human virus transmission most likely   2021-03-31 11:22
  The virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic is "extremely unlikely" to have originated in a lab, but most likely jumped from an animal to humans, according to a World Health Organization report released on Tuesday by a joint international and Chinese team probing the virus' origins.

【新闻】在猪肉店起舞的9岁芭蕾女孩,背后的故事太好哭了  Welfare program helps girl realize dancing dream   2021-03-31 11:05

【新闻】关于世卫新冠溯源调查报告,我们知道些什么  W.H.O. Inquiry on the Pandemic’s Origin: What We Know   2021-03-31 10:50
  More than a year after the coronavirus pandemic began, the World Health Organization released a report on Tuesday laying out theories on how the virus first spread to humans — but it is already raising more questions than answers, including from the health body’s own leader.

【新闻】面对袭击和仇恨,第二代亚裔移民如何保护年迈的父母  In a Role Reversal, Asian-Americans Aim to Protect Their Parents From Hate   2021-03-31 02:20
  Earlier in the pandemic, Ellen Lee offered to bring her parents groceries, to protect them from catching the coronavirus while shopping. They refused. Now when she asks, it’s because she’s worried they might get assaulted when they’re out running errands.
  在大流行初期,艾伦·李(Ellen Lee)提出由她来帮父母买菜,以免他们在购物时感染新冠病毒。他们拒绝了。她现在重提此事,是因为她担心他们在外出办事时可能会遭到袭击。

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