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【新闻】“脱粉”和“圈粉”用英文怎么说?     2021-04-18 08:00
【新闻】发型不够潮?试试在头发上印花  Why dye your hair when you can have it printed?   2021-04-16 15:23
【商业】中国一季度GDP增18.3%,消费者仍捂紧钱包  China’s Economy Is Booming. Shoppers Are Skittish Anyway.   2021-04-16 03:25
【新闻】小孩经典语录集锦:比大人更通透  Epic quotes from little kids and they’re wholesome and hilarious   2021-04-15 13:33
【新闻】DC推出新英雄“猴王子”,其形象以美猴王为灵感  DC Festival of Heroes Introduces Monkey Prince   2021-04-15 11:22
【商业】史上最大庞氏骗局主谋麦道夫逝世  Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82   2021-04-15 03:29
【新闻】《老友记》剧组17年后重聚节目开拍 六位主角回归  The Friends reunion has been filmed in Los Angeles: Here's what we know   2021-04-14 15:17
【新闻】三千年前的古埃及城市重见天日 房间留存各类生活用具  Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old Egyptian city   2021-04-13 15:19
【商业】NBA恐难逃新疆棉争议:球员如何处理中国品牌代言  China’s Forced-Labor Backlash Threatens to Put N.B.A. in Unwanted Spotlight   2021-04-13 12:42
【新闻】“21部动画片含1465处易被模仿危险点”上热搜!网友不淡定了……  1,465 examples of behavior that could be harmful to children discovered in 21 ca   2021-04-13 10:32
【文化】奥运会还应该继续存在吗?  It’s Time to Rethink the Olympics   2021-04-13 03:07
【经济】“钢铁侠”的战甲或许真能走进我们的生活  The 'Iron Man' body armour many of us may soon be wearing   2021-04-12 15:32
【新闻】打上马赛克的运动鞋:西方品牌因新疆棉遭中国综艺审查  Chinese Shows Blur Western Brands Over Xinjiang Dispute   2021-04-12 02:47
【文化】周末影院:看过之后想去春游的电影  Movies that make you want to go for a spring outing   2021-04-11 08:00
【新闻】“权游”前传已经在路上了,具体讲了这么个故事……  ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in the Works at HBO   2021-04-10 09:00
【新闻】意大利小哥和陌生邻居隔墙合奏,网友:看到最后真的哭了……  Pianist Plays Duets With Mystery Neighbor   2021-04-09 11:14
【文化】重拍版美剧《功夫》:更贴近李小龙心意的功夫片?  ‘Kung Fu’ Rights the Wrongs of Its Ancestor   2021-04-09 05:57
【健康】食道癌患者迎来治疗新方案,可使无病生存时间翻倍  A ‘Game Changer’ for Patients With Esophageal Cancer   2021-04-09 03:36
【科技】干旱危机中的台湾:保芯片厂供水,停农田灌溉  Drought in Taiwan Pits Chip Makers Against Farmers   2021-04-09 02:41
【新闻】《权力的游戏》开播10周年 HBO开启“铁王座庆典”  'Game of Thrones’ 10th-anniversary celebration to launch on HBO Max   2021-04-08 15:38

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