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【新闻】“脱粉”和“圈粉”用英文怎么说?     2021-04-18 08:00
  在社交网络上,脱粉“取关”就是 "unfollow"。

【新闻】发型不够潮?试试在头发上印花  Why dye your hair when you can have it printed?   2021-04-16 15:23
  Barcelona-based stylist and hairdresser Alexis Ferrer has spent years developing a technique that allows him to digitally print colorful design onto human hair.

【商业】中国一季度GDP增18.3%,消费者仍捂紧钱包  China’s Economy Is Booming. Shoppers Are Skittish Anyway.   2021-04-16 03:25
  Factories are whirring, new apartments are being snapped up, and more jobs are up for grabs. When China releases its new economic figures on Friday, they showed a remarkable postpandemic surge.

【新闻】小孩经典语录集锦:比大人更通透  Epic quotes from little kids and they’re wholesome and hilarious   2021-04-15 13:33

【新闻】DC推出新英雄“猴王子”,其形象以美猴王为灵感  DC Festival of Heroes Introduces Monkey Prince   2021-04-15 11:22
  To celebrate Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, DC will debut an all-new hero within its commemorative anthology comic DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration. The new anthology hits comic book stores and digital platforms on May 11, and with its release comes the first appearance of Monkey Prince.为了庆祝美国亚裔和太平洋诸岛后裔传统月,DC漫画公司将在其纪念刊《DC英雄节:亚洲超级英雄庆典》中推出全新英雄。这部新作将于5月11日在漫画书店和数字平台上架,届时猴王子将首次亮相。

【商业】史上最大庞氏骗局主谋麦道夫逝世  Bernard Madoff, Architect of Largest Ponzi Scheme in History, Is Dead at 82   2021-04-15 03:29
  Bernard L. Madoff, the one-time senior statesman of Wall Street who in 2008 became the human face of an era of financial misdeeds and missteps for running the largest and possibly most devastating Ponzi scheme in financial history, died Wednesday at the Federal Medical Center in Butner, North Carolina. He was 82.
  周三,伯纳德·L·麦道夫(Bernard L. Madoff)在北卡罗来纳州巴特纳的联邦医疗中心(Federal Medical Center)逝世,享年82岁。这位曾经在华尔街极具威信的人物,因操纵了金融史上规模最大、可能也是最具破坏性的庞氏骗局,在2008年成为一个时代金融不法与失策的象征。

【新闻】《老友记》剧组17年后重聚节目开拍 六位主角回归  The Friends reunion has been filmed in Los Angeles: Here's what we know   2021-04-14 15:17
  It's almost 17 years since pop culture's six most-famous friends were together on a film set, but The One With The Reunion was finally shot last week.

【新闻】三千年前的古埃及城市重见天日 房间留存各类生活用具  Archaeologists discover 3,000-year-old Egyptian city   2021-04-13 15:19
  A group of archaeologists has found the largest ancient city ever discovered in Egypt, dating back 3,000 years.

【商业】NBA恐难逃新疆棉争议:球员如何处理中国品牌代言  China’s Forced-Labor Backlash Threatens to Put N.B.A. in Unwanted Spotlight   2021-04-13 12:42
  U.S.-Chinese tensions, human rights and business are once again meeting uncomfortably on the basketball court.

【新闻】“21部动画片含1465处易被模仿危险点”上热搜!网友不淡定了……  1,465 examples of behavior that could be harmful to children discovered in 21 ca   2021-04-13 10:32
  The Consumer Rights Protection Committee in East China’s Jiangsu province published a report on Wednesday that said it had discovered 1,465 examples of objectionable behavior that could be harmful to children in 21 Chinese and foreign cartoons broadcast in China.4月7日,江苏省消保委发布报告称,在中国播出的21部中外动画片中发现了1465处可能对儿童造成伤害的不良示范。
  According to the survey results, there are several main things that parents are unhappy about in cartoons: depictions of violent crime, dangerous behavior that is easily imitated, dark and negative content.调查结果显示,家长对动画片中的以下几点最为不满:对暴力犯罪的描写、易模仿的危险行为、暗黑负面内容。

【文化】奥运会还应该继续存在吗?  It’s Time to Rethink the Olympics   2021-04-13 03:07
  The time has come to press pause and reimagine the Olympics. It might even be time, I’ve come to believe, for the entire endeavor to close down for good.

【经济】“钢铁侠”的战甲或许真能走进我们的生活  The 'Iron Man' body armour many of us may soon be wearing   2021-04-12 15:32
  Imagine wearing high-tech body armour that makes you super strong and tireless. Such technology, more specifically called an exoskeleton, sounds like the preserve of the Iron Man series of superhero movies.

【新闻】打上马赛克的运动鞋:西方品牌因新疆棉遭中国综艺审查  Chinese Shows Blur Western Brands Over Xinjiang Dispute   2021-04-12 02:47
  HONG KONG — Viewers of some of China’s most popular online variety shows were recently greeted by a curious sight: a blur of pixels obscuring the brands on sneakers and T-shirts worn by contestants.

【文化】周末影院:看过之后想去春游的电影  Movies that make you want to go for a spring outing   2021-04-11 08:00

【新闻】“权游”前传已经在路上了,具体讲了这么个故事……  ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel ‘Tales of Dunk and Egg’ in the Works at HBO   2021-04-10 09:00
  A TV adaptation of George R. R. Martin's Tales of Dunk and Egg, a prequel to the events of Game of Thrones 'is in early development at HBO,' according to Variety. 据《Variety》报道,HBO正在制作一部由乔治·R·R·马丁的小说《邓肯与伊戈》改编的电视剧,该剧是《权力的游戏》的前传。
  Like his best-selling book series A Song of Ice and Fire, which was brought to screen by the cast of Game of Thrones from 2011 to 2019, the 72-year-old American novelist has reportedly struck another deal with the network. 2011年至2019年《权游》剧组将马丁的畅销书《冰与火之歌》搬上银幕,据报道,和《权游》一样,这位72岁的美国小说家与HBO又达成了另一笔交易。

【新闻】意大利小哥和陌生邻居隔墙合奏,网友:看到最后真的哭了……  Pianist Plays Duets With Mystery Neighbor   2021-04-09 11:14
  Back in Februray, Giorgio Lo Porto posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighbor — and their unbelievable piano talent! The post began a series of clips over the next month that showed the duo’s relationship playing out in the form of two pianos separated by one wall.今年二月,乔治在Tik Tok上发布了一段关于新邻居的视频,说Ta有着难以置信的钢琴天赋!接下来的一个月里,乔治在自己的账号上发布了一系列视频,展示了通过钢琴合奏,一墙之隔的两人结下了一段美好的友谊。

【文化】重拍版美剧《功夫》:更贴近李小龙心意的功夫片?  ‘Kung Fu’ Rights the Wrongs of Its Ancestor   2021-04-09 05:57
  Nearly 50 years after David Carradine rose to fame as an enigmatic, half-Chinese Shaolin monk in the Wild West, “Kung Fu” is returning to network television in a new iteration on the CW.
  将近50年前,以有一半华裔血统的神秘少林僧人形象出现在蛮荒西部的戴维·卡拉丹(David Carradine)一举成名,如今,CW将把一个新版《功夫》(Kung Fu)送上电视荧幕。

【健康】食道癌患者迎来治疗新方案,可使无病生存时间翻倍  A ‘Game Changer’ for Patients With Esophageal Cancer   2021-04-09 03:36
  For decades, esophageal cancer has defied scientific attempts to discover a therapy that extends patients’ survival, year after year claiming the lives of such illustrious people as Humphrey Bogart, Christopher Hitchens and Ann Richards, the former governor of Texas.
  几十年来,尽管科学界努力开发延长患者存活时间的治疗方法,食道癌依然年复一年地夺走亨弗莱·鲍嘉(Humphrey Bogart)、克里斯托弗·希金斯(Christopher Hitchens)和前得克萨斯州长安·理查兹(Ann Richards)等杰出人士的生命。

【科技】干旱危机中的台湾:保芯片厂供水,停农田灌溉  Drought in Taiwan Pits Chip Makers Against Farmers   2021-04-09 02:41
  HSINCHU, Taiwan — Chuang Cheng-deng’s modest rice farm is a stone’s throw from the nerve center of Taiwan’s computer chip industry, whose products power a huge share of the world’s iPhones and other gadgets.

【新闻】《权力的游戏》开播10周年 HBO开启“铁王座庆典”  'Game of Thrones’ 10th-anniversary celebration to launch on HBO Max   2021-04-08 15:38
  This month, HBO will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of Game of Thrones with the Iron Anniversary, which launched on Tuesday and will last through the end of April.

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